
Like a glove!
Feb 5, 2009
Reaction score
July 13th, 2009


I sit again in front of the PC playing the same game at the same time, every ****** night. I’m jobless, I’m 31, and I live on my own in a small flat in a small town west of Swansea. I must say, it is a very decent area to live in, apart from the occasional yobbish youth that likes to throw stones at windows. I like to play football. In fact, I’m pretty good at it, only I’m 31 and way past the age to actually get noticed anymore. I do play for a team, but it’s only to keep me busy on Saturday afternoons and a couple of midweek nights. I enjoy darts, but that’s just for fun, and I play twice a week. And I spend most of the night at the bar! I have minimal contacts – everybody has moved on to business life in the greater regions of the UK. And I’m stuck here in sunny south Wales.


July 14th, 2009.

I woke up at around the usual time – 10:30am. I went to check if I received any post within the last few days, and to my surprise there was a letter.

To me? Of course it’s to me, it’s from the ****** Job Centre!

Michael – your Jobseekers Allowance is due to stop. You
have not attended the last two appointments without permitted
absence, so you will lose your claim as of Thursday, July 23rd.

If you wish to continue to claim Jobseekers Allowance, please
call the given number at least a week later than your current

Balls. I wonder what tomorrow will bring…

You’ll have to wait as long as me!
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Nice, sounds good and I like the layout. I hope you get a good job ;)
Thanks for the support all. Shall update from time to time due to my Swans story being put on hold.
Mike is this your dream of the future? :D

Seems interesting...

This is probably Mike's life in 10 years time, so pay very close attention to this

Good start though :)
Mike is this your dream of the future? :D

Seems interesting...


This is probably Mike's life in 10 years time, so pay very close attention to this

Good start though :)

I see you've already started taking advantage of my location.


# # # # # # # # # # # # # #

July 15th, 2009.


I logged on to TheFA.com and the home screen displayed a news article about taking up a coaching ‘school’ for 6 months. I clicked and continued to read. I learnt that the ‘school’ (I say school, it’s more a course, but you get taught to teach.. make sense?!) sends you out to different places all over the world – South Africa, Asia etc. – to teach youngsters from ages 8 to 21 how to play football.

I was very interested. My life’s going downhill, I’m pushing the midlife crisis barrier hard and I really needed to get on my feet and do something.

I’m gonna give this a go!

I clicked Sign Up! and felt good about myself. For once.

- - - - -

As I sat down for my evening dinner (chips.. again!) a notification sounded from my computer. TheFA.com had already gotten back to me about the position in the coaching class.

Dear Mr. Dale.

We thank you for your application to join our class.
We have accepted your application. We will contact
you immediately on the phone number given to us
about details of the course, what you will need and
so forth.

If you wish to receive the phone call, simply reply to
this email stating ‘Yes’.

If you do not wish to receive a phone call, simply
ignore this email.

We thank you once again for your application.


For the second time today – and probably in my whole life – I felt good. I felt warm as I hit the Send button. This was something for me, and it could finally happen!

July 17th, 2009.

In front of my door lay a letter. It read TheFA.com Coaching Course. I panicked. I thought I didn’t get the place. I had no phone call which I was promised. I checked my Sent emails, and I definitely returned a reply.

So, I opened the letter.

They explained that it was impossible to contact me via phone line as the networks around the area have been shut off. Further down the letter it read that I had been accepted into the school, and to guarantee my placement, I had to pay.. Gulp!.. £495! I was told that this would cover expenses such as travelling, coaching, books, lessons, food, sleep.. the list went on. I read it again - £495!


I have to make a one-off payment of little under five hundred quid which I’ll have you know I can afford, but will leave me absolutely broke.

But I had to do it. I just had to. One opportunity – if there’s anything I want to further my career in, it’s football. I don’t really care anymore. I want to do it.

Payment received!

I’m in. My life could change over the next few days…

Rissskkky, will it pay off :O

And by the way, no sheep action for you yet :'(
nice idea mike, i have grown on these types of stories since kris' and the alfonso sanchez one, good luck mate
I'd **** myself laughing if the next part of the story went " I failed at the course so I'm gonna return to the flat and eat chips while ******** my sheep and drinking myself to sleep... end of story"

That would make my day
nice idea mike, i have grown on these types of stories since kris' and the alfonso sanchez one, good luck mate

Cheers :)

I'd **** myself laughing if the next part of the story went " I failed at the course so I'm gonna return to the flat and eat chips while ******** my sheep and drinking myself to sleep... end of story"

That would make my day

Well, you'll have to wait won't you (A)
I'd **** myself laughing if the next part of the story went " I failed at the course so I'm gonna return to the flat and eat chips while ******** my sheep and drinking myself to sleep... end of story"

That would make my day

.....And then I went rope shopping in B&Q.
i don't normally take care and read a story this i did not sure why but seem very interesting hope they 495 pound pays of mike.
This is the last roll of the dice for somebody to convince me with these unemployed stories. Good luck Mike!!!