Best way to revise

all depends on your preferences. I'm revising for my biology AS ,which is next week :S, by writing notes from the revision guide. Worked at GCSE so hopefully works for me again
I can't revise, whenever I try i just end up on FM. If i got a week of exams by the end of the week i have done two seasons
Past Papers are the way forward for all science based subject including Maths. Do them under exam conditions and mark them yourself. Write down any answers you don't get correct, and try and understand how to work out the answer correctly. If you have difficulty with sections, then get a decent textbook and work through some questions on topics you find hard. But I can't stress enough how important I find past papers!

For social sciences, I just read through my notes until I understand them all. This works for me, as I have a pretty good memory, but if you're struggling then I'd advise writing key points on notecards and trying to remember them.

And I find studying is far more beneficial when you're not listening to music. Ok, it may not be as fun, but I find it's far better at helping you remember if there are no distractions. It also means you concentrate fully on the work.

Also, for the actual exam, just try to stay relaxed and not panic.
Past Papers are the way forward for all science based subject including Maths. Do them under exam conditions and mark them yourself. Write down any answers you don't get correct, and try and understand how to work out the answer correctly. If you have difficulty with sections, then get a decent textbook and work through some questions on topics you find hard. But I can't stress enough how important I find past papers!

For social sciences, I just read through my notes until I understand them all. This works for me, as I have a pretty good memory, but if you're struggling then I'd advise writing key points on notecards and trying to remember them.

And I find studying is far more beneficial when you're not listening to music. Ok, it may not be as fun, but I find it's far better at helping you remember if there are no distractions. It also means you concentrate fully on the work.

Also, for the actual exam, just try to stay relaxed and not panic.

Perfect answer ^^ Economics is my only social science, for my AS I just did every multi-choice paper there was, the essay questions were easy since there's basically a technique to getting high marks, with enough practice in class you should be able to do that easily.

A2 I just make sure I understand all of the topics and concentrate my efforts in the exam to constructing an answer that has A2 topic information to get marks, the hardest part for me was getting out of the habit of answering as if I'm doing it at AS.
I always read the stuff, then wrote it out in my own words. In the library. Without internet access.
I guess most people will have either done, or almost done all their exams now. How'd you all get on? Pretty happy with all my exams to be honest. :)
Well done!

We're just doing Prelims at the moment (mocks in your backward country :P) because the real exams are in May. Only got 3 subjects this year (Maths, Statistics and Geography) and I've done Maths and Stats exams so far. Maths went reasonably well, Stats less so. And Geography's tomorrow, but it's usually ok. Our Prelims are pointless this year, as appeals would be too late for the UCAS deadline anyway. But they're a reasonable indicator of how you're doing I suppose.
Geography was easy
Sociology was pretty hard. Q9 was ******* solid....
I guess most people will have either done, or almost done all their exams now. How'd you all get on? Pretty happy with all my exams to be honest. :)

I do most of my ones in May time.

I got a B in my English language.
B in my history mock
A in a science mock.
D in maths...I hate maths.
I do most of my ones in May time.

I got a B in my English language.
B in my history mock
A in a science mock.
D in maths...I hate maths.

I've hated Maths since I started school. I narrowly scraped a C so I decided to retake Maths so I could get a better grade. My teacher is ****** hilarious and I love now love Maths!!!! XD
Well I had one exam earlier; Maths. I still haven't got the results back and that's worrying. ._.
Well done!

We're just doing Prelims at the moment (mocks in your backward country :P) because the real exams are in May. Only got 3 subjects this year (Maths, Statistics and Geography) and I've done Maths and Stats exams so far. Maths went reasonably well, Stats less so. And Geography's tomorrow, but it's usually ok. Our Prelims are pointless this year, as appeals would be too late for the UCAS deadline anyway. But they're a reasonable indicator of how you're doing I suppose.

Which Maths unit are you doing? Just finished doing Decision, horrible thing is Decision Maths. :'(

I do most of my ones in May time.

I got a B in my English language.
B in my history mock
A in a science mock.
D in maths...I hate maths.

Which Science do you do? Or is it just GCSE Science?
I've hated Maths since I started school. I narrowly scraped a C so I decided to retake Maths so I could get a better grade. My teacher is ****** hilarious and I love now love Maths!!!! XD

I liked it in primary school, but I'm now just awful at it. I'd love a C ^^)
May I suggest a technique that I found very useful? I remember having a sociology exam where I had a list of about 6 things to memorise. I found that the first letter of each word was P, R, K, G, S, B
I remembered them as the Utd midfield at the time:

Ryan Giggs, Paul Scholes, Keane & Beckham

This was very coincidental, but I'm sure that technique could work for some of you in certain circumstances
I liked it in primary school, but I'm now just awful at it. I'd love a C ^^)

My teacher is a legend tbh. The **** that comes out of his mouth is unreal... the best one I've heard is....

"Phillips boy, you wont get better grade if you keep taking these rabbit naps. I've seen sloth in Bristol Zoo with more energy than you". I lol'd ♥