FM-Base United (FIFA 11 PS3 Pro Club)


Suarez is magic!
Jan 1, 2009
Reaction score


Please read below before asking to join :)

Anyway, I don't mind people joining aslong as they are regulars who will fit in. Not just random people who fancy a few games. Were looking for people who like to pass and play good football and don't complain (unless its needed). No problem with low pros but you have to be good enough to cope with it which most people will be to be honest.

If you want to join then post your PSN and Preferred position, would be better if everyone could play upfront and midfield but I know not everyone wants to. Me or Mike will get back to you as soon as we can to set up a trial match.

The squad (so far):

Mally (Manager) - Mally1990
Mike (Manager) - Dale20
Alfie - Redrup
Billy - BillyRedrup
Garland - Garland87
Brian - Arthurisgreat
Jonesy - PlatinumPie
Johnxc - Fable_JP
Josh - THFC_100
Rhys - Arsenal_r_d_bst
Harriers - Harriers07

Add everyone lads.

Another thing... A lot of use the IRC which is like a little chat room, makes it easier to talk while playing instead of having to come on here and post. Would like it if people could get it. Its free and everything. Follow the instructions in this thread:

When your in type /join #baseunited

One more thing to add, Alfie thought of a very good idea to decide who joins or not. If you apply I'll set you up a head to head match with one of our regular trusted players. They will be looking to see if you play the right kind of football. Don't worry too much about the result but obviously don't get demolished haha.
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Somehow, you managed to grab every single excellent FIFA player on the forum..

Maybe we can set up some friendlies in the future Mally.. sad to see you both leave. Good luck though.
Somehow, you managed to grab every single excellent FIFA player on the forum..

Maybe we can set up some friendlies in the future Mally.. sad to see you both leave. Good luck though.

Definatly mate, will sort one as soon as were up and running.
Out of curiosity.. how did you manage to attract all those big names?
Can I join mate. I play fifa regulary and I really want to play in a team. My virtual pro is a CM

Asked them and they said they were up for it...


Anyway, best of luck mate hopefully we get some good games in against you soonish..
Lovely stuff can have a few friendlies, All the best with the team.
Out of curiosity.. how did you manage to attract all those big names?

The fact that we are all IRC regulars and talk relatively often also helped make my decision. Not to mention being there at the beginning of the club is more enticing than joining late.
The fact that we are all IRC regulars and talk relatively often also helped make my decision. Not to mention being there at the beginning of the club is more enticing than joining late.

Fair enough..
Nice Poaching of our player too Mally.... (Garland)
good luck with this club lads will miss having you and Mike playing in central midfield at FM-Base fc :wub::'(
We will need to wait for Harriers(He's are ANY) to get his internet connection back before we play ya's anyway that could be weeks as he has just moved house.

---------- Post added at 12:22 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:21 AM ----------

Nice Poaching of our player too Mally.... (Garland)

He hasn't played for us since the first week of the club so no lose at all really.
We will need to wait for Harriers(He's are ANY) to get his internet connection back before we play ya's anyway that could be weeks as he has just moved house.

---------- Post added at 12:22 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:21 AM ----------

He hasn't played for us since the first week of the club so no lose at all really.

He's a very good striker. It's a big loss.
Good team you have their Mally and Mike

Good Luck :)
He's a very good striker. It's a big loss.

Not saying he is not a great player I'm saying that since he hasn't played for us at all really its not like it makes a difference whether he is at are club or not.
Nice Poaching of our player too Mally.... (Garland)

Not going to poach but if some of the players want to join for the same reasons me and Mike left than they are more than welcome.

---------- Post added at 12:33 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:31 AM ----------

Can I join mate. I play fifa regulary and I really want to play in a team. My virtual pro is a CM


Hi mate, thanks for being the first applicant haha. Are you a team player mate? We have a lot of CM's at the moment and both the managers (Me an Mike) play there. Would you be able to play other positions?
Hi mate, thanks for being the first applicant haha. Are you a team player mate? We have a lot of CM's at the moment and both the managers (Me an Mike) play there. Would you be able to play other positions?

Yes I am a team player mate. I hate people who dont pass the ball during the game when your in a better position. I dont want to be big headed or that but I am a good striker aswell
Yes I am a team player mate. I hate people who dont pass the ball during the game when your in a better position. I dont want to be big headed or that but I am a good striker aswell

Ok mate join up and play a few games see how you get on, a few of us are going on tonight around 11 if you can make it, probably best as a striker to be honest.

Join the IRC if you can as well, the links in the OP...

P.S, ill accept everyone later when I go on the PS3, not letting me do it online.