
Feb 15, 2009
Reaction score
a Streaky25 story


"GOOOAAAL!!!" I yelled, as I ran around the back garden with my t-shirt pulled over my head, after hitting a self set up volley past my brother, who was stood in the make shift goal made out of two cricket stumps. "Boys, dinner's ready" called Mum from the kitchen window and within seconds I had gone from scoring the winner in the World Cup final in front of 90,000 people, back to a regular nine year old boy. After my brother, Matt, and I had finished our favourite dinner of chicken nuggets, chips and beans followed by a choc ice for pudding, we raced towards the back door to get our trainers on ready to re-create more footballing moments and dream of one day actually doint it, only to be stopped in our tracks by Mum's voice. "Not so fast you two. Dishes need to be done first." She ordered.
By the time Mum and Dad had finished eating their meal and with the dishes slowly being washed, by me and dried, by Matt, it was fast becoming dark outside which put a stop to anymore outdoor football for the evening. That didn't bother us though, as it just meant we would be able to carry on the subbuteo tournament we started with our Dad the previous night. Despite my young age I was fascinated by the game of subbuteo, as it allowed me to set up and create my own formations in the hope that one evening I may actually beat my Dad, who would play religiously every night after school when he was younger, even playing home and away matches at his friends houses the same day.
After a few games of subbuteo, taking it in turns to play against Dad and Matt, it was soon time for bed and with my Soccer School that I attended every Saturday morning just one sleep away, I was more than willing to get ready for bed with the excitement of what I could look forward to the following day.

Five years later and I made the transition from Junior school to Secondary school and during that period my love and addiction for football kept growing. The team I played for in Plymouth was a local side called Woodford Colts and over the past couple of seasons we won league titles and cup finals, which brought quite a bit of personnal success too.
The Soccer School I went to on a Saturday morning was an FA organised coaching course ran by two FA qualified coaches, Chris and Roy. Having just turned fourteen and in the final few weeks of being eligible to attend the course, I won a trial at Plymouth Argyle, after coming out on top from the final assessment results, that follow individual progress from the year you start.
I successfully passed my trial at Plymouth Argyle and was rewarded with a two year YTS contract. The contract meant that I would train some mornings and afternoons, with regular schooling during non-training time to ensure I still built up some sort of educational background incase the inevitable would happen and injury would cut short my potential career in football.

Now sixteen years old and with my YTS contract coming to an end, I was selected in the first team squad for a game against local rivals Exeter City in the final of the annual Devon Bowl tournament, which included Torquay United and feeder club Tiverton Town. The Bowl was organised so each team would play each other once, with the top two teams playing in the final held at Home Park.
There were five minutes remaining and with us comfortably in the lead, I was called to get ready to go on and make my debut in front of about 5,000 spectators which included numerous family members. All I can vaguely remember of the two minutes I was on the pitch for, was picking the ball up midway inside the Exeter half and running with it to take on the last defender, then a split second later I was rolling around on the floor in a heap, with excruciating pain in both ankles.
The extent of my injury was revealed later in hospital, when I was told I had damaged ligaments in both ankles, meaning I would be out of action for upto six months depending on how well they healed. With news of my injury set back starting to sink in, I was dealt another blow as Plymouth Argyle had replaced Peter Shilton as Manager and brought in Neil Warnock. And as I was ruled out for the foreseeable future I wasn't able to be offered professional terms and was instead released from the remaining two weeks I had left of my YTS contract.

Whilst my rehabilitation was continuing, my Dad received a promotion at work which meant leaving Devon and moving upto where we currently live in Hampshire. This not only brought in more income to the family, but also a fresh start for everyone including myself, who had to put behind the disappointment of not being offered a professional contract.
The move was done at the end of our school term, meaning after we had completed the move to Hampshire, myself and Matt would be looking at local colleges to attend and study.
I was six months into my Leisure and Tourism course when I had to go on Work Experience, and with no interest in the Tourism side, I knew exactly what I wanted to do and that was to get involved in Football in some way, though not at too higer intensity as I was just getting back to normal following my injury.
Down the local Gym that my Mum attended, she had made friends with a lady who's husband ran his own Sports Coaching company, and after a couple of phone calls it was arranged that I could spend two weeks work experience shadowing qualified coaches do P.E lessons and after school clubs at various schools in Hampshire.
After impressing during the two weeks work experience, I was advised by the director to gain my FA Level 1 certificate and then get back in contact with him about a future job within the company.
I booked straight onto the Level 1 course as soon as I got home and had soon passed it towards the end of the year, and with a new found passion for coaching, I arranged to meet up with the Manager of the Sports Coaching company to see what he could offer me in terms of coaching hours on a permanent basis.
With a Part Time Self Employed role at the Sports Coaching company secured and money coming in from the Semi-Pro side I had joined plus extra income from a few hours working at Tesco, it gave me a nice budget to spend on booking on the FA Level 2 course.

