Editiing project


---------- Post added at 10:38 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:36 PM ----------

The Shots Sounds Cool <) Yeah Please if you want to help me
And Physco1970 i will Do it now :)

Paper clip on reply to thread box right of white smiley click it U can then upload directly to post.

If on the other hand the ???? is a remark on my reply to the shots post then let me give you a bit of advice dont have anything to do with the low life thieving and talentless ****.

Dont big your self up Upload something that people can judge you on and then as you become a proven editor more people will be more inclined to help and share infomation/ideas with you.

This year it seems someone is needed to create a level 11 england Db from scratch as by the looks of it RTC whom has taken over the superbladesmans role has tried to take a short cut by trying to adapt last years and made a complete hash of it, Though he now says hes remaking it from scratch a bit of competition from someone else might give the SI Game boys a good kick up the ***.:D
i think i have done it alright but its kind of Un-tested i did it very Quickly
Okay il take your advice on 'the shots' you seem a proper good editor Super 8 league system looks very impressive btw (H)
Na i aint like that i jsut need people to help me with it and that

Yeaah i would make level 11 but its the amount of new teams/leagues to make for me cos of the college last year i took a year out and i had time
Btw thanks for the adice mate Ledge :)
For f**ks sake another one that talks big and produces nothing unless its someone elses work uploaded onto another site hoping no one will notice:P

You can't chat. I only stole a tactic, and that was just a joke. Don't take it seriously. Let it go...

Anyway, I have made Wales Level 6, and we are halfway through level 7. Also, I have created 90% of the asian leagues, and have got loads of new databases on FM Fanboys.

All you have is 'Super 8's' a terrible idea if I must say so myself. Unless you do it for every playable nation, it will be boring.


And I would like to help with the project if I can. Except Level 16. I made Level 14 already, but my comp can't handel it :'( Trust me it takes ages to go that far!!! I sold the DB in my school for 50p tho. Good money :D Made nearly £20!

---------- Post added at 11:09 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:06 PM ----------

the shots post then let me give you a bit of advice dont have anything to do with the low life thieving and talentless ****.

What have I done to you exactly? I haven't harmed you at all. It was a tactic btw, not a db, and it was a joke as I said before. I think what you said is unnecessary.

Anyway, I am a good DB maker, and you cannot say anything against me like that.
For f**ks sake another one that talks big and produces nothing unless its someone elses work uploaded onto another site hoping no one will notice:P

You can't chat. I only stole a tactic, and that was just a joke. Don't take it seriously. Let it go...

Anyway, I have made Wales Level 6, and we are halfway through level 7. Also, I have created 90% of the asian leagues, and have got loads of new databases on FM Fanboys.

All you have is 'Super 8's' a terrible idea if I must say so myself. Unless you do it for every playable nation, it will be boring.

What have I done to you exactly? I haven't harmed you at all. It was a tactic btw, not a db, and it was a joke as I said before. I think what you said is unnecessary.

Anyway, I am a good DB maker, and you cannot say anything against me like that.

Stop it guys, anymore and you're both getting infractions...
I made Level 14 already, but my comp can't handel it :'( Trust me it takes ages to go that far!!! I sold the DB in my school for 50p tho. Good money :D Made nearly £20!
why don't you go round one of your friends at school who bought the DB from you (they must have a computer that can handle it) and upload it to the site from his computer?

It wouldn't take long to do and would be a massive download hit - it would do a lot for your reputation, you've had some doubters, but something like this could do you a massive favour - you would undoubtedly be the first to release a DB going that far down 8-|

Also as Ronaldinhoo wants to make level 16, uploading this would be a great help to him if he could use your level 14 (with permission of course) as a starting point
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why don't you go round one of your friends at school who bought the DB from you (they must have a computer that can handle it) and upload it to the site from his computer?

It wouldn't take long to do and would be a massive download hit - it would do a lot for your reputation, you've had some doubters, but something like this could do you a massive favour - you would undoubtedly be the first to release a DB going that far down 8-|

Also as Ronaldinhoo wants to make level 16, uploading this would be a great help to him if he could use your level 14 (with permission of course) as a starting point
There is no point its very basic. just league structure, and no kits, awards, derbies, or anything like that. No stadiums either. But if you want it, i will ask him for the file.
There is no point its very basic. just league structure, and no kits, awards, derbies, or anything like that. No stadiums either. But if you want it, i will ask him for the file.
i dont want it but the guy who started this thread is looking to make his way as far down as he can - if you already have league structure down to level 14 then this will save him no end of time - its league structure thats most important, derbies and awards n stuff can be added later.

You said you wanted to help him, it seems like a no-brainer to me, you have the tools to help him massively 8-|
upload last years work as we only have your word that your a "proven editor", as then people are more likely to help you if they can see your past work for themselves.

pyscho is right... give us some screenshots or something... we will try to help as much we can
i dont want it but the guy who started this thread is looking to make his way as far down as he can - if you already have league structure down to level 14 then this will save him no end of time - its league structure thats most important, derbies and awards n stuff can be added later.

