
Jan 14, 2013
Reaction score

After all most 10 months away (albeit the odd short save here and there) I have decided to throw myself straight back into FM and what better way to do so then with a story.

After hours of deliberating I come to the conclusion I have no idea who to begin my first save with this year. With that in mind I have decided that rather than pick a team to focus my story around with set objectives, I would rather put all focus on my manager’s story. That way if I find I start to lose interest, I will just resign and move on.

Manager Bio

Name: ‘Bullardinho’
Age: 28
Born: London
Favourite Team: Newcastle
Traits: Determined, Outspoken, Motivated, Ruthless, Borderline Sociopath.
Preferred Playing Style: High intensity, Hard tackling, Organised.
Managers Moto: ‘If it aint broke, you obviously didn’t hit him hard enough, stamp on the c**t!’

So as you can tell, our man is going to be a no-nonsense kind of manager. He isn’t going to take any prisoners and he will not accept failure.

Although I would normally start at the bottom with a save like this, I am not sure Mr Bullardinho would get very far without at least some credentials to back him up. With that being said, I am going to give him a bit of experience and a few qualifications and see where he ends up.

Will ‘The Bully’ make it to the higher echelons of world football, or will his career sink faster than Ron Atkinsons after ‘that incident’..

Managers Profile

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So there we have it, 'The Bully'. Doesn't look particularly menacing but rumor has it is could kill a man with just a stare. At the moment his profile looks relatively balanced but I am sure over time we will see some radical changes. I also like that his only disliked personnel is currently David Moyes, I would like to think it's not only because he is a Sunderland manager, but also because he is such a wet lettuce.

Opening Offers


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Shrewsbury Town

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Admitidly neither of them really appeal to me but everyone has to start somewhere. The first thing I am going to look at is there determination, aggression and bravery.. I don't want a team of ******!
7th October 2016 - Still Unemployed


  • Coventry Reject Bullardinho in favour of Stuart Pearce - The Coventry chairman decided to go for 'The Physco' instead of 'The Bully'.
  • Bullardinho Turns Down Shrewsbury Approach - The club just wasn't the right place for me to begin my career.

Current Insecure Jobs

Aston Villa
Aue (German 2nd Division)
Racing Club de Lens

20th November 2016

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The Bully Takes Charge at Kaiserslautern

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So after being unemployed for a few months, I received several offers in the space of 2 weeks, the most appealing being Bury in League 1 and Kaiserslaurten in the German 2nd Division. Given the gulf in class between the two clubs, the difference in the contract offered and the fact that the german outfit are full of determined, aggressive and hard working lads, this decision was a no brainer.

Media Reaction

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People don't exactly seem too convinced by my appointment, **** 'em I am gonna have some fun!

Club Overview


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My Key Players

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All three of these lads show very good aggression, determination, work rate and teamwork, they are gonna be the back bone to my team. Unfortunately our all centre-backs lack in these departments, so I will certainly be looking to bring in some replacements with a little more steel.

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First Match

Stuttgart (3rd) Vs Kaiserslaurten (17th)

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Yeah OK we were playing one of the strongest sides in the league, but that is no excuse, we was shocking in this game. After I gave them a right kick up the ***, they did seem to improve in the second half but it still wasn't enough. Much improvement needed!

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December Results

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After our poor showing in my first game in charge some changes were definitely needed, I had to be fair to the players and admit that my tactics probably weren't right against Stuttgart. I decided to focus solely on defending and being hard to break down. It clearly worked with our first back to back wins of the season, the second coming against 4th place Heidenheim. The result to St. Pauli was infuriating as we dominated the game but failed to take our chances. As a result 3 players have been banished to the 2nd team until they can prove to me they deserve a place in my team.

League Table

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Well despite the fact we have won 2 of our 4 games since I joined, we now sit bottom of the league as we go into the month long mid-season break. Many changes needed and a overhaul may be required.

