There is no arguing its just you are spreading misinformation in this thread, from using no team talks at start, now this and you are using advices from some shady websites that have no clue about game. If you want to link some website link official forum where it is explained.
Ok first of all, i'm not spreading misinformation. I don't use team talks at the start of games. That's my play style nothing else. There is no need, in my opinion, if the morale is high and the team are on form. You only use them if the results are not going your way, as iv'e stated. If you give a team talk at the start of the game, you then are going to potentially influence one way or another the players. There is no guarantee due to the personalities of the players that what works for team A will work for team B. Hence reactive team talks and shouts only. That's what works for me when everything is set up correctly as iv'e stated in the opening post.
You are saying judging CA and PA don't matter when they do for a head of youth. Youth recruitment, junior coaching and youth facilities all contribute to the quality of the newgens (both current and potential ability) If your Head of Youth has a low values of PA and CA then they will not rate or recommend players accurately or give accurate reports on progress. Alot of players rely on this when playing the game and don't sift through every prospect. JPA/JPP is mainly used by a HOYD for continuous assessment of your newgens to report on their progress, and for their own scouting ability when looking at young players outside of the club. That's advice from the official forum btw. - &
You are saying ONLY PERSONALITY MATTERS which is an absolute crock of ****, especially when the Head of Youth is also a part of the coaching. Ideally a head of youth has decent coaching skills, decent determination, a determined personality (or one like model citizen, Model Professional, Professional, Resolute) and works well with youngsters, alongside decent PA & CA. Again. Even if your HOYD doesn't have a "desirable" personality, and/or if a newgen doesn't get given such a personality when he appears, it's not the end of the world because you can always tutor young players to try to give them better personalities. This is from the official forums and from the guidance listed in the above linked threads.
Might I also add that it's important the other youth staff have decent personalities and have good coaching stats as well. All youth staff can influence Newgens, however the HoYD’s impact is double that of the others. You want these staff in place to get good initial recruitment and then to develop the players with good coaching. Saying personalities is only important is literally only half of the battle. You can get good players but if they are not coached well it's a waste.
Here is a link to a filter created for a head of youth. Amend the personality search parameter as it's unlikely you'll find a model citizen early doors in the game. Go for personalities as mentioned above. of Youth.fmf?dl=0
Also the game itself highlights CA, PA and youth coaching as key attributes. I guess the actual game itself is lying and spreading misinformation too eh?
Secondly, the advice from the websites (which are not shady) is pretty much word for word what is stated on the official forums. This is not an official website but an affiliate one, just like the ones I linked. Is this site shady?
Thirdly, "if you want to link" - No your ok, i'll upload whatever I like on here as long as it's within the rules of the forum.
I have tried to help folk, by explaining how I play the game and got the results I have achieved and by linking info to sites that explain this also.
A quick look at your posting history suggests you are just trolling, however giving you the benefit of the doubt I have fully explained above, the importance of a head of youth and given links to an official site so you can dry your eyes and quit with the misinformation bullshit you are trotting out. -