To be honest I'm a bit confused by the purpose of this thread? The title is "FM Base Story Archive" which would indicate that is the place to post links to great stories that have ended
(are archived) so that they are not lost and act as an inspiration for the new ones, but all the talk so far is of new and current stories.
My worry is this... by creating a "stories I like" thread it runs the risk of creating a list of a few elite stories and draws attention away from up and coming new stories. In addition any poll will be out of date very quickly and, therefore, should it really be stickied?
For me, part of the joy of the FM base Story Forum is the discovery of something new, a new approach to story telling or someone managing one of the less popular clubs (or in one of the less popular leagues).
Guys, please take care that we don't create a "Premier League" of stories and sticky it forever more, give the new ones a chance!