Even Barca's 3 at the back failed against Juventus' solid 4 2 3 1 last night
It's astonishing to see that the game which is supposed to be the best football simulation isn't supporting the most used formations in the real world. 4 2 3 1, 4 1 2 2 1 etc.
Hey mate,
Here's how Juventus was defending against Barcelona during yesterday match
As you can see when Juventus was defending its players were forming something similar to compact 442 formation
When Juventus was attacking its players were forming something similar to 4231 formation
Here's how Barcelona plays in La Liga during this season when it uses 4 defenders
When Barcelona defends it forms something similar to compact 442 formation, it looks like this:
When Barcelona attacks it uses a very fluid asymmetric formation that looks this :
As you can see in real like teams play in extremely complex way that FM can't simulate due lack of tools for it
I really don't understand what makes people to believe that in real life most teams play 4231, 433 or 442 formations, maybe people have such impression because before every match on TV, it represents every team in that way but that is far away from the truth and how teams play in real life is about 100 times more complex that simple 4231 or 433 formations.
FM is just a PC game and it's close to real life football as GTA to real life

and like in every PC game you play against AI and the main point it to beat AI/the ME.
P.S. about the tactic that I sent to Mark, there's nothing special in that tactic and it's weaker than Demolisher so don't bother with it.