FM-Base Is Back Online!

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I'm so annoyed I missed the reopening! Lol I was at school then went and played tennis.
Everything sounds like it is just problems with some ISPs not fully updating the changes yet. I'm hoping that all of these problems will sort themselves out (maybe even already sorted themselves out by now).
There seems to be a lot less replies to threads over the last couple of days.

Out of interest how much traffic comes through the site?
thanks for everything you've done on the site sean you are a ledgend :D
Everything sounds like it is just problems with some ISPs not fully updating the changes yet. I'm hoping that all of these problems will sort themselves out (maybe even already sorted themselves out by now).

yep today ive had none of the problems i previously reported
Currently updating some of the server software so may be the odd little error here and there. Nothing to worry about.
The clock at the bottom of the page is incorrect.

It is 5 hours ahead. ( or 19 behind)
The clock at the bottom of the page is incorrect.

It is 5 hours ahead. ( or 19 behind)

Yes I was made aware last week. It's just tricky to change as the forums mess up as it thinks posts were made in the future etc... I think the only way round it is if I close the forums one night and change the time while the forums are closed.
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