FM-Base Is Back Online!

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Wow that was faster than I expected, good work :D
Good that it's back up. Only down for 20 hours :D. A painful 20 hours.:'(
Attachments have been fixed. Please let me know if anything else is causing errors or just not working.
Every now and then my webpage keeps saying Fm-Base, is not on this server. (Eg, When i post, a quick reply.)oO)
Can you take a screenshot for me so I can see the error.

It could be down to your ISP not fully recognising that has changed servers yet.
All the links to youtube/embedded player seem to have disappeared.
Good work lads.
Go on the Base!
Brilliant stuff Sean, thank you.
The videos have disappeared on my story :/
not really big problems but;

my subscribed threads list has been reset.
also i no longer receive an email when someone pm's me
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not really big problems but;

my subscribed threads list has been reset.
also i no longer receive an email when someone pm's me

oh yeah me three, but dont worry take your time, you dont have to be hurried by us
brilliant stuff Sean, thanks a lot and well done
I will show a screenshot soon. Sorry about delay.
The videos have disappeared on my story :/

Can you give me a link to a post (not the entire thread) where you had a video.

not really big problems but;

my subscribed threads list has been reset.
also i no longer receive an email when someone pm's me

Hmm no idea why they have been reset. Do you have any at all on the list...

I think that may be down to the mail servers not properly changing over just yet. Let me know in 24 hours if you still don't get any emails.
thanks seem to be workin alot better now can i ask for some advice

in my England road to world cup. ROAD TO EUROS 2012

story i did a poll and forgot to but a end time on it can some one tell me how to deleate it sorry if this is in wrong thread to ask
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