Budget cuts to Universities?

Even a basic loan covers the cost of halls and if it doesn't you must be getting underpaid on your loan, because that's the point of a maintenance loan. It's something you need to talk to your uni about if youwant to live in halls next year because u get less money if you live at home rather than away.

you havent been to my uni...although student finance have told me i havent been financially assesed... and they said they would send me the forms but they havent. and nobody in my house has any ink for printers, and i cant afford the uni printers,...
Meh, In America, the fees have always been like that though. The reason people are protesting because it's changing so we are being denied the chance and price that the generations before us have had.

Also isn't your degree retarded?

Nope, my brother got a job with the same desgree after 2 weeks of finishing from uni, hes been working for two years and is earning over 30k. :)

Wouldn't call that 'retarded'. :)
An example of a dumbass degree is a degree in McDonalds and a degree in David Beckham. Thought it was a joke when I first heard of it. Students expect taxpayers to pay for that? They can go **** themselves
An example of a dumbass degree is a degree in McDonalds and a degree in David Beckham. Thought it was a joke when I first heard of it. Students expect taxpayers to pay for that? They can go **** themselves

Don't forget the degree in 'Surfing' :@
you havent been to my uni...although student finance have told me i havent been financially assesed... and they said they would send me the forms but they havent. and nobody in my house has any ink for printers, and i cant afford the uni printers,...

Don't be silly, if you can afford to commute to uni everyday then you can afford to print out a few pages at 5p a page.

Hopefully the new laws will make people seriously consider if going to university is worthwhile. If you're going to get a good, well paying job after your course then paying the fees makes financial sense, but if you're taking a joke of a degree with no future job prospects then you should forget about it.
you havent been to my uni...although student finance have told me i havent been financially assesed... and they said they would send me the forms but they havent. and nobody in my house has any ink for printers, and i cant afford the uni printers,...

It doesn't matter If I haven't been to your university they all pretty much work in a similar fashion. If you havent been sent forms then you should be constantly on their *** about them otherwise you'll get no where with them in regards to grants if your applying for them. You can't expect them to just come to you. Aren't uni printers like 5p a copy in the uni library, it's really cheap...
It doesn't matter If I haven't been to your university they all pretty much work in a similar fashion. If you havent been sent forms then you should be constantly on their *** about them otherwise you'll get no where with them in regards to grants if your applying for them. You can't expect them to just come to you. Aren't uni printers like 5p a copy in the uni library, it's really cheap...

i have 6p to my name :@ and my train pass runs out tomorrow, but luckily the uni owe my £100 which i get tuesday.... but yeah...

more on topic... i find it disgraceful what those students did to the royal car... you can hear people chanting off with their heads etc.... the prince and camilla had sod all to do with these cuts and raises... why attack them?
because they are probably anti-capitalist scumbags or commie lovers, who don't like when people have money. They cannot be bothered to get a job, and think the world owes them a living. They're the same people, who on sky news.com said the riots were Nick Cleggs fault. Erm....no. Hopefully, they'll enjoy their stay in jail.
I understand why students are ****** off, being one myself (though I'm in Scotland funded by Norway so it doesnt affect me). However, students set fire to the Christmas tree in Trafalgar Square, which Norway gives to Britain each year to commemorate the war effort during WWII. This only highlights what kind of uncultured people have been let into university education.

In my opinion, universities should cooperate far more with the private sector to map what sectors need more workers and how many (of university level). There is no point in doing what we currently do, which is waste tax payers money on educating 100 people in media graphic design photography anthropology when we only need 10. Raising the grades you need to get in (say three B's as a baseline for any university course) would weed out a lot students (though I think the grading system in England and Scotland is tosh anyway, I think it should be more akin to the Scandinavian model) who aren't able to hack it. Raising the age of when you are allowed to leave uni would also be good (in Scotland, as being superior to Englishmen they finish school at least a year earlier), as far too many people **** their first year away due to immaturity.

Secondly, tuition fees. We need tuition fees, but paid through a student loan, as per the Scandinavian model, should be turned into a 100% loan, and upon passing your exams, 70% gets turned into a stipend. This would encourage people to actually pass, as if they don't, not only are they set back a year, they will be higher in debt.

Combining these would place emphasis on the individual student to make the most of the her/his time at uni, while making it a lot more likely the student for the student to be able to get a job in a relevant sector, without necessarily decreasing the amount of students.