Budget cuts to Universities?

i have an idea.... premier league footballers should get their wages taxed and that money given to the local universities ;)
now THAT would make alot of money!!

They already get raped by tax.
Dont the top premier league stars get taxed alot of money already??
not sure how it works to be honest. Not even sure roughly how much they'd pay on £165000 a week. no idea about tax rates etc lol
I have said it already an I'll say it again, it was the bankers who got our country into this financial mess, and the youth and taxpayer are having to pay for their greed and **** ups whle they earn millions each year in bonuses.

And also, where are they people going to get the jobs to pay for this debt that they will be in as there are very few out there.

The only person who went into westminster with the right idea was guy fawkes.

You're about 12, stop simply repeating what the media tells you.
this would be a good idea... the funding cuts to school sports has really damaged my future... as im currently doing a degree in Sports Coaching science and sports development,

i wanted to be a sports development officer... looks like im going to be scrapping that idea and hopefully go into the sports performance analysis business :/

sorry to hear that. you're spot. a lot of schools will suffer, especially in poorer areas. they'll be hit very hard

---------- Post added at 04:33 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:30 AM ----------

but without going off topic, they've got to sort out this student thing pretty dam fast, or it's going to go beyond peaceful protests, it'll just go to civil disorder. Anarchists will have a field day
as much as id love to continue sharing my views on this... i need to sleep as i have to be up before 6, to sit on a train for 2 hours just to go into uni for an hours lecture. because i cant afford to live at uni because as i stated before my parents "earn too much" maybe one day ill win the lottery and it will all be ok :/
as much as id love to continue sharing my views on this... i need to sleep as i have to be up before 6, to sit on a train for 2 hours just to go into uni for an hours lecture. because i cant afford to live at uni because as i stated before my parents "earn too much" maybe one day ill win the lottery and it will all be ok :/

If your parent's 'earn too much' it shouldn't stop you from living at university halls, or in the surrounding area's in student flats?
If your parent's 'earn too much' it shouldn't stop you from living at university halls, or in the surrounding area's in student flats?


It will mainly affect the people who earn the a decent wage but can't afford to send there children to private schools. I'm right and saying that people from poorer backgrounds will still receive financial support from the Government?

People who go to private schools will be fine because Uni fee's are probably about the same a private school fee's, maybe even a bit cheaper. However, my parents could no support me financially at uni so I'd come out with a huge debt at the end of it. These fee's don't even include the cost of housing or living money so it is quite ridiculous. On current fee's the debt is quite manageable to most people but any debt after the new policy comes in will just be insane.
Jack, I think she is on about 'now', rather than when the new rules are implemented.

It will mainly affect the people who earn the a decent wage but can't afford to send there children to private schools. I'm right and saying that people from poorer backgrounds will still receive financial support from the Government?

People who go to private schools will be fine because Uni fee's are probably about the same a private school fee's, maybe even a bit cheaper. However, my parents could no support me financially at uni so I'd come out with a huge debt at the end of it. These fee's don't even include the cost of housing or living money so it is quite ridiculous. On current fee's the debt is quite manageable to most people but any debt after the new policy comes in will just be insane.

What are you on about Jack? :| I'm not about private schools.

My parent's earned a decent wage between them both, but i was never financially supported throughout uni by any of them at all. Surely a maintenance loan covers the cost of rent and what not, so i see no reason why Jose can't go live near the uni rather than get a 2hr train to uni everyday, that's ridiculous.

The tuition course fee is of course ridiculous that they are putting it upto £9k but it's still affordable to go to uni, and the interest rate is incredibly low once you've finished university and have to start paying fees back. I think if i earn anything over £15k and between £16k i only have to pay £8 a month back and then it gradually gets higher depending on how much you earn a year. I think i've left with £18k worth of debt but i'm not worried about it at all.
I know nothing about politics, my view of it is a bunch of monkeys arguing over a banana.


I heard some of MPs abstained from voting. Surely the whole point of being an MP is to vote on new laws ect? Abstaining means that they arent doing their job properly, once again proving they are a waste of space.


Im not planning to go to uni so this wont affect me in my near future
I heard some of MPs abstained from voting. Surely the whole point of being an MP is to vote on new laws ect? Abstaining means that they arent doing their job properly, once again proving they are a waste of space.

Sigh, just because they abstained from the voting process, doesn't mean they aren't doing their job properly. Those MPs just didn't agree with the new law that was being proposed and didn't want to be involved, however they didn't oppose it enough to vote no on the matter.
Sigh, just because they abstained from the voting process, doesn't mean they aren't doing their job properly. Those MPs just didn't agree with the new law that was being proposed and didn't want to be involved, however they didn't oppose it enough to vote no on the matter.

Abit like Cheryl Cole on the X-factor yah?
Abit like Cheryl Cole on the X-factor yah?

lol, Dunc i don't think you can quite compare it to Cheryl on the x-factor. ;) but i did feel abit sorry for her, she should have voted last and not first or whatever it was.

HOWEVER back on topic ..i don't agree with the proposed £9k but it won't affect new students that badly..i'm just glad i went to university before all of this happened. ha :D
i only get the very basic loan, which doesnt even cover the cost of the cheapest halls here, and there is a serious lack of available rooms outside of uni. my uni is seriously overstreched on the accomodation front. they recently had to rehouse a load of students as their offcampus accomodation was deemed unfit for living. this is why i am commuting atm... i will hopefully use my left over money to be able to afford a house next year.
I go to Uni at the moment. I don't live with other students tho.

I feel sick at the site of people 'rioting', I wanted to go to uni over in America, where it is like $20k a year.

In the end I wasn't allowed to go due to the cost, you didn't see me throw my toys out of the pram. I just went somewhere else.

Hopefully this will stop the retarded people going to uni and getting degrees in 'surfing' or other stupid ****.

Meh, In America, the fees have always been like that though. The reason people are protesting because it's changing so we are being denied the chance and price that the generations before us have had.

Also isn't your degree retarded?
i only get the very basic loan, which doesnt even cover the cost of the cheapest halls here, and there is a serious lack of available rooms outside of uni. my uni is seriously overstreched on the accomodation front. they recently had to rehouse a load of students as their offcampus accomodation was deemed unfit for living. this is why i am commuting atm... i will hopefully use my left over money to be able to afford a house next year.

Even a basic loan covers the cost of halls and if it doesn't you must be getting underpaid on your loan, because that's the point of a maintenance loan. It's something you need to talk to your uni about if youwant to live in halls next year because u get less money if you live at home rather than away.