Maybe Sean should get rid of the search tool.? No one seems to use it XD
I use it sometimes. But i get too many search results a lot of the time...
I only tend to use it when making threads that have probably been created.
If you think about it.. If there was no search tool at this moment in time... People would be requesting one.. And i would certainly be suggesting one.. Theres always things you have that you don't take consideration for.. But if they weren't yours, you'd crave them...
Doesnt that sound like the most influential quote ever?
"I'm notcha' teacher.. I'm your basketball coach"
Have you even seen that movie yet? <)
Billy Redrup..
Something like 10 posts on my last thread starting arguements?
And a few on this one.. Also starting arguements and questioning members...
Sure, you may have over 200 posts... But atleast people like me.. |)
Any suggestions you guys have for the site? Mine were aimed quite big like the chatbox etc.. But i've seen it work on large sites like this.. It needs a lot of work.. Its just a theory.. And the others, well.. Some are also farfetched... But i conjured up some in a short amount of time last night when my internet was dodgy. Will think of some better ones...
Thanks for comments.![]()
Secondly, remove post count, it serves no purpose other than people occasionally making a post just to say '1000 posts wooooo!!'.
FourFourTwo, stop obsessing over me please.
Have you even seen that movie yet
u ask people not to spam and not to go off topic but then u go off topic :S
But it was at the end of a good post.
I am sure most people would rather it be like that then just posting a off topic post altogether
yea but that question he asked made u go off topic so it makes u look bad
but i still think its abit hypocritical if u ask me
The mods do a great job in my opinion and they do well do keep the site running so that does not improving in my eyes, and if it comes down to that they can't handle it they will sort it so is not up to us to moan about them not being as hands on.
This site is great and in my opnion it does not need major improvments it works fine for me and when it i down for 10 minutes or 30 minutes I just go play FM not the end of the world when the site is down just means you wait to have a little browse.
The colours are not changing sorry. Too much time and effort has went into the new design.
The colours are not changing sorry. Too much time and effort has went into the new design.