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Hey guys as promised :) and please keep in mind ive never started a thread properly before so it wont b perfect so go easy ;)

Basically ive started taking alot of interest in Bayern Munichs amazing style of play under Pep Guardiola. There Tiki Taka football is taking to a whole new level from what Barcelona play. They keep the ball pretty much the same way with the only differnce they are alot quicker and have an unreal change of pace when the opportunity comes to counter attack.

Bayern Munich play a 4-1-4-1 formation something like this

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Basically i have done the same but had to move the WR and WL up slightly more to get the most out of them as you can see below

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As the Wingbacks push forward the CB's move wider allowing the halfback to fill in as a 3rd CB. This allows the wingbacks to b alot more attacking minded and making it like a 6 man midfield when attacking.

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Unfortunately me being a complete idiot saved over the first test i was doing so had to start it again which is why i took abit longer and havent got as much matches played as the first save. I think it shows enough tho :) The friendly i lost i didnt have any players because they are nearly all away or something when it gets close to the start of the season.

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As you can see in the 2 tougher friendlies Roma and Juventus they only had 4 shots at me and 2 on target between them, I know its only friendlies but I think it was pretty sweet :p

The screenshots say it all so im not going to do a big write up on them but the possession is amazing and Ive beat top teams with good possession which i usually find hard to do especially against Chelsea for some reason.

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As i said up top i havent got much done due to being an idiot lol but its all promising as was my first save :)

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For training this is what i did although yous might no a better way of doing it this just worked for me

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After pre season i changed it to this

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This tactic has not been tested with another team other than Liverpool so i dont know what kind of teams would work with it sorry about that.

1 thing i would say is i dont have a clue what set pieces work with this match engine as ive tried a few and tbh didnt like any, most goals have came from the set pieces. Any advice would b appreciated on that bit.

I highly recommend letting the tactic get fully fluid and if you lose a few games or dont let it get fluid etc etc please dont complain the game doesnt work that way at all. As i said it might not b for all teams.

Hope this works as well for you guys as it has done for me :) Good luck

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Passing looks very impressive from them two screen shots. Keep up the good work.

Maybe putting the thread in the forum above, you won't get as many people asking for the link while it's still in development?
Passing looks very impressive from them two screen shots. Keep up the good work.

Maybe putting the thread in the forum above, you won't get as many people asking for the link while it's still in development?

Dam i didnt think of that mate but your right is there anyway of deleting this 1 and ill do that till its complete you know? Tactic is basically wot i want it at but id rather do some more testing before giving it out and it mayb not working for some etc.
Dam i didnt think of that mate but your right is there anyway of deleting this 1 and ill do that till its complete you know? Tactic is basically wot i want it at but id rather do some more testing before giving it out and it mayb not working for some etc.

PM a mod and ask them to move it?
Doesnt matter ill just edit it and let ppl know its going to b released just slightly more testing hopefully that will b ok for you guys.
Looks good mate can we have a screen of the tactic and ur starting xl?
Looks great! I take it from the team screenshot you are using pushed up wingbacks? Not really a fan of that formation, looks slightly odd does the 2-3-2-2-1, but your results and passing stats are amazing!
any chance you can upload the tactic and just put up its not complete would really love to give this a try with my liverpool team would love to see pogba, henderson, de bruyne, isco, sergi roberto and gerrard getting 100+ passes as im struggling
i can test this with Bayern for you now and provide SS if you don't mind
Looks very promising and by the posts on this thread a few testers are ready to help you :)

Good luck with the testing and look forward to seeing the finished article.
WHY do you always start a thread and not upload the tactic immediately? It is just f**king ridiculous. Do you like people licking your ****?
this thread is for shared tactic, if you don't want share this then go here... Football Manager 2014 Tactics...

Upload what you have at the moment;)

I'm playing 4141 in my two teams, and another propably undersitmated tactic BOMB ROCK BABY for third team.
Both are a good but every tactic can be better ;)
Two pages, without a pic of the formation. good work.. :)

but looks nice, best i;ve seen so far was EA, over at the dugout

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