David Cameron to become Prime Minister

  • Thread starter Thread starter *James*
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  • Replies Replies 148
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Are you happy about this result? If not, what would you have preferred?

  • Yes, I am happy about Cameron being PM

    Votes: 24 24.5%
  • I would rather Gordon Brown stayed on, at least until the hung parliament was sorted out

    Votes: 10 10.2%
  • I wanted Lib-Lab Coalition

    Votes: 18 18.4%
  • Anyone but Cameron!!!

    Votes: 41 41.8%
  • Other (Add suggestions for another option below)

    Votes: 5 5.1%

  • Total voters
Hate Cameron.

We are in a recession, jobs are going to be lost, so people need help

Generally, in economically hard times, the government relieves taxes for businesses to flourish. Taxing people who are not making money is not of benefit. From my own personal experience, when a government raises taxes, it mainly hits small, family businesses, promoting companies like McDonald's.

£20 million is pocket money to the government, just like EMA is for kids.

I'm cautiously optimistic about the proposals, and Cameron does actually seem to be a decent guy (for a tory) but time will tell.

There are approximately 60 million people in Britain. That's everyone paying 33 pence. However, all of these add up, which is the problem. And with a country where 25% are on welfare, tax payers are getting rarer. Though i'd not ever vote tory, i'd prefer Labour tempered by the lib dems and nationals.
worst joke ever... what does david cameron and a **** have in commen

answer : Everything
david camerons gay not wrong either just plain gay!

What does his sexual preference mean to you?
Do you think it diminishes his capability to run a country?

Don't spin your answer, just call upon every ounce of your intelligence before you reply.
Discrimination against the "working" class is wrong, yet blatant homophobia is ok??
I had this discussion with my girlfriend the other night in a bar.
A friend of hers was using 'gay' as a negative. IE "Thats f***ing gay".. meaning it's wrong.
It would require a thread though.

What does his sexual preference mean to you?
Do you think it diminishes his capability to run a country?

Don't spin your answer, just call upon every ounce of your intelligence before you reply.

Hmm maybe try to look beyond your moronic moral high ground. The reason the word gay is used as a negative, pretty much as a synonym for lame doesn't really have any reasoning other than the word gay has been used as a negative for years, the reason kids probably picked this word up and started using is because we all grew up hearing gay as a way of demeaning well 'gay' people, therefore eventually it being used on the playground calling other boys gay as an insult, then resulting in calling activities gay such as tests/ exams then like everything in the 21st century it gets out of hand and now everything is gay. I'm guessing you didn't grow up in 90's/ 00's?

Although to be honest in this sense I think he was genuinely calling Cameron gay because well let's be honest, he has the shiniest face in history.

Also back onto your gay subject, I believe the term for gay was once a way to describe a happy and joyful experience/ person? Hmm, I wonder who changed the meaning then? "It's wrong! Your meaning is wrong!" Hmm..

'So just call upon every ounce of your intelligence before you reply' The wise words of superfour ;)
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Dont know much about ploitics if I am beng honest

I know - you can't even spell it right. Jks m8

Anywa, surely change is what Britain needs doesn't it?? My parents went Lib Dem, but David Cameron is what Britain needs. A consistent leader
Nick, we need someone who is consistent with everyone not just the upper class.
Nick, we need someone who is consistent with everyone not just the upper class.

I know - he will be with everyone. He's much fairer than Brown. Did you see the young girl on TV, crying about her family
I know - you can't even spell it right. Jks m8

Anywa, surely change is what Britain needs doesn't it?? My parents went Lib Dem, but David Cameron is what Britain needs. A consistent leader

To be fair, it could have been worse, as Lib Dems are in coalition with Tories, so it could have been worse had the Tories had a majority. Heres one for ya...

A man dies and goes to heaven. He asks an angel what are those clocks wwith faces on it. The angel replies "Those are lie clocks, they move a minute for every lie a person tells. Abraham Linkin's is over there, his sits at 12:01 'cos good old Abe only told the one lie in his life. And that one there, thats mother Theresa's, and that one sits at 12:00 because Mother Theresa never ever lied in her life." The man replies " Where's David Camerons?"
The angel says "It's in Jesus's house, he's using it as his ceiling fan !"
Nick, we need someone who is consistent with everyone not just the upper class.

I would consider moving back to England now that they are in power.
I lived in Newcastle for a few years but couldnt really get along with the people there.

There will be some good business opportunities over the next few years.