2 clubs for your choosing!
Hello everyone,
I need help choosing two clubs, one being for a game I am planning to put many hours in, other one to play casually on my laptop when I have the time (at school? gnar gnar).
For my new 'main' game I am looking for a club from the blue square north/south division to build up until the premier league (had this in my mind since FM 2009/2010 I guess, but never actually did it).
Because of the fact that my knowledge of England and this league isn't that great, I was wondering if there is someone here who could help. Because I don't want it to be a random club I would really want it to be a club with some history, a large city, great potential audience, with respect, that did some great things in the past, I don't know ;p something to have a great 'starting point' to build something up, something that makes it stand out from the rest.
I was actually looking myself and found a small club with a large (??) city; Salisbury City F.C., but have no idea if this really is the most interesting choice. I don't care how small or large or bad or good it is, as long as it is in north or south
To make my post even longer: for my casual game I am looking for a spanish club I don't need much time to build up but I can just have fun with. Last year my 'casual' game was Manchester City which worked great because you could just buy a lot and quickly win it all, but after that it got boring of course.
So for my casual game a semi-top or top team from the LIGA BBVA would be great like Barcelona or Real Madrid or .. Atletico Madrid? I am really thinking about choosing Barcelona or Real Madrid, but doesn't that get way too boring when you win everything? I guess I would go with Real Madrid out of those two because they are the current club "behind barca".
To Sum up:
New main game:
Club from blue square north/south, that has some sort of 'special feature' (like large potential audience).
Or at least something that would let me have an relationship with it (like I had on FIFA 09 I think it was, were I built up Chesterfield, just because I liked the name and since then I have a special feeling whenever I see chesterfield
New Casual game:
Club from LIGA BBVA (spain), that is semi-top (like atletico madrid??) or top (like Barcelona/Real Madrid), that is great just to have fun with but doesn't give too much work when not having a huge amount of time to play.
Sorry for the lengthy post, but I really would like your help!