Budget cuts to Universities?

Ride The Walrus

A pretty cool guy.
Jan 1, 2010
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Thoughts on this? I think 9K is criminal, and then for Clegg to say "It offers a fair package to students" is just awful. It's really going to be much harder for youths now, mainly ones from poorer backgrounds, to get into Uni.

Fckin Tories.
I heard about that on Al-Jazeera. They were gonna increase university tuition by 14k, decrease funding by 40%, AND end all grants to all university sectors except for science and math. The protesters were rampant in London when Parliament was about to pass the law. What were the Tories thinking when passing this action?
TBH Britain just copies Ireland. A few days ago uni cuts are announced in Ireland and students potest and rogue students riot. Today the British copy us :P:P
Anyone know when these tuition fees will be raised? I've applied to English unis but if the fees are raised before I go then I'll just stay in Scottish unis.

No fees in Scotland for me :wub:
TBH Britain just copies Ireland. A few days ago uni cuts are announced in Ireland and students potest and rogue students riot. Today the British copy us :P:P

Just wondering. Were the uni cuts in Ireland as severe as the ones in Britain?
they rise for 2012 students i think
i was at uni last year but dropped out, Shame because in the future only rich kids will be able to go.
Got a friend who went to the march today. Wholly agree with the them, the Lib Dems have sold their souls. For shame.
I heard. Really doesn't look good for me. I'm by no way poor, but after my mum forked out for my sister to go uni, me going at this stupid move means my family would relocate to somewhere cheaper!
Barely even makes sense economically, let alone what it'll do for standard of living. Preferred Tories to Labour, but I can't believe Lib Dems will vote against their own policy.

Their only vote last election was the student vote, if they allow these cuts they'll be going against the strides they made in the last election, especially if they get voting reform.

Hope it doesn't make it through Parliament.
It's ridiculous that they can raise the fee's. I paid £3k a year for my tuition and I thought that was a massive rip. The quality of education was poor and the course was a bit of a joke.

They need to make degrees harder to achieve, not harder to pay for.
Thoughts on this? I think 9K is criminal, and then for Clegg to say "It offers a fair package to students" is just awful. It's really going to be much harder for youths now, mainly ones from poorer backgrounds, to get into Uni.

Fckin Tories.

So what would you do? We have a structural deficit of over £100billion per annum and a budget deficit of £162billion. We already pay £40billion on interest alone. More than the entire defence budget!

When we had our good times at the turn of the century, Labour borrowed borrowed borrowed instead of storing it like, for example, Australia did. As a result, my grandkids and your grandkids will pay for this.

Whether people like it or not, this country is skint and there is worse to follow, mark my words.

And as an aside, why should my taxes pay for someone elses higher education? Up to and including A Levels, fair enough, but not University.
They need to make degrees harder to achieve, not harder to pay for.

Agreed, uni is ****. They need to make it challenging, I find it boring.

Although, I think the whole 'violence' at the march, may have given some people a poorer view on students, if it wasn't poor enough.

I doubt I would be able to stay in my penthouse in Plymouth with the fees at 9k ;)
It's ridiculous that they can raise the fee's. I paid £3k a year for my tuition and I thought that was a massive rip. The quality of education was poor and the course was a bit of a joke.

They need to make degrees harder to achieve, not harder to pay for.

Perhaps the fact fees are generally still so low in comparison to elsewhere in Europe and America was the reason your degree was so **** in the first place, ever considered that?

Btw, I PMed you about something, can you reply, please?
Meh what else can you expect from Tories? It's a ******* joke. But then again, it doesn't effect any of them so why should they care. Complete bullshit, don't blame the protesters for smashing some stuff up :)
I do feel sorry for people wishing to go to Uni. But as I don't plan to go to Uni it doesn't affect me ! :)
It's ridiculous that they can raise the fee's. I paid £3k a year for my tuition and I thought that was a massive rip. The quality of education was poor and the course was a bit of a joke.

They need to make degrees harder to achieve, not harder to pay for.

I agree i went to a lecture and had a teacher tell me for a hour what a book was, i mean explain how a book has a page numbers and a content page. Also a student teacher who taught me a stem and leaf diagram (year 3 stuff) and to top if off a chinese women who didn't know what the word clientele was.
So what would you do? We have a structural deficit of over £100billion per annum and a budget deficit of £162billion. We already pay £40billion on interest alone. More than the entire defence budget!

When we had our good times at the turn of the century, Labour borrowed borrowed borrowed instead of storing it like, for example, Australia did. As a result, my grandkids and your grandkids will pay for this.

Whether people like it or not, this country is skint and there is worse to follow, mark my words.

And as an aside, why should my taxes pay for someone elses higher education? Up to and including A Levels, fair enough, but not University.

Labour had a horrible fiscal policy, true; which is why we need cuts now. But cutting education is the wrong place. In the long run Education leads to economic growth without the effect of inflation, this is the strongest way of improving our economy. Considering the UK needs to be expanding into the technological sector to strengthen our exports, where we are horribly weak, we can only improve our technological exports by education of the people.

The economy will only get worst with education cuts, yes we need to cut the deficit, but we are drastically harming our long term future as well. Your taxes pay for someone elses Education because it is of a HUGE benefit to the economy.

The ironic part is the Tories have historically believed in supply side policies (Education is one).
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So what would you do? We have a structural deficit of over £100billion per annum and a budget deficit of £162billion. We already pay £40billion on interest alone. More than the entire defence budget!

When we had our good times at the turn of the century, Labour borrowed borrowed borrowed instead of storing it like, for example, Australia did. As a result, my grandkids and your grandkids will pay for this.

Whether people like it or not, this country is skint and there is worse to follow, mark my words.

And as an aside, why should my taxes pay for someone elses higher education? Up to and including A Levels, fair enough, but not University.

What about the 9 billion given to the EU in return we give prisoners rights and can't deport terriorist.

Hang on lets make the poor pay
Sorry to post this again, but does anyone know when the new tuition fees will be imposed? And will they apply to students already in a university? I can see lots of people dropping out if fees are raised for those currently at uni.

At least I have the option to go to non fee paying universities in Scotland, so I'm in a better situation than most. Looks like it'll be Edinburgh for me next year then!