You said you wanted to help him, it seems like a no-brainer to me, you have the tools to help him massively 8-|
Okay, I will ask him. :)
Ok just had a quick look at db in Editor and considering you have stated it was a quick effort Im pretty impressed.

One thing I would stress though if you undertake any lower league database is to make sure you have the Promotion/Relegation set up correctly ie a midlands team relegated/promoted to a midlands league as this is the biggest gripe with people. if no boundaries are set FM does it randomly and a midlands team ends up in a different league region.

Another tip is to set up the league structure and teams(names only) and test for reliability and correctness before doing finances, stadiums ,and anything else club related as doing these first is a waste of time if the db is crash dump prone or incorrect.

Sorry if I came across as a bit harsh/critical before but we tend to get a lot of people asking for help and then nothing comes of it. :(

Anything Db related you want advice with dont hesitate to PM me and good luck with your work. :)

PS if you do decide to do the England Levels release them 1 at a time ie level 8 when completed and level 9 etc.

Also I don't reccomend you selling them as some people have claimed to do, as Sports Interactive may have something to say no matter how little you charge.
Erm maybe a little Email on its way to SI(6)
thanks mate it was pretty quickly made and sorry for not replying i went out for a few drinks.
Yeah if i did make it better with all of that if you want me to improve it then i will :)
Thanks for the advice mate
& yeah i understand i bet its abit of a pain :S
Okay thanks mate i will if i need help
I was thinking that about the english leagues but level 8 has been on here like 4 times maybe i should just start at level 9.

No charging people is very stupid i dont do it for money do it for the people i always think, And how would i email to si sorry if i seem thick

the shots can you send me that db and i could get started on that

---------- Post added at 11:57 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:07 PM ----------

thanks mate it was pretty quickly made and sorry for not replying i went out for a few drinks.
Yeah if i did make it better with all of that if you want me to improve it then i will :)
Thanks for the advice mate
& yeah i understand i bet its abit of a pain :S
Okay thanks mate i will if i need help
I was thinking that about the english leagues but level 8 has been on here like 4 times maybe i should just start at level 9.

No charging people is very stupid i dont do it for money do it for the people i always think, And how would i email to si sorry if i seem thick

the shots can you send me that db and i could get started on that
thanks mate it was pretty quickly made and sorry for not replying i went out for a few drinks.
Yeah if i did make it better with all of that if you want me to improve it then i will :)
Thanks for the advice mate
& yeah i understand i bet its abit of a pain :S
Okay thanks mate i will if i need help
I was thinking that about the english leagues but level 8 has been on here like 4 times maybe i should just start at level 9.

No charging people is very stupid i dont do it for money do it for the people i always think, And how would i email to si sorry if i seem thick

the shots can you send me that db and i could get started on that

I will send as soon as i get it back from my friend :)

Also, I give all my major projects to FM Fanboys i don't sell them online and stuff.

Anyway, I will be glad to help with anything I can offer, and I will send the Level 7 wales db with boundaries set (Thanks Psyco ;))
I will send as soon as i get it back from my friend :)

Also, I give all my major projects to FM Fanboys i don't sell them online and stuff.

Anyway, I will be glad to help with anything I can offer, and I will send the Level 7 wales db with boundaries set (Thanks Psyco ;))

Well When will that beee? ? ?
Yeah Okay then fair enough,

Okay lad, Okay Send me a link or summing ? ? :)

---------- Post added at 12:56 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:09 AM ----------

Going To Start Making Level 8 Now And Upload then Level 9 Upload and so on :)
Aren't there any promotion play-offs? (I have no idea, just asking)
One thing I would stress though if you undertake any lower league database is to make sure you have the Promotion/Relegation set up correctly ie a midlands team relegated/promoted to a midlands league as this is the biggest gripe with people. if no boundaries are set FM does it randomly and a midlands team ends up in a different league region.

You must set divisions for promotion/relegation, also noticed 2 sub divisions missing from level 9
Use wiki for pyramid system http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/English_football_league_system.

Dont be in such a rush to release it, perfect each level then release. For clubs that are missing use RTC's Db (for research only) Dont try to merge data from file (always ends up corrupting db and causes crash dumps).

You've proved you can put a league together now shows us your up to to the nitty gritty(the tedious stuff.:)
There Are no Play-offs atm but will make a V2.00 of it

Which ones are they? and thanks i do use wiki abit but doesnt have all the answers

Okaay sorry, RTC's db has got the wrong teams in some of the leagues i noticed So i dont want to because it might cause teams going into 2 leagues and that.

Thanks mate :) but what would you say is the Tedious stuff???

---------- Post added at 12:09 AM ---------- Previous post was yesterday at 11:11 PM ----------

I am stil looking for editors to help me Or researchers :) thanks
looks good but making level 11 with the shots so i cant help sorryy :)