David Cameron to become Prime Minister

  • Thread starter Thread starter *James*
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  • Replies Replies 148
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Are you happy about this result? If not, what would you have preferred?

  • Yes, I am happy about Cameron being PM

    Votes: 24 24.5%
  • I would rather Gordon Brown stayed on, at least until the hung parliament was sorted out

    Votes: 10 10.2%
  • I wanted Lib-Lab Coalition

    Votes: 18 18.4%
  • Anyone but Cameron!!!

    Votes: 41 41.8%
  • Other (Add suggestions for another option below)

    Votes: 5 5.1%

  • Total voters
People all over the world have to travel to schools/work etc.. Nobody gives them a hand out to do it.
Irish kids just go to school, they don't get paid to do it.

Ireland's secondary students rank above average in terms of academic performance in both the OECD and EU; having reading literacy, mathematic literacy and scientific literacy test scores better than average. Ireland has the second best reading literacy for teenagers in the EU, after Finland.

And the point being, Irish Kids get to school. What they after a medal?

If you are that stupid not to see the benifits of it, you reli are clueless.

It cost me 12quid a week to get to school, My Father has a ****** up knee, He if ut of work for 6 months. He is n basic sick pay, which is a 1/5 of what he should earn.

My "Mother" is now wrking 3 jbs to support the family. and your trying to say 20quid a week i get, isnt worthwile for me to get to skool, and maybe buy myself some lunch.

Sorry for the story, wasnt trying to get sympathy, just showing why it is a good idea.
we are ****** at least with lib dems drugs would have been legal:P seriously though this is terrible news, plus how is he controlling scotland as he holds like one seat here
it will affect people who don't vote though because it could affect their parents
I have to say i agree with you here Jake. Everyone is complaining how much the country is going to be '****** up' ...but i bet the majority of people who have said this on here don't pay taxes at all so it doesn't really effect them whatsoever of who is in government.

Nobody has mentioned taxes? Are you saying only taxpayers should be allowed to vote or even have an opinion? oO)
Yup, and this is considered a good turnout for an election. No doubt some of the people moaning on this thread didnt exercise their right to vote (so therefore have NO opinion on the matter) that is if any of them are old enough to vote......

hmmm my original comment didn't make much sense ..but i'll just say i agree with Jake. lol

I don't believe this country will be '****** up' either, though we'll just have to wait and see about that.. lol
Nobody has mentioned taxes? Are you saying only taxpayers should be allowed to vote or even have an opinion? oO)

White male landowners aged 25 imho. Also, they're allowed guns. Nobody else is. And reinstate nobility!

As for the EMA, in Norway people can apply for a travelling stipend. You can also apply for a stipend to cover your book costs etc, with imho seems better.
This EMA stuff is interesting.

Surely you were at school from the ages of 11-16? And no doubt your parents paid for books/bus/lunch etc etc?

Whats changed now you are 16-18 for A-levels?

I'll be honest and say i have a biased view on this as the vast majority of people i know abused the EMA system. Most just spent it on booze on Fridays and some even got their parents to fiddle the numbers so they could get EMA in the first place, and were quite happy to tell everyone about it.

I accpet there are people who need the financial assistance to help them, but if you were getting along without it before, why has the situation changed just because A-Levels arent compulsory?
hmmm my original comment didn't make much sense ..but i'll just say i agree with Jake. lol

I don't believe this country will be '****** up' either, though we'll just have to wait and see about that.. lol

Fair enough lol. It's just that it's blatantly obvious there is tension between Clegg and Cameron, and the only reason the Con-Lib deal went through was because it had to, it's only until Cameron fails to follow through with the policies Clegg has required to be instated and he will quit ending up with another general election, in which Labour will win. I'm always the optimist :)

This EMA stuff is interesting.

Surely you were at school from the ages of 11-16? And no doubt your parents paid for books/bus/lunch etc etc?

Whats changed now you are 16-18 for A-levels?

I'll be honest and say i have a biased view on this as the vast majority of people i know abused the EMA system. Most just spent it on booze on Fridays and some even got their parents to fiddle the numbers so they could get EMA in the first place, and were quite happy to tell everyone about it.

I accpet there are people who need the financial assistance to help them, but if you were getting along without it before, why has the situation changed just because A-Levels arent compulsory?

For the years up to 16 your buses, books and usually trips are paid for by the state so there isn't much to worry about. Personally I found that as soon as I left school for college there is a lot of responsibility on me rather than my parents, I was expected to fend for myself so it really does help, although the bonuses of £100 seem a bit odd. The £10, £20 or £30 a week is a good idea, I guess unless you have received it you wouldn't really appreciate it as much as someone who needs it. Although it remains to be said, what would happen to the cash if it was taken away?

But yes there are people who abuse the system, there are some schools who just give it out once they sign up regardless of whether they turn up or not so it should be stricter. But then again you get people abuse anything related to benefits etc. so it's not a surprise.
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I've only got like 2 more payments from the EMA and a bonus at the end of the year.

If that's in any jeopardy at all because of Cameron then I'll be on the news... and not for agreeing with him.

