FM 2011 Progress - How is your game going?

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remember, remember, curse of december..


this is our mid-season slump, ye anyway we win in most games, but this games are very, very terrible.

and if not this guy (Yaya Toure, lol)


we should lose everything.

nice teamplay goal:

Ah...Abdi Ibrahim. Absolute signing for lower league clubs. i saw his contract as N/A, which club you loaned him from?
Manchester City, our parent club.

to avoid slump i made 3 tactics, not like home/away/park the bus, but every with different ideas.


4-2-3-1 defensive: narrow, slow, "till we have a ball they can't score"
4-2-3-1 assymetric: typical counter-attacking tactic. very good in defense, bad in possession.
4-6-0 strikeless: good in possession, but very vulnerable to counter-attacks. tactic not ready yet, need to spend some time to setup this.
we win the league, very easy. still unbeaten home.


Best Striker:


this is last season in first squad for him.

Best assistant:


****-player for championship, i sell him in this summer.

i don't know, what we can do in Championship, but anyway for first squad we need: 1 central defender, and 1 striker. after this, if we can avoid relegation, need to find some good fulbacks.

hello nPower Championship


it's must be a painful season :D

i spend a lot of time to find a solid striker to replace Kuqi.


this is the best free agent, what my scouts find. terrible First Touch and Concentration. better than nothing.

2 central defenders from France League 2.



and 2 AMC what also can play on the wings.





And it's Oldham, Oooooldham A F C!
We're by far greatest team, what world are ever seen!


just kidding :))
i think our opponents strongly underestimate us.

this guy is amasing, his movement without ball is outstanding.


i like this type of strikers more when brainless poachers with 17/17 pace/acceleration, but 10 finishing and nothing in mental attributes.
doesn't matter how we end first part of the season, but in january we need to find some fulbacks to the bench.
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Remy cabella stats look wonderful for your team. and Chris just wow

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oh dear god, our chairman is totaly garbage! f** this sh*t, he sell Reid, our best striker from first season, for silly 375k, and now this idiot ,without my opinion in the last day of transfer window, sell our best young player, what already 3 season with us! oh holy f** , he grown so good, and have a 5-star potential. i expected to give him a lot of time in this season... bulls*t.


i have no depth now on the left wing


this is my last season in this club, i hate this "BOARD", and i can't say them it.
i want to help this club, and asked the board to expand stadium/improve facilities, but they refused my requests.

when i came in Oldham, i have "unknown reputation", but now i think it easy for me to say goodbye, and find new job.

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Time to say goodbye, mate.

Tip: next time remember to set high prices + select "reject all offer" option in player transfer option. Most of the time it will do the trick to block board from selling out my players..

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wow, thank you very much, i did for some of my core players, especialy for young:




both plays now in first team, because my main GK injuried, and my right fullback in bad form. Carl Winchester not the best option to my DR: bad marking, determination, but he grow very well, and, in first day when i came in club, i set him to train on DR position, and now, he learn this position to "Natural".
lol Loris Karius in FM11...I'm currently in 2042, even youngest real players already retired and become coaches or managers
ye, Karius 5-star potential :))

what about this guy? he is our home grown player, and he in good relation with 3 of my players, but, when i see this "estimated value" (idk why it's so big, he is 2.5 star, and no potential), i wanna sell him ASAP.


i think his prise so big, because he score so much in last season. in the FM 10 i play 4-3-3 flat, and all my main strikers get injury. and i take one guy from youth squad (striker, 0.5 star, **** player, but ,for the BSP, with good pass (8) and creativity (around 15), and give him a Trequarista role. it's crazy to do this, but, it work! he score 6, make 8 assists, in ~18 games. After this i sell him for 50k! my best deal.
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i change and change and change my tactic, formation, because it stop working, or AI adapted to my style.
in league 1 i use 3 formation:

this most successful, and what i use now: 4-2-3-1


Team Instructions:

Philosophy: Fluid (in the league 1 i use Balanced, sometimes Rigid, but with fluid it works better)
Strategy: Counter (always, i'm not switching to more attacking mentality, if it 1st half)
Passing: Default
Creative Freedom: More Disciplined
Closing Down: Default
Tackling: Default (if i score, i immediately switch to Hard tackling, to prevent opponent equalize asap)
Marking: Zonal (everybody on zonal, exept 2 DC, they man marking)
Crossing: Drill crosses
Roaming: Default

everything in player instructions on default, except:
gk - distribution:defender collect: my dr
dc - man marking
fullbacks - cross ball: often
st - cross ball: sometimes, throw ball: sometimes

gk - gk,
dr/l - full back (s)
dc - dc (d)

dml - dm (s)
dmr - dm (d)
(ofc depended on players, but i like to give 1 of my dm - defencive duty)

