Conspiracy thread

The oldest ever living person was 122, the chances Hitler would still be alive now..

Yes and Hitler would be 2nd oldest person ever if he was still alive.

It's the same with any conspiracy though, the chances don't matter people still come up with extremely stupid and unlikely conspiracy.
Because the amazing thing about conspiracies is, even when you have no evidence it equals evidence for your theory!

Not only that but any evidence against the conspiracy simply reinforces their beliefs that there is a conspiracy. Eg. Someone thinks they see a UFO. Someone from a nearby airfield proves it was one of their aircraft. ZOMGZ COVERUP!

For me though, most of these majorly complex conspiracies just don't hold any credibility due to the amount of people who would be involved. Just look at the Watergate Scandal and how few people were involved with that attempted cover-up and then compare it to the supposed cover-ups like the Moon Landings, Assasinations, UFO's, New World Orders, etc.. The sheer amount of people who would be involved and not one single person has went public or made a death bed confession? Humbug.
Tupac and Osama both alive.


No debating the issue.
This threads hilarious but a good read too, keep it up!
By the way, the last living WWI veteran died today. Off topic, I know, but since both WWI and old people were brought up :p
By the way, the last living WWI veteran died today. Off topic, I know, but since both WWI and old people were brought up :p

I don't know ,why it happened.What a pity! I feel sad ,when I heard that the last living WWI veteran died.
WW II footage was shot in both black&white, and color too.

First off, you quote what looks like a laughably amateurish website designed for kiddies.

Secondly, what you quoted supported my argument. You said, and I quote,

In that you are directly saying that THE reason America joined the war was because of the sinking of the Lusitania, and said that they joined the war less than a week after sinking it. The Lusitania was sunk in May 1915. America joined the war in January 1917. That is two and a half years. There aren't just holes in your argument, it doesn't exist. If you wanted to say that unrestricted submarine warfare contributed to the US entering the war, go ahead. That'd be fine, but it'd also be the truth and not a conspiracy theory, nor what we are debating in the first place.

When did I say anything about dense jungle? You didn't say anything about linear streets, no, but that's what a city essentially is, a cluster of buildings with linear streets around them.

At no point did I say all Vietnamese know their way around all cities; rather, that the local residents of those cities know their way around them, a perfectly correct point. Ironically, you then jump to a conclusion and then accuse me of, um, jumping to a conclusion.

Seeing as your pathetic attempt at an argument consisted of a wiki page, I should ignore it, but I know a fair deal about the Vietnamese war, so: Operation Lam Song was an exercise on why tanks AREN'T good in an urban area. Hilariously, you've managed to pick the best battle possible to illustrate the counterpoint to your argument, especially when considering the side with less tanks won. If I quote from your little excerpt alone, we can see.

So basically, in an urban environment, one combatant was well-prepared and able to lay a trap for another. This happened many times over the course of the war, but mostly to the US (and the allies it supplied) as time and again they charged into a town and were ripped to shreds by concentrated fire and traps.

The MBT of the US Army at the time, the Patton, was an excellent tank that did all it was designed to do - support troops in open battles, provide mobile armour - extremely well. What it did not do well was attack urban areas (in the early stages of the war, before the Americans wised up. Oh, and that's another bit of proof if you need it), not because it was a bad tank, but because it was a TANK. Tanks just do not go well with urban areas.

So, Jeremy Clarkson managed to travel the length of Vietnam (cheating half the way btw) on a Vespa, with NOBODY challenging him or stopping him with their bare hands let alone an IED or anti-tank rifle. And then, when he gets to the end, he sarcastically points out they'd achieved what the US never had. And you claim this apparently means it's all a massive conspiracy? What an utterly ******* stupid argument.

Boom, sit down son.

Wow. Thats just like.....epic uber pwnage. Take a bow son, take a bow XD
As pre-mentioned about the moon landing.. Hundreds of thousands of people were involved in this operation, to keep every single one of those people from keeping their mouth shut would be impossible! Moon landing proven.
they proved the moon landing on mythbusters, it must be true! ;)
Yes. I didn't see his dead body so I can't be sure.

I haven't seen Michael Jackson's dead body. I haven't seen Saddam Hussein's dead body. Never saw Elvis' dead body. Do you believe that all of those, and the numerous others who's bodies you never saw are all still roaming the Earth in some secret place? I'm sure you never saw all of the people's bodies who died in 9/11, so I guess we can safely assume that America just troll'd everyone with some awesome CGI effects?

I haven't seen Michael Jackson's dead body. I haven't seen Saddam Hussein's dead body. Never saw Elvis' dead body. Do you believe that all of those, and the numerous others who's bodies you never saw are all still roaming the Earth in some secret place? I'm sure you never saw all of the people's bodies who died in 9/11, so I guess we can safely assume that America just troll'd everyone with some awesome CGI effects?

I really don't care.
the Bin Laden and 9/11 conspiricacy fantasy tales are going to rage for years to come, with people and scaremongerers ramming absolute BS down peoples throats. Still, if they get off on it good for them. Just sad that the vast majority of them will not accept the truth. Surely it can't be that bad to be proven wrong with concrete facts is it? Everyone has their ego bruised at some point. go on open your minds. Just admit you're wrong, go on. You'll feel better for it
the only main conspiracy i beleived is that lee oswald didn't shoot JFK, and i think there is something slightly dodgy about cobain's death.
I find most of the stuff about the moon landings and 9/11 laughable
the only main conspiracy i beleived is that lee oswald didn't shoot JFK, and i think there is something slightly dodgy about cobain's death.
I find most of the stuff about the moon landings and 9/11 laughable

Think Cobain thing was suicide. Just wasn't prepared for all the glaring media limelight that would forever change his life. Then snapped.
Think Cobain thing was suicide. Just wasn't prepared for all the glaring media limelight that would forever change his life. Then snapped.
yeh i believe he killed himself, just that someone (possibly courtney) knew more than was let out or helped him to do it. His suicide note is a bit shady
yeh i believe he killed himself, just that someone (possibly courtney) knew more than was let out or helped him to do it. His suicide note is a bit shady

That's one of those theories I actually think has some foundation. Probably never get to find out though I feel.
That's one of those theories I actually think has some foundation. Probably never get to find out though I feel.

He did have enough heroin in his system to knock out even the most well built of men, never mind aim and fire a shotgun. But, no one knows the tolerance level he'd built up through usage. I think it's one that has more grounding than most, but meh, it's unlikely we'll ever know.

---------- Post added at 10:26 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:14 PM ----------

Has anyone seen the Loose Change guys? I love how everything they say has been "scientifically proven", when all of their 'sources' are experts with no expertise in the field. Lol. <3