Do you believe in the after life?

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The afterlife was made up to stop us all giving in to our carnal desires and basically going nuts.
This world is like a test an exame. If yu take god's way and do the right things, yu will be rewarded in after life. But in this world people only looking to money, people are money blind, thats all whut count for the most now. Or people saying thers no proof, well if there is proof it would be very easy :D
no i dont, the universe is to vast for 1 person to be significant. To think anything happens after our bodies stop working is silly.
I am a Christain, and believe in God and the afterlife.
There are probably better versions out there in terms of quality, but this is an interesting debate if you have an hour to kill.

Richard Dawkins (science) and Rowan Williams the Archbishop of Canterbury (religion) discuss the origins of human beings.
Only the arrogant believe they will continue living after they die. You are no different to the rest of earth, when you die, you die.

Try to remember what your life was like before you were born.. That's what it will be like afterwards.
After going to a science lecture yesterday I'm more inclined to believe in alternate universes or cyclical time where there are versions of ourselves from the past and in the future, than any sort of afterlife.

In my opinion the idea of an afterlife is a way to curb people's behaviour. If you tell people that they will be rewarded in their next life if they behave then they are more likely to conform as well as being punished for doing bad stuff in this life.
I'm just stoked about having one long-**** lie-in.

I often ponder about it, who doesn't? But I always come to the conclusion that that's it, dead is dead. I think maybe you have unconscious thoughts after you die in your mind as it whittles away which is why people say they saw a light or that the light of day is the last thing they have seen before they 'died' but later were revived. Bleh.
I'm not really sure, I'm only 17 so haven't given it much thought. Plus I don't really want to give it much thought :P
Just think about this. God is ultimate, he's absolute, he's everything. He's the past, present and the future. Why would he need us ? I mean, there's lot of suffering around the world, and I'm pretty sure he could predict that if he wanted. So, once again, why he needs to create us, when he already know how it's going to end ? So, I don't think there's a heaven, and even if there is, **** seems much, much better place to have fun. I mean, drug, *** and r'n'r :D
Just think about this. God is ultimate, he's absolute, he's everything. He's the past, present and the future. Why would he need us ? I mean, there's lot of suffering around the world, and I'm pretty sure he could predict that if he wanted. So, once again, why he needs to create us, when he already know how it's going to end ? So, I don't think there's a heaven, and even if there is, **** seems much, much better place to have fun. I mean, drug, *** and r'n'r :D
believing in an afterlife doesn't necessarily mean you believe in heaven and ****
I don't believe in it, but TBF there is no proof to say it doesn't exist(the same with God/ghosts etc).

Plus, life is for living, not for pondering what happens to you when you die.
Yep, I forgot to add, we knows there is 12 dimensions ( I think its 12). Maybe some of those dimensions is afterlife. I can't tell exactly but who knows... I opinions is - there's no afterlife.
I often ponder about it, who doesn't? But I always come to the conclusion that that's it, dead is dead. I think maybe you have unconscious thoughts after you die in your mind as it whittles away which is why people say they saw a light or that the light of day is the last thing they have seen before they 'died' but later were revived. Bleh.

If the afterlife does exist, I'll be going to Valhall/Muslim ****, seen as I'm Norse Pagan. We drink, we fight, eat pork and sleep with hot women. No golden camels here!
Try to remember what your life was like before you were born.. That's what it will be like afterwards.

This made me lol

but yes. For the same reason science isnt a theory, I think when you die - you die, you rot in the ground/ enjoy being ash. Its like asking if your computer edits your files after you turn it off.
This made me lol

but yes. For the same reason science isnt a theory, I think when you die - you die, you rot in the ground/ enjoy being ash. Its like asking if your computer edits your files after you turn it off.

That's why my FM saves get corrupted! :O

**** you, computer. **** you :P

On topic, no. No I don't. It was invented, as said, to keep people in line.
Pfft. Everyone's so pessimistic, surely if God didn't need us he wouldn't of created us in the first place, it's not like GOD would make an error and would think "stuff this" I don't want you anymore.
Pfft. Everyone's so pessimistic, surely if God didn't need us he wouldn't of created us in the first place, it's not like GOD would make an error and would think "stuff this" I don't want you anymore.

I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not...