Budget cuts to Universities?

Sorry to post this again, but does anyone know when the new tuition fees will be imposed? And will they apply to students already in a university? I can see lots of people dropping out if fees are raised for those currently at uni.

At least I have the option to go to non fee paying universities in Scotland, so I'm in a better situation than most. Looks like it'll be Edinburgh for me next year then!

If your at Uni it weren't apply to you.
As far as i know it's people applying who go to Uni in 2012
What about the 9 billion given to the EU in return we give prisoners rights and can't deport terriorist.

Hang on lets make the poor pay

The EU where Labour gave up our rebate ever year? And the prisoners rights due to the Human Rights Act introduced by...Labour per chance?
Thoughts on this? I think 9K is criminal, and then for Clegg to say "It offers a fair package to students" is just awful. It's really going to be much harder for youths now, mainly ones from poorer backgrounds, to get into Uni.

Fckin Tories.

Thoguht on this?

Erm, 9k is the MAX any university will charge, most won't come close to that. How exactly are these proposals not fair exactly? Basically interest fee loans you don't pay back for years till you actually get a job, or is it fair to expect the tax payer to pay instead?

And the Tories are only implementing the results of a report LABOUR commissioned before the election, so if your want to blame anyone take your red tinted specs off and look closer to home. Labour introduced fees in the first place of course
The EU where Labour gave up our rebate ever year? And the prisoners rights due to the Human Rights Act introduced by...Labour per chance?

The Torries promised a rebated but never did.
Cameron then agreed to a new EU bill where we payed 9bil instead off 13bil sold our army to the French and gave crooks EU human rights.

We are selling our rights to the EU where we abide by rules by people who we don't vote for

Edit EU human rights and British human rights are different however because were're in the EU we have to abide by theirs
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Agreed, uni is ****. They need to make it challenging, I find it boring.

Although, I think the whole 'violence' at the march, may have given some people a poorer view on students, if it wasn't poor enough.

I doubt I would be able to stay in my penthouse in Plymouth with the fees at 9k ;)

This. I hope I'll be going to uni in 2012, after a gap year, now I don't know if i can go to S. America like I want, because of the fees. It's ridiculous, but the violence at the march is pathetic IMO.
Perhaps the fact fees are generally still so low in comparison to elsewhere in Europe and America was the reason your degree was so **** in the first place, ever considered that?

America has a completely different educational system to what the UK has so it's useless to try and compare it to different countries and each of them is funded differently.

Whether you're paying £3k or £6k you expect a certain level of good quality high education. However it probably pays for all the facilities and equipments rather than what the teacher actually teaches you, depending on what course you have taken.
The Torries promised a rebated but never did.
Cameron then agreed to a new EU bill where we payed 9bil instead off 13bil sold our army to the French and gave crooks EU human rights.

We are selling our rights to the EU where we abide by rules by people who we don't vote for

Edit EU human rights and British human rights are different however because were're in the EU we have to abide by theirs

Tories don't want to be in the EU, it's of no benefit to us. They reduce the amount we have to pay and you mark it against them?
This. I hope I'll be going to uni in 2012, after a gap year, now I don't know if i can go to S. America like I want, because of the fees. It's ridiculous, but the violence at the march is pathetic IMO.

I'd take a gap year after uni if I were you. It's what I'm planning to do. Means you don't forget things before uni, and deferred entry is tougher to get into.
Why did they promise a rebate then? They lied people fell for it.

Most people in the UK don't want to be in the EU, they knew that and mugged us off. I can slag them off cause they talk **** thats why i didn't vote for them, now i'm getting mugged off why should i pay for other peoples stupid selfs like the student's who voted lib dem

The only two parties i believe would stick to what they said was UKIP and the BNP

Also the way i see it Degree = higher paid job = more tax
The way things are going the poor will be poorer the rich will be richer but theirs more poor people than rich so more people will be on benifits
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They didnt promise a rebate this time at all. They said, through talks, we would negotiate with the EU for GB's benefit. They also said they would change our constitution so any further major legislation imposed by EU would have to go to a referendum first.

And the original EU rebate, which Labour gave up voluntarily, was won by Margaret Thatcher, a Conservative Prime Minister.

And UKIP and the BNP can say whatever they like because they will never get into power (which is ironic because IMO this is why the LibDems said they would scrap tuition fees - they thought they would never have to stand by it as the chances of a LibDem in government were slim).
Labour make their policies to appeal to votes, from Thatcher's reign they get what needs to be done for the benefit of our country, even if the voters hate it.
On a whole, it's disgusting. 9k a year is almost laughable, and to say it will hit all backgrounds the same, is also a joke. Like they're going to compensate people with the needed funds.

By the way, did anyone see Clegg saying him lying is justified because Labour lied about a small legislation in '97.

Sadly voting for Lib Dem now pretty much constitutes as a vote for Tory.

Especially Nick Clegg who wanted to decrease Uni fee's not increase Uni fee's. Now he's just a tory bumboy.

Voting system needs to change.

Especially Nick Clegg who wanted to decrease Uni fee's not increase Uni fee's.

Voting system needs to change.

The lib dems wanted the system changing so that they could have a fairer chance in the next election, yet they're alienating their voters. Makes no sense to me.

Especially Nick Clegg who wanted to decrease Uni fee's not increase Uni fee's. Now he's just a tory bumboy.

Voting system needs to change.

It really does, but it won't because any vaguely proportional representation would take power away from the two parties who have a chance of winning under the current system (and their little yellow lap dog).
Call me a conspiracy theorists but these new measures ensure that people on better incomes (who usually support Tories) will be able to send there kids to Uni which is probably cheaper than the private school was. Kids from Tory supporting families will probably be Tories themselves and if they get to go to uni and achieve the best qualifications, they're entitled to the best jobs which will pretty much mean that the country is run by Tories. These ridiculous new prices will put many people from lower income families off and I for one would not want to put any financial strain on my family.

As for the voting system, if it was just done by who got the most amount of votes, the Tories would probably come out 3rd best.
Call me a conspiracy theorists but these new measures ensure that people on better incomes (who usually support Tories) will be able to send there kids to Uni which is probably cheaper than the private school was. Kids from Tory supporting families will probably be Tories themselves and if they get to go to uni and achieve the best qualifications, they're entitled to the best jobs which will pretty much mean that the country is run by Tories. These ridiculous new prices will put many people from lower income families off and I for one would not want to put any financial strain on my family.

As for the voting system, if it was just done by who got the most amount of votes, the Tories would probably come out 3rd best.

No ****, thats what the Tories are about. The poorer get poorer as the richer get richer.
That just happens in every major economy. The distribution of wealth decreased with Labour in power as well.