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January Transfers

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These are the band of men who I have entrusted to rejuvenate our season. I know a little about Joao and McManaman from English football, I know both have a little bit about them. Schulz is a quick left wing back who shows great determination, aggression and a high work rate. Kalmar is not traditionally my kind of player but we needed a bit of back up in the attacking midfield department and the options in the market were limited.

Mid-Season Friendly Results

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I decided I wanted to keep the players fresh during our mid-season break and to set up a few friendlies against competitive opposition, especially as I was yet to find our best formation/line up. Goals were seemingly hard to come by, apart from a superb 22 minutes against Liberec which saw us come back from 2-0 down to win 3-2. I learnt a little about the team during this break, I am confident that with a few tweaks to our tactics and the new additions, we should show some improvements in the second half of the season and easily avoid relegation.

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February Results

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Looks like the break away from competitive fixtures did us the world of good. Two superb back to back wins upon our return from the winter break were top notch. Our defence was organised, tough, resolute and fearless, we restricted our opposition to minimal chances and our attack was lethal on the counter.
Even the cup loss to Dortmund was superb, of course they were the better side on the day, but we dug our heels and gave them a match, I was very proud of the performance. The following two games were disappointing, a sending off from our captain Ring was a big factor in the loss to Sandhausen, although I can’t really blame the lad, it is an occupational hazard with the way I set the team up and my instructions to him are designed to live close to the edge.
Despite the fact we come out on top in our ‘6 pointer’ match against Lions, this result has been marred by a post-match altercation between myself and the club captain Ring following yet another sending off in what was his first match back from suspension. Alexander has since requested to leave the club, I am hoping we can resolve this issue but for now he shall be training with the reserves.

League Table

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Our decent form including 3 wins out of 5 in the league sees us leap-frog our way out of the relegation zone. I will not accept anything less than a solid mid-table finish now. Arguably the hardest part was getting us out of that sinkhole, now we are only six points off 6th​ place, I expect us to continue our climb and push for top half.

I like the challenge you 've picked and also the layout of your story. I will be following !
This is an interesting idea and one I've followed on previous FM saves where I've not known who to manage and have therefore tried to live by some managerial characteristics. I'll defiantly be keeping an eye on this save!

This is an interesting idea and one I've followed on previous FM saves where I've not known who to manage and have therefore tried to live by some managerial characteristics. I'll defiantly be keeping an eye on this save!

Cheers dude. Yeah it was just too difficult to choose this year, I am happy with my choice so far though, I am enjoying the challenge of Kaiserslautern.
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March - Mid-April


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March started off with a bitterly disappointing defeat to Braunschwig, we let in a sloppy early goal via a mistake from Stipe Vucur, usually I would have chastised the offender but Vucur has been superb this season. I berated the team at half time and this seemed to have the desired effect as we equalised shortly after the restart, only to concede again through another lapse in concentration late in the game.

Next up was the derby against Karlsruhe and the clash between myself and their manager Tomas Oral. Whilst this derby is not a local one, nor is it particularly historic, it didn’t stop me and Mr Oral going at it like we were McGregor-Diaz. The Karlsruhe boss started this ***-for-tat war of words and I think it is fair to say I won it. We were far superior to the team that was somehow sitting in a flattering 2nd​ place. Everyone played well but loanee Lucas Joao was superb.

Dresden were our next opponents before yet another 2 week break, I wanted to make sure we secured a win here no matter how we got there. We defended resolutely, we controlled large periods of the game and once Gul and taken the lead shortly after the break (after another dressing room bollocking) we always looked like we would go on to win.

Some sad news during the two week break. Moritz is a good player and this injury means we will need to rely on club captain Alexander Ring, to fill that void. Ring has only made a handful of sub appearances since our falling out, this could be his opportunity to redeem himself.

Despite being top of the league, Hannover were in poor form, in fact we were there only win in their previous 5 matches. We did battle well and I can’t fault the team for that. Not much else I can say really and the team performed to my expectations.

