Club: Leeds Utd
Season Expectations: Play-Offs/Promotion (First Season)
Budget: About 10 to 15 mil. (Recent Takeover)
Player Positions: CB, DM, AM, ST
Player Role/Similar Player: Ball Playing CB, Schweinsteiger-esque DM, and a trequartista AM. Complete Striker (Bonus)
Instant Impact or Future(also what age range): Instant Impact with a mix of hope for the future. Age range: 20-28.
Season Expectations: Play-Offs/Promotion (First Season)
Budget: About 10 to 15 mil. (Recent Takeover)
Player Positions: CB, DM, AM, ST
Player Role/Similar Player: Ball Playing CB, Schweinsteiger-esque DM, and a trequartista AM. Complete Striker (Bonus)
Instant Impact or Future(also what age range): Instant Impact with a mix of hope for the future. Age range: 20-28.