
Keyboard Warrior
Dec 3, 2009
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Hey guys,

After the great support I got for my FM2011 training schedules, they are back, bigger and better than before!

Well.. ok, they will be! I am currently working on some at the moment in the demo, but under 6 months isn't really enough time for me to fully test them. I am going to work on them fully until FM2012 comes out, so.. 8 days, unless I get it early.. ;) I will then release a beta version, followed by a more refined and polished set of schedules, which I can actually test fully over a few seasons.

Anyway, enough waffle from me. Hopefully I will be able to produce schedules that everyone loves and makes all your players ****-freakin-hot, but to do that, I need your input. Rather than just say 'Ur a ****, ur schedz are ****, so **** a beaver' you could tell me what you have seen from my schedules, what you would prefer to see, what you think is missing, and how you, personally, would improve it. I am always grateful of input and feedback, positive or negative, both are needed for this to grow into the best possible set of schedules.

So, as we can't/shouldn't, make threads with nothing to show for it, I will be releasing, in around a hour, a set of schedules for you to use in your demo. They won't be great, they won't make your players raise by 20000 ability in a month, but they will do the job for the demo, and give me a foundation to build my future schedules on and for people to give me feed back. These are very very early schedules, so don't expect wonders. :) Feel free to use them, or not, the choice is yours.

Also, what I need, is people to give me ideas. What do you want from training? How many schedules do you like? Should I release 2 versions, one with extensive detailing into player position and another with the basic positions covered? Do you want injury schedules? Do you want players 30 years or older to have their own schedules so you can maximise their longevity? :) Let me know below. :)

Thanks for reading.
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I would like Part-Time Schedules again. :).
But one for every role like last year seemed great and enough.
Ur a ****, ur schedz are ****, so **** a beaver. :)

I didn't use your schedules in 11 because I had my own sexy ones.

When I do download schedules, I prefer the basic positions covered, and injury schedules. I personally don't like have 100 schedules.
same as last time, maybe a few more duties though, and yes to a senior (30+) schedule
Ur a ****, ur schedz are ****, so **** a beaver. :)

I didn't use your schedules in 11 because I had my own sexy ones.

When I do download schedules, I prefer the basic positions covered, and injury schedules. I personally don't like have 100 schedules.
Downloading the demo so I'll try it out. Basic ones are better than 30 specific ones IMO, and a one to increase longevity should be nice too :)

Oh by the way: 'Ur a ****, ur schedz are ****, so **** a beaver'
The demo ones are simple, I will introduce some more complex ones for when the full game comes out.
I used your training in 2011 and liked the whole set up for the youth. its gd there are people out there doing abit to help. I played this game since 2005 and love it. i do my own senior and never been able or bothered tbh to do youth but since i found urs i been using more youth players instead off spending money. Cheers Dunc
Hi Dunc:) I used your training schedules in FM2011:D They are good...and to be honest have been using them in the Demo too:D Now I can switch to these, but just wanted to through in my two cents:D Injury schedule would be nice and Basic training like striker, cm, dm and that would be good too...kindof like a default. I love specialized training for my first team but I usually use a lower league team and need more general training for backups:) So what I envision is specialized for my first team top two tactics and more general for backups and an injury schedule for the many injuries I've picked up while playing FM2012 Demo. BTW very good job(H)
I would love schedules for youth players with full contract / players whining about high workload!
Used your schedules last year. I'd like to see similar ones with youth again, not really fussed on injury ones though, never used them personally.

I'll try them out when the game releases, done with the demo for now :)
Anyone else used these in the demo and seen any improvement? :)
The demo ones are simple, I will introduce some more complex ones for when the full game comes out.
I used your schedules on fm11. With little tweaks ( as some players are moaning) they were first class. Since you made this schedules for demo, I wont download it. I'm waiting for a real deal. Nice job.
Personally, i would like have the detailed of 30 positions training and general one...Youth training is excellent in Fm11...Thanks and keep the good work