Do you Believe In God

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What would you Describe your Self As ?

  • Athiest

    Votes: 230 51.7%
  • Religous (what ever Religion that May be)

    Votes: 135 30.3%
  • Agnostic

    Votes: 72 16.2%
  • Thiest

    Votes: 8 1.8%

  • Total voters


Feb 27, 2009
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1) Do you Believe In God

2) Are you Religious

3) Why ?

I have seen discussions like this on other forums become very interesting providing that people stay respectful-ish

My answer

1) No

2) No

3) I beleive in what is most likely, I believe its most likely there is no god.
I don't believe in Religions because to believe in 1 religion you have to not believe in others (e.g. if you are Christian then you don't believe in the Muslim faith, or Greek Mythology) So its not irrational to disbelieve one more religion than others.
Football is my religion lol...... but seriously i do believe in god some things have happened to me over the years that make me believe. I dont and cant remember the last time i went to church, i dont preach and i never try to make anyone believe but for me he has been there.
Not at all.

I can't beilive in somthing that nobody can prove.

And can make up so many different gods and so on and so forth.

I think it is a major factor as to why our world is in the state it is in today.

This is my opnion only and I would never judge anybody
i think there is a lot of holes in the christian religion, where as i don't personaly believe in god, don't pray, dont go to church and so on, i dont however rule out the possibility of one, but from the times of when jesus suposably lived to now, its really just like chinese whispers.
no no and even more no

Fair enough a thousand years ago when we could not explain anything like wind,fire, the sun etc etc religions like the Greek Mythology and the Egyptian religions were acceptable because it gave answers but it's 2009 and we know alot about how we got here etc etc

Christianity is the biggest lie on the planet. It's all borrowed from older ancient religions they bullied out the way and the bible was written by men so can we really live our lives by a book written by priests etc from that long ago?

I may aswell live my life by Star Wars.

I think there was a Jesus but he was prob just a leader of men and someone people followed back then but in no way do i beleive he was the son of god or a zombie who came back to life.

It's also the most hypocritical of the lot...i love how i could be total evil all my life and kill,rape whatever and if irepent on my death bed and accept christ...BAM heaven

but Joe Bloggs lives an honest hard working life and is kind to everyone but he does not beleive in god so he is condemed to ****.

Would you really want to beleive in a god that gives us so much suffering as a test anyway?

I also hate the die hards who won't talk to anyone who is gay/against there faith and just says your wrong and they are right

As much as i don't beleive in it i do however enjoy researching it.
no no and even more no

Fair enough a thousand years ago when we could not explain anything like wind,fire, the sun etc etc religions like the Greek Mythology and the Egyptian religions were acceptable because it gave answers but it's 2009 and we know alot about how we got here etc etc

Christianity is the biggest lie on the planet. It's all borrowed from older ancient religions they bullied out the way and the bible was written by men so can we really live our lives by a book written by priests etc from that long ago?

I may aswell live my life by Star Wars.

I think there was a Jesus but he was prob just a leader of men and someone people followed back then but in no way do i beleive he was the son of god or a zombie who came back to life.

It's also the most hypocritical of the lot...i love how i could be total evil all my life and kill,rape whatever and if irepent on my death bed and accept christ...BAM heaven

but Joe Bloggs lives an honest hard working life and is kind to everyone but he does not beleive in god so he is condemed to ****.

Would you really want to beleive in a god that gives us so much suffering as a test anyway?

I also hate the die hards who won't talk to anyone who is gay/against there faith and just says your wrong and they are right

As much as i don't beleive in it i do however enjoy researching it.

i would like to live my life by starwars to be honest :P
If you look at religion as a whole its caused more wars death and all round misery than anything man has ever created.

How can there be a God? Man has been on Earth around 10 to 15 thousand years so what was he doing in the billions of years before that and who created god?

Im more likely to believe that Jesus was a Human Alien cross breed,thats why he had weird powers and the star over Bethlehem was in fact a intergalactic space craft and the angel Gabriel a alien who probed Mary and impregnated her.Oh and heaven or the kingdom of god is in fact another planet.

There probably was a Jesus but he was just an ordinary guy who led a gang of grifters,conning the public with magic tricks and tall stories.
The only reason I dont believe in god is that there is no solid evidence. Like how come all these people say that God helps us all yet there are loads of people who live in poverty and have mental health issues etc. As far as I am concerned, God hasn't helped me in the slightest and I doubt that that will change
Kris and Woody I agree 100%, and I also really enjoy researching this type of stuff, despite I have no believe in it
Football is my religion lol...... but seriously i do believe in god some things have happened to me over the years that make me believe. I dont and cant remember the last time i went to church, i dont preach and i never try to make anyone believe but for me he has been there.