To be honest, it would've been better, in my view, for Liberal to have done a deal with Labour. Gordon even stepped down for the deal and Clegg takes Camerons deal. If there's another General Election soon then I can see a lot of people voting Labour or another party instead of Conservative. But I don't know a whole lot about the election, I just sincerely hope this doesn't change anything in Scotland or Cameron's going to have a massive riot to deal with. =/
im glad labour are out of power they have completely crippled this country and it will take a long time too recover however i would like to see proportional reprosentation brought in as soon as possible as the current voting system is an absolute joke
im glad labour are out of power they have completely crippled this country and it will take a long time too recover however i would like to see proportional reprosentation brought in as soon as possible as the current voting system is an absolute joke
Prop.Rep; Lib Dem does want it, Tories don't. From that there, unless Labour **** the Tories over in a vote, I don't see it happening.
I've only got like 2 more payments from the EMA and a bonus at the end of the year.

If that's in any jeopardy at all because of Cameron then I'll be on the news... and not for agreeing with him.

To be honest, it would've been better, in my view, for Liberal to have done a deal with Labour. Gordon even stepped down for the deal and Clegg takes Camerons deal. If there's another General Election soon then I can see a lot of people voting Labour or another party instead of Conservative. But I don't know a whole lot about the election, I just sincerely hope this doesn't change anything in Scotland or Cameron's going to have a massive riot to deal with. =/

Scotland rules its own, though we may struggle with budget cuts from Westminster. Now, geez oor oil!(6)
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Scotland rules its own, though we may struggle with budget cuts from Westminster. Now, geez us oor oil!(6)
Budget cuts from Westminster? We shall charge them for oil! =D [if that happens, then we'd be rich xD]
Except its never going to happen.

It is British oil in all legal documentation, the SNP shouting 'its Scotlands oil' at the top of its voice is not going to make Westminister hand over one of Britains biggest money generating assets.
Cutting EMA is good in my opinion even if I was getting it I wouldn't mind giving it up to boost the Economy, but the cuts should stop there excessive cuts will cause a double dip recession.Also I am pro Europe we need Europe I don't want the Tories severing ties. Plus I felt as if the only PM who would have been able to relate to Barack Obama is Gordon Brown, I can't imagine a phone conversation between David and Barack, but maybe its just me
This EMA stuff is interesting.

Surely you were at school from the ages of 11-16? And no doubt your parents paid for books/bus/lunch etc etc?

Whats changed now you are 16-18 for A-levels?

I'll be honest and say i have a biased view on this as the vast majority of people i know abused the EMA system. Most just spent it on booze on Fridays and some even got their parents to fiddle the numbers so they could get EMA in the first place, and were quite happy to tell everyone about it.

I accpet there are people who need the financial assistance to help them, but if you were getting along without it before, why has the situation changed just because A-Levels arent compulsory?

Jake, When i was 11-16, A school was on Free, as i live more then 7 miles away from school. But now i am 16+ the Government wont support free school travel, so i have to pay 12quid a week.
did you hear him talking about "changing the attitude of what you are entitled to".

Do you have a link for that anywhere Marc? I have googled but can't find anything.
Was he referring to the 'hands out', 'give me free money' attitudes (of some people) in the UK towards welfare etc..?
The people who think they are 'entitled' to things just because they live there.

Some people will say "I pay tax/ my parents pay tax.. So I'm entitled to X amount per week"
So by that rational, if your parents pay £10k in tax p.a, is the kid who's parents pay £20k p.a in tax entitled to double that amount?
Jake, When i was 11-16, A school was on Free, as i live more then 7 miles away from school. But now i am 16+ the Government wont support free school travel, so i have to pay 12quid a week.

I believe your parents receive child support. School travel, amongst other things, is what it should pay for. My pal, who had to pay his own transport, eventually got the child support sent to him instead, as his mum squandered it. Responsibility for your actions (having a child) is important, and being financially secure is one of the things you should consider. If you do not have enough money to raise a child and need government handouts to do so, some alarm bells should go off. Not talking specifically about you, btw, just in general what I've seen and experienced.

Except its never going to happen.

It is British oil in all legal documentation, the SNP shouting 'its Scotlands oil' at the top of its voice is not going to make Westminister hand over one of Britains biggest money generating assets.

Of course, it was all meant tongue in cheek. Yous love us too much to let us go(6)

Do you have a link for that anywhere Marc? I have googled but can't find anything.
Was he referring to the 'hands out', 'give me free money' attitudes (of some people) in the UK towards welfare etc..?
The people who think they are 'entitled' to things just because they live there.

Some people will say "I pay tax/ my parents pay tax.. So I'm entitled to X amount per week"
So by that rational, if your parents pay £10k in tax p.a, is the kid who's parents pay £20k p.a in tax entitled to double that amount?

This. I pay quite a lot of tax (I need to earn a substantial amount of money to pay my taxes due to weird Norwegian taxation laws, usually between 3000 and 4000 pounds and when you're a 22 year old student, it's tough), and when a friend of mine got 2000£ for "being a bit depressed because of her nasty ex-boyfriend," I threw a hissy fit. They're ******* leeches.
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"woah is me woah is me" now i wont be able to afford cheap scandinavian **** :(