FM-Base FIFA 09 League? (Xbox 360)

i play on the right wing normally, like to stay out wide and pop crosses in!
I do believe it's better to play with 4 or 5 rather than having a full 10 players. I've played with 9 other people before and it's like watching under 10 girls kick it round a park on a Saturday morning. Gary Neville always ends up front.
yeah it can work with 10 on 10 ive done it before you just need discipline, if people stick to their positions and everyone doesnt just be greedy and want to score all the time. just pass it and stay realistic in your movements. but yeah your right 4 or 5 works the best with one playing "any" - usually the defence as long as they can do it
Unfortunately I've never had the honour of playing with 9 other people who know what they're doing Sam. :(

Does anyone actually play BAP mode in the BAP camera angle? I couldn't stand it so I switched to Tele and played that way. If you're playing in a forward position you can just press the back button to switch the camera focus from the ball to your player to stay onside, not that I even bother doing that any more, the radar is more than enough for me to tell if I'm offside or out of position.
I do that on the PES BAP Wes. Had a few good games with Sam yesterday

Villa (sam) 1-0 (kris) Spurs- very close game and it was a fine goal that won it :p

Boro (sam) 2-1 (kris) Sunderland- terrible first half by me, was 2-0 down at half time. 2nd half was better, big Jones was causing problems but i coulnt bring it back

Wolves (sam) 0-2 (kris) Sheff Wed-easy really :p Johnson i think his name is ? tore Sam to bits

a good laugh, i am up for more games tonight after the football if anyone else is?
I'm going to my sisters tonight but wont be back untill about 10-10:30 because I'll be in the pub watching the match but I'm up for some games when I get home if anybody is online then, gamertag in sig.
yeah i didnt go on til about 10.45 last night but not working tonight so will probs go straight on after the match - if theres a few of us should have a be a pro match so we can all play together, if not - just play some 1 on 1s
could always do 2 on 2, 2 on 1 also. Just create a private be a pro match and each player goes any, but 3 is enough for be a pro. Me and my 2 best mates played with just 3 when we didn't have anyone else online.

1 as any, 1 as FC, 1 as winger. It was deadly, 16 wins, 1 draw, 0 losses.
My brother in law has my FIFA09 so I'll pick it up at the weekend but we should definately start a FM-Base be a pro team, I've been wanting to find a team since my mates all stopped playing FIFA09.

What position does everyone prefer on BAP? Obviously everyone thinks of themselves as a striker as we all love to score goals but I really enjoy playing defensive midfield. Breaking up attacks and starting them is where I have the most fun as passing is my strongest asset on FIFA.

I miss my holding role. :'(

I like either wing, with a strong FK taker like ronaldo/bentley etc

Everyone add me ill be online tonight from 5-6 onwards
TheReal Mrmatty
i'm up for that...also bring it on Sam.

Also need some revenge on Wes...the basterd always beats me at footie games
Just had a few games with Kris, I'm a bit rusty. Think I'll play some online games when I have spare time.
kicked my *** :(

The last game was the worst lol
The first game I only really had 1 clear chance with Hamburg and you had about 3 you could of put away, but a quality free kick and a nice parry from the goalkeeper gave me a tap in to seal it 2-0.

Second game was a lot different though, Hearts just can't compete with the mighty Rams. XD
I have started an FM Fifa 09 league

Search for

fm base challenge

The abbreviation is: base

The password is
i think i will wait untill seas starts offence
Yea I'll wait for Sean to set it up and just play some matches with Base heads untill then.
id be interested...not sure wat times i can play tho lol
got exams soon :s