A few years on from passing my Level 2 and it brings me right to the present day, where I now have added the FA Youth Module Level 1 and 2 to my list of football qualifications.
This has also lead to me extending my Full Time role, to Football Development Coach for Hampshire, which requires me building relationships with local grassroot teams and going in and coaching different age groups and help develop the standard of coaching across the county.
One of the biggest achievements I have done to date, since getting my new role, is that I've built a fantastic relationship with Romsey Town, a local grassroots side, where I've gone from coaching one age group to now being involved with another sixteen teams at various age groups.
With the season having only just finished, Romsey Town have just appointed a new chairman and along with the club secretary they are both keen to increase my hours and role within the club. So with these new ideas in place the chairman called my director at the Sports Coaching company I'm contracted to and arranged a meeting to discuss my involvement with the club for next season.
I have already spoken with Phil, the new chairman, and he has already explained to me that he would like me to become the Football Development Officer within the club, which will involve not only improving coaching standards and player development, but also to create a pathway for the boys and girls, so that they can continue at the club for years to come playing at a high standard.
With the new coaching proposal being offered to me, it presents me the perfect opportunity to start my coaching career and with my playing days over, maybe this is the chance to keep alive the dream I had, when I used to play subbuteo with my Dad and brother a long time ago!!
Awesome start, cant wait to read more!
I'm really pleased with the appointment and feel given time to get his ideas across, he can take us too the next level. COYS! :)

i do think he could be great, but he seems like a hit or miss to me. Hopefully hes a hit
Mate this is like your 6th or 7th story there is meant to be a limit to 3
so far none of your stories have lasted more then a season or 2. can u olease stop spamming the forum witrh stories that are jus going to stop in a week or 2. I'm not a moderator but it is really annoying having constant stories form you pop up.
Mate this is like your 6th or 7th story there is meant to be a limit to 3
so far none of your stories have lasted more then a season or 2. can u olease stop spamming the forum witrh stories that are jus going to stop in a week or 2. I'm not a moderator but it is really annoying having constant stories form you pop up.

Thanks for your comment. I have already asked about doing more than three stories and I received a response from Steve saying that it would be ok, as many other people have alot more than me and for the record this is my fifth story, as one was lost due to my laptop crashing, one had come to an end and my last story I stopped due to a family death and my head wasn't in the right place to carry it on.
This current story I'm going to keep going as it's helping me take my mind of my loss and I've planned this story out similar to my other stories that have had a lot of positive comments.
If you aren't interested in my story then that is your opinion and I respect that and you are free to comment what you wish, but rather than writing it here, maybe send me a private message.

Thanks. :)
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The next day I was called into my Director's office to discuss the meeting he had with Romsey Town the previous evening. "Hi Andy, take a seat. As you know I met with Phil and Clare from Romsey Town last night and discussed creating a new role for you within the club. I have agreed that Romsey Town can sub-contract you from us and although you will continue to do your P.E lessons, the rest of your time will be involved developing the players and coaches standards throughout the club. Well done on your fantastic work." He explained, as he held out his hand for me to shake. "That's brilliant news, thank you." I responded.
With my new contract signed, increasing not only the income for the Sports Coaching company, but my own salary, it was time for me to get down to work in my new role.

I got to work straight away introducing the new ideas I wanted to bring into the club, in the hope they would have a positive effect not only on the pitch, but off the pitch aswell. One of the them was to bring in a code of conduct, where the players would have to follow certain rules to help bring in a little more discipline to each team within the club. For example if they can't make training to let the manager or coach know, as if they didn't, they can't expect to start at the weekend and also on match days the players had to turn up forty five minutes to an hour before kick off to allow for the players to be able to prepare mentally for the game and have enough time to go through a proper warm up.
Lastly and without wanting to change too much on the pitch, I felt it was crucial that I brought in a new philosophy for all the age groups to follow. Having spent a couple of days recently at FC Twente in Holland to meet one of our company's major shareholders, Steve McClaren, who is the Head Coach, I noticed that all the players at the different age levels from Under 7 right through to the First Team, all were coached to play the same way, which would allow them to make a comfortable step up through each step of the pathway they would be part of each year and having witnessed the success FC Twente have had at all levels, it was definately a route I wanted to make sure worked at Romsey Town.

My first real test to see if my new methods and ethos were working, would be on show at the weekend when the Academy squad are playing in a mini tournament down in Dorset.
We turned up at 830am at The Bob Lucas Stadium, home to Weymouth Football Club, and after setting up camp in the stand I headed over to the registration tent and signed us in. The day would consist of playing in a round robin tournament against Weymouth academy, Dorchester academy and Eastleigh academy, with the side at the top of the league being crowned the winners.


