FM-Base Is Back Online!

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awesome guys, could not log on, thought it had been closed down for good for some reason and was literally about to start crying :'( true story!
keep up the awesome work! FM Base rocks!!
I have just had this error a few times about 5 minutes ago

View attachment 35543

It seems to have gone now hopefully!

Thanks Sean for your great work!
I have just had this error a few times about 5 minutes ago

View attachment 35543

It seems to have gone now hopefully!

Thanks Sean for your great work!

I did a quick database backup so it locked the database. That's why you got that error :)
Oh right fair enough! Top work Sean!
yes i got that but then i went on facebook just came back so it was nothing to worry about then
It took me, 10 minutes to get on here today, it kept saying 'The Website Could Not Be Found' :S If it does it again, i'll take a screenshot and show you.

Other then that, it seems fine to me.
Absolutely fine for me. Not too much speedier but I can tell it is at times! Keep up the brilliant work Sean, Kris, Lee, Redders and co. We really appreciate it!
Let's hope this server doesn't have as many problems as the last ;)
That is weird as if i try your links it works fine for me.

Who provide your Internet?

The University of Sheffield. I'm in halls, probably dodgy internet :'(

EDIT: Thanks for liking my last story update btw Jack, seems like you're the only one who's read it :(

sometimes i get this message when navigating between pages on the recently updated threads list. it happens most when moving between page 2 and 3 ive noticed.

and sometimes when moving between certain pages i get the old ''this page cannot be displayed, unable to connect to server'' message.

both problems seem to be random and are usually fixed by refreshing the page a couple of times.

also my subscribed threads list has returned and i am gettting emails when im pm'd again :D
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Shame it was down for matinance yesterday I was ill and really bored. However hopefully this server will be better great work Sean!
also certain links that should be icons occasionally appear as words. ie here there should be a green box with 'quote' inside it


this also happens with the button that you click to go to the last post of a thread. its usually a little green box with an arrow inside it and next to it will be the name of the person who made the last post, sometimes no name appears and theres no green box, just writing saying 'go to last post'
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Oh my god. I almost died from this forum being down <_<
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