Budget cuts to Universities?

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All comments made above are concerning the University of Worcester. Other Universities may be totally different, but from what i have heard they are not that different. Please do no be put off applying for Worcester University due to the comments made by one individual. We recommend you find these fun facts out all by yourself, happy studying.

same at teeside, charge for parking and printing, i think the parking is quite reasonable though. and they give you a shitload of online powerpoints
I'm listening to an interview with someone from the Stop the Cuts orgonization. She was asked a simple question "Why should taxpayers fund a course in media studies". Answer: "Because students are the future" Sigh..... I mean, to vote Lib Dems based on Tuition fees. tisk tisk tisk
I go to Uni at the moment. I don't live with other students tho.

I feel sick at the site of people 'rioting', I wanted to go to uni over in America, where it is like $20k a year.

In the end I wasn't allowed to go due to the cost, you didn't see me throw my toys out of the pram. I just went somewhere else.

Hopefully this will stop the retarded people going to uni and getting degrees in 'surfing' or other stupid ****.
I go to Uni at the moment. I don't live with other students tho.

I feel sick at the site of people 'rioting', I wanted to go to uni over in America, where it is like $20k a year.

In the end I wasn't allowed to go due to the cost, you didn't see me throw my toys out of the pram. I just went somewhere else.

Hopefully this will stop the retarded people going to uni and getting degrees in 'surfing' or other stupid ****.

Well said mate
I go to Uni at the moment. I don't live with other students tho.

I feel sick at the site of people 'rioting', I wanted to go to uni over in America, where it is like $20k a year.

In the end I wasn't allowed to go due to the cost, you didn't see me throw my toys out of the pram. I just went somewhere else.

Hopefully this will stop the retarded people going to uni and getting degrees in 'surfing' or other stupid ****.

Ye very well said mate!

I may have seemed irate in my post, but i would never take it that far, pathetic is an understatement.

Thats what football violence is for...
What the protestors evidently don't realise is that they're not going to make any difference. In fact, all they're doing is losing themselves supporters through scenes like today's.
I think the protests are necessary although violence is not. Think about it, someone doing a 4 year course could end up having to pay £36,000, and thats only fees, the government are ******** on middle class citizens and the hard working man, something needs to be done or they are just going to carry on in this manner.
Why can't they pay for the course, and if they complete it without skiving etc, they get the money back after successfully completing the course?
Why can't they pay for the course, and if they complete it without skiving etc, they get the money back after successfully completing the course?

NEARLY the suggestion i have made since the start!

Performance based awards should be applicable.

EDIT: start of my degree... not thread.
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Why can't they pay for the course, and if they complete it without skiving etc, they get the money back after successfully completing the course?

I have said it already an I'll say it again, it was the bankers who got our country into this financial mess, and the youth and taxpayer are having to pay for their greed and **** ups whle they earn millions each year in bonuses.

And also, where are they people going to get the jobs to pay for this debt that they will be in as there are very few out there.

The only person who went into westminster with the right idea was guy fawkes.
heres my views:

students are protesting over the wrong thing:

the rise in fees is actually better for students - sure its £9000 max BUT you dont start paying till you earn over 21000 a year. and then it comes straight out of your wages, graduate tax, also instead of everybody paying the same amount back per month theyve altered the interest rates so the more you earn the more you pay back... and because of the way they have done it your actually paying back less each month than you would be if you had 3000 a year

why students should protest:
the cuts to uni funding - this will cause alot of unis to go bankrupt (why they need to pay more for fees) and alot of big unis including Edge hill, worcester, manchester met, leeds met and sheffield hallam among others could financially collapse.... i would rather pay the money and actually have a uni to go to.

people also forget that the poorer you are the more financial help you get, its people like me whos parents "earn too much" that wont be able to afford living costs etc... there is soon to be 6 (mum is pregnant) of us in whats meant to be a 2 bed house (we converted a walk in wardrobe to a bedroom)

i think thats everything
heres my views:

students are protesting over the wrong thing:

the rise in fees is actually better for students - sure its £9000 max BUT you dont start paying till you earn over 21000 a year. and then it comes straight out of your wages, graduate tax, also instead of everybody paying the same amount back per month theyve altered the interest rates so the more you earn the more you pay back... and because of the way they have done it your actually paying back less each month than you would be if you had 3000 a year

why students should protest:
the cuts to uni funding - this will cause alot of unis to go bankrupt (why they need to pay more for fees) and alot of big unis including Edge hill, worcester, manchester met, leeds met and sheffield hallam among others could financially collapse.... i would rather pay the money and actually have a uni to go to.

people also forget that the poorer you are the more financial help you get, its people like me whos parents "earn too much" that wont be able to afford living costs etc... there is soon to be 6 (mum is pregnant) of us in whats meant to be a 2 bed house (we converted a walk in wardrobe to a bedroom)

i think thats everything

Some good points there
I totally agree with Sean earlier in the thread, i am into my last year as we speak and i have been going on since the first year that has been 3 GRAND!! Seriously that is a massive amount of money for things like this...

- hi guys today ill read you this powerpoint, it has been up on your online uni accounts since this morning, so take notes but it will all be on there, "is there a point in him getting paid?"

- were having an outdoor activity week for this module, its only malvern, so if you can drive take others!!! oh and btw its 100 quid to go or you fail the module... "thanks so thats another lovely sum on top of the fees"

- for attending our uni you will get a bursary, oh thanks thats nice, 100 quid a month from december until april, oh but if you receive a grant because your home income is lower than the set amount to receive one you will receive 150 pound!! "please no one bring this up, sore subject"

- Oh and please join the sports clubs you wish to join, oh there's a yearly fee to join, and the kit costs over 100 quid, thanks again. Although i do understand that this is run by SU and isn't financially liable for the Uni, but it ****** should be!!

- and the best and most insulting one of all... use one of our many many printers, BUT you will have to pay 5p per page!!! ROBBING B*STARDS!!

Basically the young ones out there thinking of going to university, save up, win the lottery, rob a bank.
Because the place bleeds you dry in every aspect, whatever you do at university they will charge you for it!! Parking £2.00 a day!!!

Now those of you that know me on here will realise that i have strong opinions and dont mind voicing them, how many times do you think the sentence "im paying over 3 grand to do this S**T are they having a F'ing LAUGH!!!" came out my mouth? I really cant imagine what i would say if i was paying 9 grand per year!!
And you can absolutely count on universities still doing these ^^^ shenanigans regardless of the rise.

Read Fast
All comments made above are concerning the University of Worcester. Other Universities may be totally different, but from what i have heard they are not that different. Please do no be put off applying for Worcester University due to the comments made by one individual. We recommend you find these fun facts out all by yourself, happy studying.

im at worcester.... it is abit of a **** take... although there financial support (welfare office) work wonders and have helped me out loads.
i have an idea.... premier league footballers should get their wages taxed and that money given to the local universities ;)
now THAT would make alot of money!!
or how about......seeing that the government is cutting funding for school sports, why not tax players a bit more over a certain amount, and use that with some cash from the FA to put more money into school sports?
or how about......seeing that the government is cutting funding for school sports, why not tax players a bit more over a certain amount, and use that with some cash from the FA to put more money into school sports?

this would be a good idea... the funding cuts to school sports has really damaged my future... as im currently doing a degree in Sports Coaching science and sports development,

i wanted to be a sports development officer... looks like im going to be scrapping that idea and hopefully go into the sports performance analysis business :/