Chrissy's Version of Guido's excellent strikerless theories and tactics.

i have big problem then lol sterling 5 7, strength 12, reus 5 11 strength 9, coutinho 5 8 strength 12
Make him a more mobile targetganche. In a match, this means that the Targetganche often takes a touch before quickly passing the ball along, instead of holding it up to ensure players link up or move into advanced positions. In a match, it would look a little something like this.


It looks like a fine goal and the Targetganche really plays an important role in the whole attack, setting it up from midfield and ending the attack with the assist for the goal-scorer.
Nom De Guerre! Do you have a screenshot on how your typical targetganche looks like? :)
What would you reccommend for more possession and control with the same style of attacking? I've had a similar front 3 and WB setup for quite a while but I always struggle with the rest of the setup, I'm a Barca supporter so I'm always trying to emulate that :) The front 3 is perfect, the WBs are perfect, but I want more possession! :p

I've tried using DLPs RGA etc etc but never seem to get anything quite right.
What would you reccommend for more possession and control with the same style of attacking? I've had a similar front 3 and WB setup for quite a while but I always struggle with the rest of the setup, I'm a Barca supporter so I'm always trying to emulate that :) The front 3 is perfect, the WBs are perfect, but I want more possession! :p

I've tried using DLPs RGA etc etc but never seem to get anything quite right.

on my save I tweaked the RGA, I took of all the player instructions and added dribble less and Hold position the RGA was effective this way and the possession raised a bit more
on my save I tweaked the RGA, I took of all the player instructions and added dribble less and Hold position the RGA was effective this way and the possession raised a bit more

I'll give it a whirl, tried changing the BBMs to DLPs or changing one of them but it takes away from the fast attacking which makes the tactic so good going forward so I'll have to deal with it I think!
Guido has broke the game this time


That's my managerial career using this new tactic.

In less than five seasons I have went from Berwick Rangers to being offered the Man United Job after winning the Bundesliga.

Formation is a 3-2-2-3, absolutely lethal. I have added my tweaks as per usual.

That's my managerial career using this new tactic.

In less than five seasons I have went from Berwick Rangers to being offered the Man United Job after winning the Bundesliga.

Formation is a 3-2-2-3, absolutely lethal. I have added my tweaks as per usual.

will try this soon...

will this tactic suite with weak team of Low leauge?

That's my managerial career using this new tactic.

In less than five seasons I have went from Berwick Rangers to being offered the Man United Job after winning the Bundesliga.

Formation is a 3-2-2-3, absolutely lethal. I have added my tweaks as per usual.

Where can the original Guido tactic be found?
Up to you. Its just a tactic, if you want instructions in order to how to play the game, that's a different matter.
@Chrissy Dude i don't understand what you say why are instructis a different matter?.

sorry i'm dutch my english is not very strong