Mistake selling Griffiths... He is quality. I use him for Southampton in Premier League he is amazing!
Thanks for the comments guys. Really do appreciate them.

Ubernisation- I got 350k for Griffiths

scotth1995- I didn't want to sell him, but the club accepted the offer and i had no choice, they need the money.

fuelledbypassion- I'm sure you are not the only one lol. Thanks for the comments.
Nice story so far mate, im defo following, I remember your one on last fm :)
Thanks Pinder, glad you're reading.

Michael Ordish thought joining Dundee would be a great experience for him. It would prepare him for top flight football, toughen him up physically and mentally, ready to go back to Celtic and challenge for the first team. What he didn’t expect was to find himself being threatened, just one day into his loan spell.

Ordish went back to his hotel that night and slept on the decision he had to make. He couldn’t tell anyone, after all he was a new arrival, people would side with Riley, even though he’d only been there slightly longer than Ordish. He awoke the next morning and got in his car, ready to drive to training when he suddenly paused and began to wonder whether he should bother, knowing that Riley would be waiting for him.

He picked up his phone and looked at Matthew McClintock’s number. He dialled and seemingly, Nicky Riley had frightened Ordish away from the club. Ordish had told McClintock he was ill, but for how long could he keep that excuse going?

Training began that morning and without Ordish, the squad were wondering where the youngster was, in particular Nicky Riley.

‘Gaffer, where’s the young lad got to?’ Riley smiled broadly as he posed the question.

‘He’s ill Nicky, so we’ve given him a few days to recover.’

Riley was really full of himself after hearing that news, he knew he’d rattled the young lad and was confident that he wasn’t to return again.

Away from the Ordish affair, Dees boss Matthew McClintock was continuing his daily duties. The arrival of Ordish was the second capture of his tenure and a third was almost complete. Dylan McGowan of Hearts was at the training ground to sign a season long loan deal. McGowan, a central defender or midfielder was someone McClintock had been chasing for a week or so now and the manager was said to be delighted at the Australian’s capture. Surely McGowan’s first day couldn’t come close to matching Michael Ordish’s, could it?
Who knows with Riley eh ;) lol, thanks mate.

Dylan McGowan’s first day was a walk in the park compared to Michael Ordish’s. A few handshakes, a light training session and even Nicky Riley seemed to welcome the Aussie to the club. A few days had passed and Michael Ordish still hadn’t returned to the club, manager Matthew McClintock was starting to worry.

In those few days his side had embarked upon another pre season friendly, losing 3-1 to arch rivals Dundee United. It was a game where McClintock again got a feel for his side and the result wasn’t frowned upon by anybody.

Back in a local hotel, Michael Ordish had been locked away in his room for the past few days, wondering just what to do with himself. So many times had he thought about simply ringing Neil Lennon and asking to go back to Celtic. He knew though, deep down he knew that if he wanted to make it in the professional game, he couldn’t go running back home. Ordish was such a talent as well and for him to waste it by being scared of a typical club bully would be a real waste. All things considered, Ordish decided that tomorrow he was going to go back to training and face Nicky Riley once more.

Later that evening, Ordish was getting ready to down to eat in the hotel restaurant when a knock on the door came.

‘Michael, it’s Matthew.’ Ordish’s heart skipped a beat as he realised his manager had arrived. He didn’t know what to do now, Ordish started coughing(as you do).

‘Just a second gaffer.’

Ordish opened the door to greet McClintock, offering a handshake, only to be declined, did McClintock know the goings on?

‘ Don’t want to catch your germs do I Mickey?’

‘No, no of course not’, another sigh of relief from Ordish.

‘Was just coming to see how you are, check you’re not getting too down on your own here, when do you think you’ll be ready to train again?’

‘I think I could be ok to train tomorrow gaffer, I feel much better today.’

‘Excellent news, you made a real impact on your first day, was a shame you came down with this, anyways, I’ll leave you to get some more rest and see you tomorrow.’

‘Cheers, see you then.’

And with that Michael Ordish knew that tomorrow was going to determine his future, both at Dundee and in the game potentially, he would return to training and would be faced with answering to Nicky Riley.
really getting in to this
saw dundee last night
Forsyth,Riley and weston impressed.
Dont worry bout griffiths.He wants to score all the goals himself
keep going ill be following
just read alot of the updates mate well done, enjoying the story something different KIU ;)
Thanks mate, appreciate it.

Michael Ordish arrived at training early the next day, simply to avoid crossing paths with Nicky Riley. He waited around the canteen, had a bite to eat and headed out to the training pitch to work on a few things. The time then came where the rest of the squad were to join him, out came Rab Douglas, Barry Smith and Gary Harkins, the more experienced members of the squad, they all welcomed Ordish’s return.

As the rest of the squad kept arriving, Ordish’s heart was in his mouth, he could just sense he was going to regret returning. Matthew McClintock then came onto the pitch and welcomed Ordish back, he assembled the squad and talked about what the session was to involve and he named the team for the next pre season friendly, including Ordish and Riley. Still Riley hadn’t surfaced and Ordish was beginning to breathe easier. But then, just as Ordish thought he’d got away with it, the squad began to cheer and whistle as Nicky Riley ran over to the group.