This is exactly me except I'm the Muslim version lol I do believe due to things which have hapend to me n my family but I don't preached and don't like to be preached to.I believe but on my own level no1 can make me believe anymore or anyless than I want :)

---------- Post added at 03:01 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:57 AM ----------

The only reason I dont believe in god is that there is no solid evidence. Like how come all these people say that God helps us all yet there are loads of people who live in poverty and have mental health issues etc. As far as I am concerned, God hasn't helped me in the slightest and I doubt that that will change

I am Muslim n I believe in god but I ask these same questions n when I ask a Islamic scholar or even a priest they all give me the same answer..... Tht god is testing evry1. To see if rich get greedy and forget him or the poor get to disheartnd and stop believing, I replied to them give me the test where am rich in a big house m driving fancy cars I wouldn't mind being I'm tht test lol
Believe in God? Not in the strictest sense. I dont believe in religion that is for sure. Religion to me is an evil. It is what is wrong with the world in my opinion.

However I do believe that there is something out there. Something I cannot possibly explain or comprehend that guides me. Whether it is destiny (which one could argue is a God in and of itself) whispering in my ear or that of an actual being I dont know.

But all in all I dont believe it matters what another person believes. So long as they are kind and just then they are fulfilling their human potential (theres a specific Greek word used by Aristotle that im thinking of but cant remember right now in this instance).
The trouble with humans or mankind is we think were more important than we actually are.In reality were not even a spec of dust on a spec of dust and mother nature or the power of the cosmos could wipe the lot of us out in an instant whenever it feels like it without even batting an eyelid and the universe would continue as normal as if nothing ever happened.
It should be remembered that everyone, , is born an atheist - babies do not believe in God. Your religion often depends on your upbringing - if your parents are Southern Baptists, you will probably also be a Southern Baptist. If your parents are Muslims, then you will probably be one also. Which God do you believe in? I'm betting it's entirely dependent on geography. It's a bit of a lottery, isn't it?

Here are a few simple reasons why people believe in god, I think this covers everything

  • They had simply been indoctrinated at an early age, and the beliefs became so much a part of their life that the idea of questioning or doubting simply never occurred to them. They believe it because they have just always known it to be true. (As mentioned above, people usually end up with whatever the religion of their family happens to be.)
  • They feel that we must be here for a purpose. The universe and this beautiful Earth cannot all be a pointless accident, and God is the best explanation. We are all here for a reason, but only God knows exactly what that reason is and we'll just have to trust him.
  • A sense of justice. It's not fair for evil people to commit all sorts of terrible acts and simply escape punishment by dying. The idea of heaven/**** ensures that good people are rewarded and bad people are suitable punished.
  • A deep objection to being merely "animals". Many creationists, for instance, are offended at the idea that humans simply evolved along with all other animals. God made us separate and special, and we have a "soul" but the animals do not (biological snobbery?).
  • Comfort. Many people find it very comforting to believe that a loving God is always watching over them and caring for them, and when anything good or bad happens to them, this is all part of his Plan for their life. Also, religion is obviously very comforting when faced with the death of a loved one. It's much easier and more reassuring to believe that Grandma is free from pain now, up in Heaven with Jesus where she's waiting for us to join her for eternity, than to think that she has simply ceased to exist and the universe will have forgotten her in a couple of generations.
  • Afterlife. It seems almost incomprehensible to believe that when your body dies, your existence ends. Sensation and awareness are so much a part of our existence that it is extremely difficult to imagine no longer being able to experience anything. Try to imagine that, for example, a big meteor crashes into your house and instantly kills you at the end of this paragraph. We just cannot imagine not existing or abruptly ceasing to be aware and conscious, and so it is quite natural to think that something will continue to exist after the death of our brain. It's a short step from there to accepting the idea of an immortal soul, and heaven or reincarnation or some other form of afterlife.
A very interesting take on it. I do think alot of children are pressured into religion. If i have children i will not preach and will send them to a non denominational school i will not discuss religion unless they asked me first and then i will tell them how I feel about it.
No but everyone is entitled to theyre views. Unless thats killing innocent people.
1) Yes
2) Yes, but not overly-so
3) Because I believe that if you pray, go to church on a decently regular basis and are a good person all-round, God will help you. Nothing to major has happened to me but little things have and I have heard stories about Lourdes etc. or when people pray and pray and are cured from their illness/depression/money troubles etc. Well not really for the money stuff but they have been able to stay strong and come through that, which they credit to God.
I think we can all agree that it is important for people to hear multiple viewpoints so they can choose for themselves the theory that makes the most sense to them.

I and many others around the world are of the strong belief that the universe was created by a Flying Spaghetti Monster. It was He who created all that we see and all that we feel. We feel strongly that the overwhelming scientific evidence pointing towards evolutionary processes is nothing but a coincidence, put in place by Him.

Mr Garrison is my personal Jesus.
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I think we can all agree that it is important for people to hear multiple viewpoints so they can choose for themselves the theory that makes the most sense to them.

I and many others around the world are of the strong belief that the universe was created by a Flying Spaghetti Monster. It was He who created all that we see and all that we feel. We feel strongly that the overwhelming scientific evidence pointing towards evolutionary processes is nothing but a coincidence, put in place by Him.

Mr Garrison is my personal Jesus.
All Hail Mr Garrison LMAO