Features missing in FM2012 and new features for FM2013

  • Thread starter Thread starter ccc4hris
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I would also like to see journalists have more of a say, and that the journalists personalities actually make a difference, For example I often see journalists who's personality is devious but this doesn't do anything, would be cool if these kind of journalists would make up stories or something, not just about your manager or take what you've said out of context and print it to try and pin opinion in one way, would be more realistic. I also like the idea of having players personal lifes outside of football incorporated into the game, for example controversial statements on twitter which you have to deal with or something.. could be fun
i would like to see a mode within Football Manager where you can become owner/chairman of a club and one where you can create a club and start in a lower league with generic player/free agents.
I'd like to be able to save my roles.
Like if i make a role that is really good and want to implement it in a new tactic/save i can just import it
I would like it where you have to have an interview for a new job!
The game better not be so predictable. Like whenever your dominating for the whole game, you always lose in the final minute due to a breakaway. EVERY TIME.
how about a decent soundpack has there isnt gong to be one fm 2012 !!!
Make it A LOT less frequent for a CB to score 15 goals in a season would be way more realistic. Far too many headed goals from CB from corners, I regularly have 1 of my CB score more goals in the 1st season, than he scored in every other season in real life put together!
1) goalkeepers going to ground when one v one, this never happens in fm12, would like to see this implemented
2) goalkeepers sliding like 6 yards when they dive to pick up the ball: this is stupid and would only happen on a really wet surface
3) players battling to win the ball that doesn't result in one or the other 'Tripping' each other up every time, just a small improvement on this and it'd be perfect
4) after a player has passed the ball and for no reason trips up a opposition player that has ran past them? i see this happen 4 or 5 times a game, would like this removed or at least reduced on how often it happens
5) overhaul the training section, its hard to see how a player has improved and where to improve on when all you get is a number which can either go up or down and monthly training bars which don't really help at all
6) more dynamic animations for flair, technique and passing, if a player has a high rating for any of these i would like to see some animations that differ to show this rather that generic ones which every other player can use
It should tell you why the player would want to join in scout reports. For example

X would like to leave Sunderland to join a better team
X would like to leave Sunderland to have a more lucrative contract
X Would like to leave Sunderland to gain more game time
X would like to leave Sunderland and Join Newcastle because they're better
It should tell you why the player would want to join in scout reports. For example

X would like to leave Sunderland to join a better team
X would like to leave Sunderland to have a more lucrative contract
X Would like to leave Sunderland to gain more game time
X would like to leave Sunderland and Join Newcastle because they're better

and nor would you blame them lol
What I think should be in MLS
MLS rules in the editor (Would help us create fun databases)
Players moving freely between academies and clubs (happens in real life)
Allocation money awarded to clubs if they only use 8 or 9 off-budget roster spots (happens in real life)
Junior DP rule if not already in as I don't think it's there.
We should decide how much we can invest in training and youth facilities and we should also be able to talk to the player's agent, so that we can persuade him to join us.
instead of players just refusing to talk contract, you can tell them your ambitions for the for coming season.
Also have two tactics, one for in possession and for not in possession, with a 4-2-4 my two wingers never come back no matter how hard a try
I'm not sure I've ever seen a GK bring down a ST when he's rounded him, or seen a GK sent off.. It's not as if it never happens.
More "interesting" news in your inbox. Tend to find that the majority of the news you get is all the same re-generated articles. Slightly wacky things like how a player has did such and such on a night out or something. Not all that important but adds a bit of realism/interest to your newsfeed as I mostly just skim through the headlines quickly. And this can be made a factor when signing players. (IE. You sign Joey Barton when you know he has a reputation and you're taking a chance, he goes on a night out and gets into a fight with someone and you have the choice whether you should play him and affect morale of other players or drop him)

I also hate how in nearly every save game you start the AI of each club sign the same players. (IE. Arsenal always sign Perotti, United always sign Asamoah) Wouldn't mind seeing "big" players signing for smaller teams who they support/favour in a shock move where they take a wage cut or something. Don't ever really see a small club pulling off a massive coup over a bigger club.
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more real process such as the Emirates Cup, tournaments there in Peace Cup, Amsterdam Tournament and that you then as club also invited to join those tournaments can be
1. i would like players to be able grow taller mainly youth
2. create a character like of fifa to be manager and see him at press conferences and you choice a voice you want and it says the options out loud to make press conferences more interesting
3. commentator voices when on normal speed
4, choose youth for weekly scout reports for development
5. job interviews for jobs you apply for depending on your answer you may not get the job
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be able to illegally meet players that you want to sign and tap them up . like here was in championship manager and a chance of getting caught and fined
i would love it if specific managers or clubs go for specific types of players instead of all the big clubs goin after very young regens with high PA like would mourinho or mancini by only brazilians that are 16 and play them? no exactly. you should be able to see people like mourinho go for a cambiasso or maicon. or something like managers wanting to buy former players. so basically id like to see manager buy players similar to their style of play.