AML - inside forward (a) .sometimes i ask him to cross ball often.
AMR - winger (a) . sometimes, when he makes stupid things, i set his creative freedom to "very little".

and now here a 2 positions, what can be very versatile.
amc and st partnership can be implemented in multiplicity variations.
what i use now
AMC - attacking midfielder (a). heart and soul of the team. he assist, he score. i set him to attack duty, he don't need to drop deeper, because he have 2 DM behind. when i play vs formation with DM, i set his wideplay to "move into channels".
ST - oh dear, how much changes i do here. lone striker, if he not have Acceleration and Pace, Intuition and Off the ball, it's very hard for him to get good CCC, especialy when opponent "park the bus" (imo). but now i set him to Defencive Forward (a). Why? i like this role: he pressurize the back 4 and GK, he very agressive and always going to tackle, and he don't do, what he can't. i score a lot of goals, when my ST just eat the opponent DC. ofc this type of striker should be strong. Diego Costa for example. Dirty guy with good strengh, aggression, teamplay, workrate.

thats all, now time to do some homework:
match prep: in league 1 i set team blend 24/7 (workload very high, before team fully understand my tactic), BUT, one day before the match i set it to: attacking movement , if i favorite (and not concede every f*king game), defencive positioning (if i underdog, or i concede a lot, or my team in slump/bad form) , and i always switch workload to Very High. after game i again set match prep to team blend (workload depends on tactic familiarity).

ok, match day.
if i play vs 4-4-2 (90% time i always play vs this formation)
OI: if my defenders have a brains, and they in good mood, i can set Hard tackling to most dangerous opponent ST.
i set to close down always his partner, if he have prefered moves: drops deeper or move into channels. or he right-footed/left footed only.
i set to close down always their MCs, if their "long shots" +10
i set to close down MC what have prefered move: dictate tempo.
if their ML left footed, and MR right footed - close down always+show onto weaker foot+sometime hard tackling
i don't know how to deal vs insides (ml - right footed, etc)
i set Hard Tackling to their most strongest defender. it's just theory, but i hope it work on corner kicks to, and my defenders must stop him by any means.
i set Hard Tackling to all opponent players, what have a injury, or ~80 conditions. but here need to be cautious, because if, for example, your DMR get a yellow card, you need to change his tackling to "normal" , or if you don't trust him/he is a idiot - to light tackle, and in OI his side MC (DMR-MCL; DML-MCR) set instruction to: none.

now to tactic screen! i always set my AMR to mark the DL, and AML to mark the DR (tight marking: no). they track back, this is what i need.
i set my AMC to mark MCR, and my DMR to mark MCL. players like Mesut Ozil not for my team, everyone should defend (except striker, sometimes i set my ST to man mark DMC/MCd, but this kill his rating).

not the best example, here Coventry in possession, my AMC vs MCR. my wingers mark full backs, my DML fails here, he should be between the lines, but here he near n-18 ,opponent winger.

thats how my team play now.


if you set now this tactic for your team, i don't think it give you good result. i setup this for my squad. but it good template, i think. patient, cautious game with fast counter attacks, thats what i like. ofc if opponent sit deeper, you need to change something (mentality to control/attack, more pressing, light tackling. it's very interesting, why light tackling. because if you meet the team, what park the bus, they always kill tempo, start to dive, etc. don't give them reasons to do it).

sorry for the "wall of text" , english not my first language, and i'm sure, it's hard for read.

oh, and i forget to say, sometimes in match i set my width/tempo much higher, if i see, what i can breakdown opponent, or i don't have so much CCC.
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No worries about your English, it is very very straightforward and new perspectives for me to think about it.

Because currently I didn't paid as much attention to tactics as you, and I am amazed you actually paid that much attention to the details and have strong understanding.

Is there any specific shouts you deploy during matches? or it depends?

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it's all credits to guys, like wwfan and SFraser

i don't like "shouts", because they change my tactic familiarity. but i often use "Push higher up" shout, if pace/acc > or = pace/acc opponent fastest striker. i play with counter strategy+2 dms, it's not needed to use "drop deeper" (defencive line already deep).
i switch to defencive strategy only if i feel, what my team can't hold the result, but better to understand threats, and how to eliminate them.with defencive strategy i always use "push higher up".
imo 90% success in FM to not give the AI keep possession on the your area of the pitch (especially last third part of the pitch). or, in another words:
"We must make sure their worst players get the ball the most. You'll get it back in no time"
Johan Cruyff
i hate to concede from corners/free kicks, because i can't do anything with it. sometimes my 180cm defender with option: "mark short player" mark big guys. thats why i use hard tackling to opponent tall DC.

