I'll give everyone 24 hours for the first pick then and then reduce it.Well everyone could be on different time zones, But I guess if they don't pick within 6-12hours you just pick then next best player, Kind of unfair but only way I can see.
I'll give everyone 24 hours for the first pick then and then reduce it.Well everyone could be on different time zones, But I guess if they don't pick within 6-12hours you just pick then next best player, Kind of unfair but only way I can see.
last activity: 2 days ago.Kevinpe is next Neymar has also gone
Should i put taken players in the OP?
I've already had a couple do that, so if everyone else wants to do it that would be greatWhat you should do is let everyone message you a Huge list of players they want. For example have a Striker but have what if's that striker is picked.
I want Sergio Aguero but if picked Have Carlos Tevez but if picked Fernando Llorente.
Have this for extra position and have 3-4 backs ups in every position?
again, last activity: 2 days agoRight Kevinpe has now been removed Stokecfc has taken Oscar, Kai Rooney is up next