Best way to revise

Awh, thanks |)

Just what ever you do, revise a lot! I at GCSE level was predicted to get mainly A's in all of my subjects, but I refused to revise, I didn't bother in exams and then I only got 4 C's and above. The biggest regret of my life!
I was the opposite, i was predicted a few D's,C's and a couple of B's and because i am a douche i still refused to revise but i managed to fluke pretty good GCSE's.

But yeh revise. There isnt really an easy way to do it because its boring. Spider diagrams are really helpful tho. or make notes and then highlight the really key parts.
I'm predicted all A's, i've just done a spider diagram for i think all the key individuals in Medical History, and my sister whom too done History given me a sheet that she used doing it. If anyone has done History GCSE, and still has some of their work, could you please possibly Scan it through? Major help
Always got told to make revision cards, Key word on front, explanation on back,

then get someone to quiz you on them ;)
I'm predicted all A's, i've just done a spider diagram for i think all the key individuals in Medical History, and my sister whom too done History given me a sheet that she used doing it. If anyone has done History GCSE, and still has some of their work, could you please possibly Scan it through? Major help
i done history gcse but have no work sorry m8

All i remember from it was Hyperinflation in germany 1923 lol
GCSE'S look so confusing Scottish Standard grades which you do in 4th year look easier i did my standard grades in 2008
According to researches, it is best to actually go through it all the day before, so your brain won't forget the things you went over 24 hours later.
According to researches, it is best to actually go through it all the day before, so your brain won't forget the things you went over 24 hours later.
Yep thats the all the revision I really do before tests. Just do revision the day before.
Apparently playing FM is a really good way to revise.
I've just done 2 Maths exams today, **** easy and I never opened a book for it, nor have I paid attention in class for the last year. I finished both 75 minute papers in under 40 minutes, almost fell asleep after the first one I was that bored. I swear the exams this year are way easier than any mock papers I done
I've just done 2 Maths exams today, **** easy and I never opened a book for it, nor have I paid attention in class for the last year. I finished both 75 minute papers in under 40 minutes, almost fell asleep after the first one I was that bored. I swear the exams this year are way easier than any mock papers I done
Don't get over-cocky now :p
Yeah, all Yr.11's done that Maths today also, from my school.
I do all my maths exams in year ten so I can do statistics.

And in response to History I never revise and always get 90+% in mocks as I find it very easy but if you are struggling in History just read your textbook through until you know it almost perfectly as if you know the facts the rest will flow. :)
Don't get over-cocky now :p
Yeah, all Yr.11's done that Maths today also, from my school.
If I'm over cocky then so is my entire year. None of us are especially bright. I'm predicted for B's and C's in everything except French where I would be delighted with a D
Really stuck with my AS-Revision. I can't sit there with a textbook and read. If I use my PC for a powerpoint I end up playing FM. Anyone got any hint's and tips (K)
GCSE's were too easy, I never bothered revising. Revising for A-levels generally the only method I'll use is just blasting through past papers and marking them myself.
I have 3 A2 exams and an AS resit. :( Going to start the hardcore revision this week now.
being stoned helped me concentrate and knuckle down. i would have never got my gcse's, as or a levels, or degree without it :) im not saying it will work for anyone else, but its the only way i can do educational stuffs :)
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There's no 'correct' way to revise, and if everyone elses teachers are anything like mine were they will try tell you a right way to revise.

Do whatever you feel is best - i.e, if you can't sit and read for ages, don't sit and read. Try taking notes instead, and remembering those notes instead of reading through your own textbooks that you might find boring.

I found revision cards to be a big help too, cos they aren't huge daunting pages of text. Simplified notes on a small postcard size note helped me to remember short bursts of info rather than pages at a time, and the size of them didn't put me off revision like reading a massive book would.

Steer clear of the PC. Too many distractions.

Past exams are also a good way to revise. That way you can get your teacher to mark them, and find out how they want you to answer the question. The fundamental thing about A Levels is knowing your stuff. I know it sounds simple and bog standard in terms of an essay, but you absolutely need to know the facts. Get the facts in your answer and you will get the marks. This is of course if you are taking History/Psychology etc.

For things like English, it's best to look at the question. Underneath it is usually a list of bullet points, which tell you how to go about answering the question. The best thing to do is practice these questions over and over again, until you can answer them in order, perfectly, each time, and also practice keeping to the question.

It all depends on what subjects you do for A level but those are my tips. Dunno if they're of any help.
Facebook and ****, with the textbook out usually does the trick.

On a serious note, I hear that writing out ALL your notes again repetitively seems to work, my Sister did it and got 6 A's and 6 A*'s.

Shame I'm too lazy too do it though.
I have to take my GCSE's early, and i'm struggling to revise. I'm in year 9, and we got last terms test results back. It wasn't anything major, but I got 4th in the year without revising. Science, I revised and although I got a good mark, I came 16th. It's kind of hard to revise at 13, and I can't resist fm. I had a big essay due today, and I only finished half of it, whilst playing fm. I didn't get in trouble tho.