i use "shoot on sight" after 75-80 min, if we trying to keep the result. it's better to shoot and miss, than dangerous pass->intercept=counter-attack.
i use "take breather" for 7-10 min, and after this: setup my tempo and width to fast/wide + changing my wingers sides + fresh guy from the bench. sometimes it makes result.

it's ofc all for the underdog teams.
i find very useful this setup in defence, when i play vs 4-3-3 (4-1-2-2-1)
my DL/R mark opponent AML/R (tight:no)
my DML/R mark opponent MCL/R
my AML/R mark opponent DL/R (tight:no)
one my DC mark lone striker (OI:closing down - always; hard tackling).

for example game vs West Ham (top team in Championship)

West Ham shots:

a lot long shots, 2 shots from the right what missed it's from their (right-only leg) winger, not so dangerous. more dangerous shots made their inside forward from the left side. but anyway it's from outside of penalty area.
2 shots from the GK area - it's from corner kicks. i hate this sh*t
my defence made only 1 mistake - near 11 meters blocked shot.

we lose, but anyway we have a good game, and after i setup my defence as I said above, they don't have a realy good chances, we take a ball and dominate possession. but this possession useless, because i don't know how to deal vs 4-1-4-1 or 4-1-2-2-1. Doesn't matter how good opponent DM, he eats my AMC.


interesting solution, to move my AMC to AMCR position, this give me advantages:
1. AMCR drag the DMC (who always man mark him) to the right, and now in the middle created a good space to my AML (inside forward), to my Striker who can drop deeper now, and to my DMCL who can use this space and make more runs!
2. my AMCR and my AMR can overload right flank, swap positions, makes one-two etc.

great example how it work on this video:


my 23 number is AMCR, Clement (DMCL) made good run, but can't score.

but i have not so much time to test this, need to do this later.

we lose, because... it's most painful part of the game - adaptation of my new DC in the first squad. he don't speak english, he from another country. so many mistakes, so little right decisions.
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language barrier. i never paid attention how this is important!
example: on the start of the season i sign 2 new DC, both from France League 2. not the best signing + they don't know english, but i planned to play them with my best central defender - Zander Diamond, top player for the Championship.

they start season very terrible, many of mistakes.

sometimes 6.8-6.9 ,but in next game 6.0 .very unstable performance, very nervous etc.

Zander Diamond get the injury, and i think here is a troubles begin (first injury in 3 seasons, i never play without him, only in FA Cup). BUT


2 good games vs teams with fantastic strikers. this guys never play together, but their understanding what founded on same language give us 2 matches without conseding, 2 matches, where they don't give opponent strikers any chance to score.


oh , i hate this game. i love football, but this game like a work, i can't sit and relax. need to take another break.
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ok, 26 games played, any predictions?


this guy unbelievable


EVERY season (3 in the row) he start with performance ~6.4-6.7 , i say him: "You're f**ing garbage!" and send him to reserve team. He played there september-october-november. In december i return him to the first squad. After this he scored tons of goals.
for example, season 2011/12 ~15 of his goals he scored in January-April period.

Remy - top quality. 10 games = 10 points.


and now... i find new Van Basten, in Swansea. just take a look

i got new job, in AZ Alkmaar, or something like this :D
fantastic facilities, good stadium, but team with their last manager drop from top 7 Ederveise.

they sold some core players. but anyway here a good defenders, Wernbloom and Rasmus Elm, and ofc Altidor.
i buy only 3 players, just to fill the bench, and sell some guys from team 2 and Poulsen (2.6 million for this sh*t, thank you rich italian noname club).

prediction: 6. Season started good, but in the october we dive in the slump (slump in october, how you like it?).
we concede in every f*ing game, concede so stupid goals.
perfomance - L,L,D,W,D,L and we drop to position 10. i'm in panic, my 3 tactics not working (4-3-3, 4-2-3-1 and defencive 4-2-2-1-1). WHAT I'M F**NG DOING WRONG? am i, or this is the players?

Both. Firstly, when i take a job in AZ i decided: we play possession football. I decide it, because we have a good amount of AM players, with nice passing and creativity/flair. Our defenders and DM also have a brains. Right decision? Now i understand, not. I hate possession football (irl), and i know nothing about this. When something goes wrong i don't know what to do. And we loose and loose points vs teams from the bottom.
In one day i play whole day, and have a time to watch Full Match. And what i see? My defencive midfielders goes into dribble and lost a ball, my left winger with LEG: Left only (role att.mid:support) make "cut inside", and lost a ball, my GK makes stupid long shots, when in his PI set up: defender collect. Oh long shots! everyone in my team wanna make a long shot! Doesnt matter if i say them: work ball into the box, they just shoot and shoot. RAGE.

i fined guys with rating 6.3 and low, i send them to team 2, but it make everything worse. Morale - red. I think to resign, after 4 month in the club...
No! I'm not cowardly! If i so coward, what i wait from my players? Never give up, this is only october! Let's do something, what can make a difference.