Riley looked like he’d had a rough night and it didn’t go unnoticed by McClintock who in a joking manner told Riley to get his wallet out later for a fine. The wide man didn’t look bothered.

As training began, Riley still hadn’t faced Ordish, Ordish wasn’t even sure he knew he had returned. Assistant manager Gordon Wallace was taking training today and he gathered everyone and it was time for some 1v1s and 2v2s.

‘Riley, you can go up against the young lad Michael.’

Riley’s face painted a picture. He was absolutely fuming but let out a wry smile, knowing he was going to take out Ordish. Ordish looked scared to death.

They were first up, Wallace threw the ball in and it fell to Ordish’s feet.

‘Go on Mickey!! Do him!! Get at him!!’, the whole squad were urging Ordish on. It seemed as though he’d got stage fright almost, Ordish just froze with the ball at his feet and Riley edged closer.

‘Woah, hold it there. Are you ok Mickey?’ Wallace was concerned that Ordish didn’t seem to be moving.

‘I’m ok Gordon, just felt my ankle a little bit, lets go for it again.’ Ordish decided enough was enough and was going to get at Riley.

Just as Wallace threw the ball in though, Riley told Ordish to watch his toes. Riley stood on his left foot, crushing Ordish’s toes. The young winger went down in a heap and Wallace immediately stopped the session.

‘It was an accident Gordon, my big feet just couldn’t control where they were going, oh so sorry.’
Wallace scowled at Riley and went over to Ordish to check on him, he was in some pain. Ordish was taken to see the physio and was checked over, yet another day ruined by Nicky Riley. Could this one see a lot more consequences though, not only mentally but now physically?
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Nice update again mate, Better change the end of your last post though, Youve made the mistake I commonly make, You wrote physic instead of physio because you had physically in your mind which you wrote after that XD, Ordish will have Riley, Loving the character though.
Is anyone else hoping they never run into Reilly for the fear they would shout at him leave Ordish alone?
Thanks for all the comments guys, glad you're all enjoying.

Aldokemp- Thanks for that, you were spot on lol. Changed it now.

FBP- I'm sure Ordish will get his revenge soon ;).

Probably update later today or early tomorrow.

---------- Post added at 09:46 PM ---------- Previous post was yesterday at 07:04 PM ----------

The physio had informed Michael Ordish that he had broken his little toe in his right foot. The news was devastating for Ordish but there was a bright point for the youngster. Despite the break, the fact it was his little toe meant Ordish could continue playing and just strap the toe to another. Ordish would need a few days rest, but in around a weeks time he would be fit to resume his Dundee career, and fit to resume his saga with Nicky Riley

Away from the Ordish affair, Matthew McClintock was continuing to build his Dundee squad. Young central defender Ross Perry had arrived to sign on loan for the season from Rangers. McClintock was delighted with the addition and was beginning to feel as though his squad was almost assembled.

The final area of concern for McClintock was up front. The loss of Leigh Griffiths had hit them hard and they found themselves with just youg Leighton McIntosh, yet to make his first senior appearance and Sean Higgins whose record doesn't scream goal machine.
The trouble faced with McClintock was no money to spend and no real money for wages. With all the loan signings complete, that meant it would have to be a free transfer and they'd have to be affordable and cheap.

McClintock contacted his scout and there was only really one option at the time and McClintock felt he would add to the squad and would also provide some welcome experience

Gifton Noel-Williams would arrive at Dens Park in the morning for talks and McClintock's squad was now really taking shape.
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I was doing a season with Dundee and Sean Higgins scored 23 goals in 38 games :p.

Good luck for the season ahead mate, hope you stay up :D.
Thanks Tam, i can safely tell you Higgins isn't anywhere near close to that figure with me!

Pre season review
Around a week or so had passed since the Michael Ordish affair and the Dees’ pre season fixtures were nearing an end, things weren’t looking good. After the defeat to local rivals Dundee United, Marseille were in town and although it was a huge game and occasion for the fans, the result didn’t go accordingly. A 1-0 loss after a thunderbolt effort from Brandao put a dampener on things but McClintock’s men put in a good display against Champions league quality opponents.

Next up, just a couple of days later was another home test against Derby County. Again it ended in a 1-0 defeat and the lack of striking options were hindering the side. Gifton Noel-Williams was still in talks with his agent and the chairman about a move, money the obvious issue and things seemed no nearer a conclusion.

Again, just a couple of days after the Derby game, came Birmingham City at Dens Park. This time, the Dees suffered a real hammering, going down 6-1 to fellow Scot Alex McLeish’s men. Jamie Adams with the solitary effort, it was a very poor display and going up against a good Birmingham side was always going to be tough.

The final pre season clash for Dundee was another home tie, this time Owen Coyle brought his Bolton Wanderers side to Dens Park. It was similar to the Birmingham game as Bolton ran away with a comfortable 5-0 win. Confidence was really low and Matthew McClintock was faced with the prospect of in just four days time, their first competitive game of the season. They’d been drawn at home in the challenge cup first round against Berwick and with Ordish a doubt, Noel-Williams still not signed and morale at rock bottom, this was to be no easy first task at hand for the young manager and his cash strapped club.
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