Romsey Town Academy 2 - 0 Weymouth Academy

We got off to a perfect start against the host side and played some very encouraging football, with some glimpses of my new playing philosophy starting to show in our overall performance. Both goals came from promising young forward Josh, who scored both goals with comfortable ease after great build up play.

Romsey Town Academy 1 - 0 Eastleigh Academy

Next up was our second game of the tournament and it was against our local rivals Eastleigh. Despite a shaky first twenty minutes, we started to get hold of the game and after some neat midfield passes, our other forward Ben latched onto a through pass, rounded the keeper and slotted the ball into the empty net to give us the lead. Even though there were no more goals, we completely dominated for large periods of the second half, playing some very eye catching football.

Dorchester Town Academy 0 - 3 Romsey Town Academy

A victory in our last game would ensure we won the tournament and the boys did just that, putting on our best performance of the tournament and playing even more fluid, attractive football. Josh(2) and midfielder Hannes grabbed the goals, as we ran out comfortable winners and ended up being crowned champions.


Despite only being in my new role a few days, the improvement of the players has been remarkable and things look to be heading in the right direction and with my head still buzzing from the outstanding performance by the Academy players, I struggled to sleep that night.
The following day and with a weeks holiday booked at the end of the week and the six week school holidays due to start the week after I return, my thoughts turned to organising pre-season training camps for the players of the Romsey Town teams to attend and so for the remainder of the day I had my eyes firmly glued to my laptop screen sending emails to all the managers with all the camp details and my right ear attached to my mobile calling the managers explaining the course and asking for there help to promote the camps to their players parents to explain the benefits of their son attending and also to encourage them to book on.

Finally my long awaited holiday was upon me, and with my wedding at the end of the year to look forward too, myself and my fiancee were invited away for the week by my parents, who had offered to pay, as all our money was going towards finalising the last few bits for the big day in December.
With a converted barn booked down in Weymouth, we set off on the two hour drive to Dorset, looking forward to having a nice relaxing week away from the stresses and strains from each individuals work place and for myself in particular, to recharge my batteries ready for the start of pre-season training in preparation for the new season.

The first day of our holiday was spent pretty much exploring the town and seeing what places would be good to eat in and looking for ideas to fill up the days we were staying. With a wide range of walks, activity days and local villages to visit, we decided that it wasn't necessary to spend every day together, so myself and my fiancee went off to grab some lunch followed by a walk around the harbour.

After deciding to get a pasty for lunch, we set off on a stroll around the beautiful picturesque harbour, which will play a big part in the Olympic games, as Weymouth has been chosen to host the sailing events. As we both leant against the railings, which were placed around the edge of the harbour wall, chatting about more wedding plans, my mobile phone went off. "Hi Andy, it's Phil. Sorry to bother you on your holiday, but it's quite urgent. Following the Academies great performance at the tournament last weekend and the positive changes you have made throughout the club, word has got around about the new philosophy and methods you have introduced and the amazing reults they have produced in such a short time. This has lead to the chairman of Dorchester Town getting in touch and asking if you will meet up with them to discuss forming part of a new management set up they are looking to put in place at the club! Obviously Andy we don't want to lose you, but this is a dream opportunity and one I feel you should think extremely hard about." explained the chairman of Romsey Town.
I paused for a moment trying to take on board everything Phil had just told me. "Wow, I never thought something like this would happen so soon. When are they looking to meet up?" I replied, still over whelmed by the prospect of getting into football management. "Well they know you are in Weymouth and you will travel back past the Avenue Stadium, so they have mentioned 11am on Friday morning." continued Phil, who was sounding very excited on the other end of the phone. "Okay, yes that should be fine. Now I just want to try and relax if I can and enjoy the next couple of days." I responded before saying goodbye and hanging up.
As soon as the phone left my ear, I couldn't wait to tell Louise, who by this time had become impatient with me chatting on the phone, so she walked over to meet back up with my Mum and Dad, leaving me right round the other side of the harbour.

Although this week was supposed to be a chance to rest, Louise, my fiancee, and my parents know how important football is to me and since due to injury, my opportunity to play professional football ended when I was younger, maybe, just maybe, this is the second chance I've been waiting for to be involved in management and try and work my way up to the highest level.
After sharing the message I received from Phil with Louise and my parents, we made our way back to our accommodation to meet my brother Matt, who had driven down to join us for dinner. So after we all got showered and changed we headed out into the mild night air and made our way to a local restaurant to properly celebrate my news.

Over the next couple of days Louise and myself kept ourselves occupied, by doing a couple of the numerous walks Weymouth has to offer and spending lots of hours crabbing over the harbour wall, along with spending time with my parents for dinner each night.
Despite all the activities we were doing, it didn't completely allow me to take my mind off Friday's interview, so choosing my moments wisely, I began every now and then making a few notes to help prepare myself for my meeting with the Dorchester Town chairman and board.
Love this story mate, your a brilliant writer!!