The game at Dusseldorf has to be my favourite since I took over at the Fritz-Walter-Stadion. After going 1-0 up early on, we were soon down to 10 men after an early sending off for Daniel Halfar. We then conceded two goals before half time and things were looking bleak. I cannot repeat what was said in that changing room at half time, but the comeback speaks for itself. The effort from those 10-men after the break was second to none, they chased everything, won every second ball and played as if we had the extra man. Games like this are the reason I wanted to be a manager.

The thumping of Bielefeld typified our current form. We were sharp, we defended with courage, we attacked with purpose and we played with passion. Lucas Joao was superb again as his grabbed his first hat trick for the club, but all of it was possible thanks to our resolute defence, Gokhan Gul in particular has been a revelation since I signed him in January.

League Table

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At this point our 2.Bundesliga status was looking pretty secure for next season. Our recent results actually make us the joint second most inform team in the league, I wonder where we would have been had I have taken over at the beginning of the season.

Remaining Fixtures

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A mixed bag for our last four matches of the campaign. I think 6 points from the final 12 available would be a good result but every side is beatable in this league in my opinion.

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Club Captain Confirms Exit

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So it looks like we are going to have to accept that Alexander Ring is unwilling to back down following our disagreement early on in the season. I am not upset that we are losing Alex as he hasn't really made any impact since my arrival, I am more annoyed that we are not going to benefit financially from his departure. Ring is free to leave the club at the end of the season due to the expiration of his contract and he is not willing to settle any differences. So be it, whilst it is a shame to lose a player of his quality, I will not stand for petulance in my team, it's my way or the highway.

I may have underestimated Wurzburg coming in to this match, maybe a little over confidence on our part or maybe just naivety, they were playing for their survival and they can count for a lot. I think both teams defended well and created some decent opportunities, although we did create the better and we really should have taken the 3 points from this one.

The result at Nurnberg was decent, they were competing for a playoff place going into the game and they never even looked like challenging us, we were now unbeaten in four and looking like a top side. Lucas Joao’s goal now makes him our top scorer this season with 9 goals, quite a feat considering he only joined us on loan in January.

The last two results of the campaign against Stuttgart and Heindenheim were disappointing and I feel they have undone all our hard work in the second half of the season. We could have finished with high spirits and high confidence, instead we will go into the summer break with a lot to think about. To be fair Stuttgart won the league with victory over us but the emphatic nature of the result is what irks me most. That’s three games out of the final four without scoring and that will certainly be reviewed over the summer.

Final League Table

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So that's what the final 2.Bundesliga table looks like. I am a little disappointed as I feel we really should have been finishing in the top half after our strong resurgence, but it is what it is. There will be a large overhaul of the squad this year as I really want to give the team a strong identity. I know that if we can get the right players in, with a strong spine to the team, we will push for promotion next term.

Next up - Season Review

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End of Season Awards

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I do not know who it was that decided the Team of Year but I strongly disagree with many inclusions. LB has to be Nico Schulz, the lad has been a superb addition on loan. Gokhan Gul has been our second best player since joining and fully deserves the other CB place next to Vucur. Lastly Lucas Joao has not only scored more than Przybylko in less games, but he has made twice the impact. As for Thilo Kehrer winning second place in the Fans Player of the Season, I am lost for words.

Board Confidence Review

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So the board overall seem happy with the way the I have performed my duties in the past 6-7 months, which I think is fair considering all they asked of me was to avoid relegation and I did that with ease. Notably the squads harmony isn’t great, that’s probably fair given my temperament and my managerial style, I hope to change that though as I look to bring in more players that fit my mentality.

Social Media Reaction

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The fans seem happy with our season as a whole, although Daniel Kischel is right, its been a funny old season for the Red Devils. I am hoping to provide them with much greater stability for the duration of next season.

Managers Player of the Year
Gokhan Gul

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My PotY award goes to Gokhan Gul. This young 18 year has come into our side and played with the ability and experience of a 30 year old. He has a good football brain, he is aggressive, strong and resolute. I will be aiming to tie him down for the next 5 years as I look to build my team around this exciting talent.

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