David Cameron to become Prime Minister

  • Thread starter Thread starter *James*
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  • Replies Replies 148
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Are you happy about this result? If not, what would you have preferred?

  • Yes, I am happy about Cameron being PM

    Votes: 24 24.5%
  • I would rather Gordon Brown stayed on, at least until the hung parliament was sorted out

    Votes: 10 10.2%
  • I wanted Lib-Lab Coalition

    Votes: 18 18.4%
  • Anyone but Cameron!!!

    Votes: 41 41.8%
  • Other (Add suggestions for another option below)

    Votes: 5 5.1%

  • Total voters
Jake, When i was 11-16, A school was on Free, as i live more then 7 miles away from school. But now i am 16+ the Government wont support free school travel, so i have to pay 12quid a week.

Seems fair. Although if it only costs £12 a week, £30 a week plus the £100 monthly bonus seems a bit excessive.
After a bit more research into EMA, I see that it is costing the taxpayer £20 million+ per week!!

That is complete insanity in my opinion.
I believe your parents receive child support. School travel, amongst other things, is what it should pay for. My pal, who had to pay his own transport, eventually got the child support sent to him instead, as his mum squandered it. Responsibility for your actions (having a child) is important, and being financially secure is one of the things you should consider. If you do not have enough money to raise a child and need government handouts to do so, some alarm bells should go off. Not talking specifically about you, btw, just in general what I've seen and experienced.


So what do you suggest, If you full pregant, you should just have an abortion, if you cant afford it? Well thats a good soceity isnt it.

Seems fair. Although if it only costs £12 a week, £30 a week plus the £100 monthly bonus seems a bit excessive.

The Bonues is every 4 months. you get it 2 times in a school year. I get 20quid a week. But i have friends who come to my school, and it cost them 20-25quid a week in bus transport.
Dont know much about ploitics if I am beng honest but really didnt want Cameron in.
Seems fair. Although if it only costs £12 a week, £30 a week plus the £100 monthly bonus seems a bit excessive.

You only get a bonus at Christmas and at the end of the year, and that is only if you complete all coursework by the correct deadlines.

After a bit more research into EMA, I see that it is costing the taxpayer £20 million+ per week!!

That is complete insanity in my opinion.

That's insanity? Only one word needs to be used to some up insanity 'Trident' it costs us billions and has no benefit to this country whatsoever. £20Million is nothing compared to some of the **** the government puts money into. (Although I'd like to see where you pulled that figure from)
So what do you suggest, If you full pregant, you should just have an abortion, if you cant afford it? Well thats a good soceity isnt it.

Is it any better than a society which pays children to attend school, even though it is patently obvious that they are making no effort and no visible progress whatsoever?

I think Cameron will be good for your country.
I have read through some of the proposed changes and believe they will benefit the UK.
£20 million is pocket money to the government, just like EMA is for kids.

I'm cautiously optimistic about the proposals, and Cameron does actually seem to be a decent guy (for a tory) but time will tell.
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Is it any better than a society which pays children to attend school, even though it is patently obvious that they are making no effort and no visible progress whatsoever?

I think Cameron will be good for your country.
I have read through some of the proposed changes and believe they will benefit the UK.

It isnt all children, it is only if you turn up everyday, Attend assemblies ect. Visible progress? So your saying every kid on EMA doesnt try or make Progress, Thats bullshit.

Cameron will look after the Richer people. and **** on the Working class.
It will be interesting to follow the journey from across the water.
I see that the latest unemployment figures showed the total number of Britons looking for work was at its highest level in 16 years.
If the proposed cuts pull the UK out of financial crisis, will the haters come back on here and eat their words?
Or will they remain resolute and continue to hate Cameron?
Hate Cameron.

We are in a recession, jobs are going to be lost, so people need help
So what do you suggest, If you full pregant, you should just have an abortion, if you cant afford it? Well thats a good soceity isnt it.

The Bonues is every 4 months. you get it 2 times in a school year. I get 20quid a week. But i have friends who come to my school, and it cost them 20-25quid a week in bus transport.

Well in my school they say £100 at the end of ever month not including the weekly £30
Well in my school they say £100 at the end of ever month not including the weekly £30

well thats ****** up, cause nationally you get it at x-mas and at the end of the year.

I have to go on "report" to get the bonus, where my Head of year decides whether i have behaved well enough, checks up on my class work, and see if i am hitting my targets in coursework
Whata mistaka to make *****, the darkness approaches for britain
were all doomed, i tell ya, doomed!!!!! The hangsman drum is beating louder while the rich laugh at us mere mortals heading into the gutter.
Whata mistaka to make *****, the darkness approaches for britain
were all doomed, i tell ya, doomed!!!!! The hangsman drum is beating louder while the rich laugh at us mere mortals heading into the gutter.

someones into poetry
Discrimination against the "working" class is wrong, yet blatant homophobia is ok??
I had this discussion with my girlfriend the other night in a bar.
A friend of hers was using 'gay' as a negative. IE "Thats f***ing gay".. meaning it's wrong.
It would require a thread though.
Discrimination against the "working" class is wrong, yet blatant homophobia is ok??
I had this discussion with my girlfriend the other night in a bar.
A friend of hers was using 'gay' as a negative. IE "Thats f***ing gay".. meaning it's wrong.
It would require a thread though.

david camerons gay not wrong either just plain gay!