Best way to revise

Ride The Walrus

A pretty cool guy.
Jan 1, 2010
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I like a lot of people on here, will be sitting their GCSE'S shortly, and i've tried to revise, but it's not working, all i'm doing is reading it, and i've got a History test on Tuesday.
From experience Reading does nothing.

Try making key notes or spider diagrams linking your ideas together
man i long for the days when exams were as easy as gcse's....
Dont, just wing it ;)

my never failing technique :)
I like a lot of people on here, will be sitting their GCSE'S shortly, and i've tried to revise, but it's not working, all i'm doing is reading it, and i've got a History test on Tuesday.

**** on the paper and you will get a good mark. :)

In all seriousness I would sit in peace and quiet making notes of the important things. Then maybe learn them and just expand.
Try to understand your notes, rather than memorising them. That means you will be able to explain everything even if you don't use the correct terms.
I find, i remember stuff when i write it down..
Do about 45 minute sessions. Your brain cannot focus for hours on end and you'll need breaks inbetween.

Spider diagrams, bright colours etc. Depends what kind of learner you are.
Certainly didn't help picking **** lessons, which has ****** me over for the next year
I like a lot of people on here.

Awh, thanks |)

Just what ever you do, revise a lot! I at GCSE level was predicted to get mainly A's in all of my subjects, but I refused to revise, I didn't bother in exams and then I only got 4 C's and above. The biggest regret of my life!
I know that teachers chat out of their arses (in general) but recently we had a lecture about active revision and ive gotta say its true.
sitting there reading it doesnt really help, the more active the revision the better, what i do is make bullet point notes, highlighting or underlining the key words and rephrasing things i dont understand to try and understand them better.
also just do it in silence without your phone or nothing cause it honestly makes a difference.
thats the only advice i can give, i dont have gcses yet but i got end of year exams and its working for me.
best of luck my friend:)
Just explain about the thing you are revising to someone, if you can't explain it, you don't understand it.
Got one last exam, currently sat in the University library.

My usual is work through past papers whilst listening to music.

I always have the distractions of IRC, MSN and iTunes/TV though.
I found that the easiest way to revise and remember is not to read. Make it interesting to you, whether its with the diagrams etc. Maybe make your room more relaxing, by having some music playing, otherwise it becomes boring and tedious. Think of ways to remember facts that you need. The chances are that the questions that you will answer will be stuff that you do know, as I found out all those years ago at my GCSEs. I revised a whole amount of **** just so I could get my final GCSE, and most of the stuff on the paper was what I already knew....
i revise by heading to the library doing past papers, condensing notes, and listening to ricky gervais audiobooks in the background.
Right the main parts in smaller noted in any way you can understand the learn it from that.

Good Luck with the History Tuesday. Mine's on Wednesday. Sigh
I did Spider diagrams and past papers for my exams, but i only did around an hour then i would do something that interested me then back to revision for anothr hour
I don't have tips to revise as I don't have the patience to do it but usually I try and get myself in a great mood going into the exam, avoid stress and just relax. As long as you do some revision and go over the bits you find hard then you should be fine. I spent yesterday at a Snow Patrol concert and the day before at a band parade, all day today was watching tv and on the laptop and I'm feeling great.