Coalition launches Libya attacks

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Of course I disagree with stealing. I can complain about prices of lots of things. Why are other countries able to supply these essentials at cheaper prices without stealing?

We're not stealing. We'll still be purchasing it, the supply of oil is increased, thus the price lowers. It's also nice not to have an evil tyrant holding us by the nuts as well.

How the **** do I know how countries supply it for cheaper without an example? They could be an oil rich country, heavily subsidise their oil, idk.
We're not stealing. We'll still be purchasing it, the supply of oil is increased, thus the price lowers. It's also nice not to have an evil tyrant holding us by the nuts as well.

How the **** do I know how countries supply it for cheaper without an example? They could be an oil rich country, heavily subsidise their oil, idk.

I doubt the new Libyan government will have much say how much they sell the oil for. If Gaddafi wanted to keep his countries oil for his country, he is entitled to do that.

I seen this quote about and couldnt agree more with it

We invaded Afghanistan to deliver the people from the Taliban. Taliban are Bad!
We invaded Libya to help the Taliban into power. Taliban are good!
We invaded Iraq to depose a secular leader who was oppressing Shia moslems. Shia moslems are good!
And we want to invade Iran to depose a Shia regime because their religion is oppressive. Shia moslems are bad!

There is one thing and one thing only that all these places have in common - they are all stowed out with ******* oil.

But by contrast - we have no plans to depose a highly orthodox, extremely repressive and totally non-democratic regime in Saudi Arabia - where a young woman was last month sentenced to be whipped, for the crime of driving a car while being a woman.
Why do we allow this? - because they are "allies" of the U.S.A. Because they give us their oil.
I doubt the new Libyan government will have much say how much they sell the oil for. If Gaddafi wanted to keep his countries oil for his country, he is entitled to do that.

I seen this quote about and couldnt agree more with it

Don't use oil related products then, if you're against it so much.

This is the problem with such short sighted arguments by the lefties and why we have to put up with moronic protests by the intellectually challenged every other month. I wonder who will be the first ones to complain if we let our supplies dwindle, letting petrol, energy and ALL products raise in price? As soon as that happens "**** the government, letting the elderly die because of high energy prices". As soon as the government does something to alleviate the problem of surging oil prices (**** the government, what gives them that right".) But then, we could always switch to nuclear power which solves an awful lot of issues and it's still "**** the government, you can't do something like that".

Christ the hypocrisy.

I fail to see the point in your quote, I already said that we partake in 'humanitarian' missions when there is oil or other resources to to reimburse the costs of such wars.

And if Iraq was motivated by oil, why are American oil prices soaring? Why is America barely drilling there? Why is their economy getting wrecked by the cost of running the war?
Of course I disagree with stealing. I can complain about prices of lots of things. Why are other countries able to supply these essentials at cheaper prices without stealing?

A lot of countries supply petrol etc a lot cheaper due to lower import taxes, lower petrol taxes, outright subsidies (US), being oil rich themselves etc.

I doubt the new Libyan government will have much say how much they sell the oil for. If Gaddafi wanted to keep his countries oil for his country, he is entitled to do that.

I seen this quote about and couldnt agree more with it

They've already promised us the oil. France gets 35% or so in support for changing the regime.

But to quote one of the greatest thinkers of our time, Drill, baby, drill!

---------- Post added at 01:07 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:06 AM ----------

And if Iraq was motivated by oil, why are American oil prices soaring? Why is America barely drilling there? Why is their economy getting wrecked by the cost of running the war?

Oil prices are getting lower, as the Americans can keep the oil production in Iraq reliable and secure, so they don't need Iranian oil. It's quite easy actually. The oil production in Iraq is increasing and should be just about good enough to control a price rise due to say, an invasion of Iran.

Would not surprise me one jot if they could. Even though he was a legitimate military target, threat or not. Good to see that they obviously disregard what he did to his own people. If they did win, the anti-"imperialists" will have an absolute field day over this. If they did, it will be a dark day for NATO, as it will basically mean if a country wants help, they'll have to think twice. Absolutely ludicrous.
The violence is pretty sickening, and I'm glad Colonel Gaddafi is dead, although it is sad that they had to stop him by violence. But I guess this is just the world nowadays, and one people will just have to live in and deal with it. War is as much a part of this world as peace is, and most of the time there's nothing much we can do to stop it. Glad there was an intervention from the British, French and Americans, though, as it shows that they really care. What's the point of letting the violence terrorize Libyan people when we can do something about it?