Usually fine, however every once in a while you will get absolutely destroyed by a better team away from home. I remember 2 seasons ago I won 4-0 against Barcelona at home in the CL only to get demolished at Camp Nou, think it was 5-0 for them at half time with my team being unable to do anything.
That's my last run with Newcastle,the base is eusebiov3 i just tweaked something that i found no working out... And the results are just amazing!
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Rolando won the balon dor too! Hope those results can help out!
So you switched the AMC from an AM to an AP yeah? That all?
He's also changed the mentality to "Standard"
I've done something similar, only moving the AMC down to an MC position (trying RPM, B2B & AP), and also moved one of the ST's down to AMC.
It's a very versatile tactic, but the change to Standard is looking very good.
I'm not usually one to go over the top, but this tactic with the AP & Standard tweak is comfortably one of the best tactics of the last few versions of FM.
I'm Leeds first season and have smashed the championship, won the Capital One cup and am in the quarters of the FA cup.
I've beaten Sunderland, Palace, West Ham, Liverpool, Man City, Arsenal (over 2 legs and drew 1-1 away) and only lost 2 games in the league so far.
West Ham was the final of the COC and I had 25 shots, 14 on target and 7 CCC. They scored twice off 5 shots (obviously), but a dominating 4-2 victory.
Amazing, amazing job.
They were all DeliciousStorys tweaks
AMC to an AP(s)
Mentality to Standard
OI's are TFF's so weaker foot to all wide men and closing down always on ST
They were all DeliciousStorys tweaks
AMC to an AP(s)
Mentality to Standard
OI's are TFF's so weaker foot to all wide men and closing down always on ST
Well guys, I recently started a new save with AFC Bournemouth and I'm absolutely surprised by those results:
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In my opinion one of the most important thing is the morale of your team. If you want to have success, the team has to be happy. In pre-season I'm always setting the correct player roles (First team, backup etc) - if you do so, in mid-season the team will not be hard to handle (their morale will be better).
You can test it if you want to do so - but keep in mind that the most important thing is the morale and everything else described in the OP. Maybe you'll get some yellow cards - don't forget to check your fitness before evey match. I often substitute my WB's if their fitness is less than 70%, because I think they are an important factor.
The happiness of your team is more important than everything else. In my first few seasons of FM I already managed to miss international football with top teams because the morale absolutely didn't interest me (and the morale was very bad because I always played with the same squad -> fitness + morale = success or no success).
In this tweak I'm using two CD with "cover". I'm still not sure if "cover" or "stopper" is working better. Maybe you can change it if you are struggling and give me some feeback!
- I'm using TFF's actual OI
- Corner taker MR / ML (the one with the better stats)
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Here's the tactic:
View attachment 1074772
thank you for this, in terms of in-game do you change mentality or tempo or anything else?