Barcelona - Hair-Raising " Shooting Machine " ===> Possession Football

I just tried this in a tough away Champions League tie, we won 4-0 and Neymar(my DLF) scored all 4. Lots of CCCs, dominated possession etc.

Will be using in further tough away games.

^^)Neymar is best DLF, 2nd. Aguero , Thanks for feedback ;)
p.s Im working on Final Version
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how so? iv never understood how it works anyway soo would be good to know:)

Its not flawed as such but one has to understand what a CCC actually is.

CCC = a chance where the players under the best of circumstances should be able to score ( rememeber that there is a GK as well). This means that even if the players is under pressure, feels under pressure, has the chance is at the end of a long run, is out of balance, has the ball on his weaker foot etc, it will still be counted as a CCC. Now, as you understand, a player under no pressure, in balance, with the ball on his best foot and without the "time wasting bar" set to normal rather than rarely will have a better chnaqce of putting the in to net than if all these variables are the opposite.

So sometimes, a half chance can be a much better one than a CCC. Think Messi here, I would say that about 80 % of his goals are scored from half chances. He manages to put them away as he is so composed, has the balance, does not feel under pressure etc.
Its not flawed as such but one has to understand what a CCC actually is.

CCC = a chance where the players under the best of circumstances should be able to score ( rememeber that there is a GK as well). This means that even if the players is under pressure, feels under pressure, has the chance is at the end of a long run, is out of balance, has the ball on his weaker foot etc, it will still be counted as a CCC. Now, as you understand, a player under no pressure, in balance, with the ball on his best foot and without the "time wasting bar" set to normal rather than rarely will have a better chnaqce of putting the in to net than if all these variables are the opposite.

So sometimes, a half chance can be a much better one than a CCC. Think Messi here, I would say that about 80 % of his goals are scored from half chances. He manages to put them away as he is so composed, has the balance, does not feel under pressure etc.

Same opposition instructions ?

I really dont know which is better to use or not to use , and if someone know which is more usful please tell us , With Swansea im not using Opposition Instructions
Fair enough i,ll leave them off,what about team talks i always leave them to my assistant unless its an important game