My main tactic before changing: 4-2-3-1

Fluid, later Balanced; Standart; Zonal Marking.

When i see games on Full Match i scream: "WTF you guys doing? why not to make simple pass, or good cross? Why you shoot when your partner staying in free space? Why you playing like my lovely Arsenal in january/february?
If you guys so selfish, i wanna to teach you something special."

My tactic now:


Philosophy: Very Rigid (!)
Strategy: Counter is main, sometimes Attack
Passing: Direct
Creative Freedom: Disciplined (!)
Closing Down: More
Tackling: Hard
Marking: Man
Roaming: Stick to position

How you like it, selfish bast/*rd Martens?


DL/R: fulback (s) - crossing: often
DC: dc (d)
DML: DM (d)
DMR: Anchorman
AMR: Winger (s) or Advanced Playmaker (s)
AML: Winger (s)
STCR: Targetman (s) - RWB: sometimes(because Altidor very good with ball), RFD: sometimes
STCL: Poacher - RFD: rare, through ball: sometimes.

Why so strange setup on my strikers in RFD? thanks SFraser:
Another good and basic example is the Advanced and Deep Striker combination. One striker plays with a high Mentality and RFD Rare meaning he starts in an advanced position but does not make runs. The other striker starts deeper but he makes RFD Mixed, and will look to feed the ball to the advanced striker, then make runs past him. Once the deep striker gets past the advanced striker, the advanced striker will bomb forward and try to stay high up the pitch because of his mentality. In this way you can setup a whole series of pass-and-forward run moves simply by getting one striker to run from deep, and then getting the other striker to try and stay high up the pitch through mentality alone without making Runs From Deep when he is already advanced.

with this setup + man marking my strikers usable in defence, and i like it.

Idea in my tactic to make things simple - exploit the space, make as much crosses as you can, hard tackling. No more silly dribbles! Everything turns around my Targetman.

next game vs PSV, and i think our unbeatable serie stops.
This tactic not only just "shoot and run", this is good in possession to. in my last game i have 60 - 40. We play not so beauty, but who cares?

I have problems only vs teams what park the bus in the middle (4-1-2-2-1, 4-1-3-2, etc). And idk how we can perform vs 4-2-3-1.

Anyway i like it, and in the next transfer window i wanna to buy some strong/fast/workhorse wingers. and i need Targetman to the bench.


Game vs Twente. Twente is a fantastic team (Chadli, Fernando, De Jong) solid in defence, and ruthless in attack.

this guy just laughed at my defenders in first game


scores 2 or 3.

if this is their main threat, why not to deprive his space?
what i do:

very rigid (my philosophy - just do what i want from you)
counter (i like counter-attacking football)
more disciplined (same as philosophy)
more direct (pass to the targetman and run)
stand-off more (twente very intelligent and technical team, just restrict space on our half)
hard tackling (KILL THEM ALL!)
man marking (better than zonal)
stick to position (same as philosophy)

4 defenders, all on def. duty.
2 defencive midfielders on def. duty. 1 anchorman and 1 dm.
1 ML, 1 MR - defensive winger on att.duty. my ML is a typical winger, my MR is inverted playmaker (cut inside and through ball: often)
1 MC - central midfielder support. good in tackling to.
1 ST - targetman support.

Twente played 4-1-2-2-1
OI: i tight mark their lone striker (super de Jong), hard tackling, but Closing down: never.
tackle hard vs Chadli, because he tired (83 cond).
tackle hard vs Cabral. he is Inside Forward, very dangerous.
closing down: never to opponent DL/R and 2 DC.

my right DMCR get the instruction: specifically mark Luke de Jong. And this is works brilliantly!

de Jong performance tonight:


not so good, yeah?

Twente performance in this game:


a lot of passes, but they realy not so dangerous. only 2 passes goes inside the penalty area. yes, we can concede from all of this long shots, and Twente unlucky a little bit (my team play very narrow, it gives us advantage vs long shots). This is demonstrate, how they depend from de Jong and his skills.

after 1 half i substitute my DMCR ,because he get a yellow card, but in 50 minutes he made 3 tackles (2 vs de Jong) and maked 2 fouls, and all 2 vs de Jong. top job.

we win 2-0.

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last night i read interesting article about Athletico Madrid, and their tactic. I rarely watch ATM matches, because i don't like Primera, but like how Simeone work,his tactic and philosophy.
I found something interesting: players often make triangles on the wings, pass and pass the ball and move deeper and deeper on opportunity part of the field. It's like "pig in the middle" but where players what own the ball also move forward.

This is easy to make in Football Manager.


1 issue - my players pass and pass, but not moving. need to change something, mb mentality slider.
issue fixed when i add more mentality to my wingers.
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