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First 4 games : 4 W , 17:1 goals, then... 6 games , 1 W, 1D, 4 L, 8:9 goals...
On last patch?

Latest patch and no OI. If you don't have the right players at your club, you can get some mixed results. I got that with Bournemouth, but won Championship the first season. Now its time for Premier League!
That's strange!! :D

Latest patch and no OI. If you don't have the right players at your club, you can get some mixed results. I got that with Bournemouth, but won Championship the first season. Now its time for Premier League!

I just wanted to check this tactic out, because of your result - My team SG Grossaspach 2nd season in Bundesliga - still predicted to be 18th:

View attachment 273035

View attachment 273034

Just one thing to say: WOOOW! :D I dominated them like Barcelona did yesterday :D
which is the best version to use on the latest patch?
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testing this Tactic out in my Arsenal save..... started out OK, but when i had back to back hard matches (Man U. then Chelsea) all started going down hill, Lost 5-1 to United (Away) .... 2-1 to Chelsea(Away) .... 2-0 Spurs(Away) ... -_-

EDIT: Almost got fired after those results lolol had to basically beg for my job -____-...

but i seem to concede alot of goals both home and away....
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I haven't really tried out the old formation on the current patch but have come up with something a little different Zivkovic and Fierro 1st season hardly developed on more than a goal a game each. I will probably make a thread on it as it's a different tactic all together scored like 55 goals in 14 games. It has some elements of the TUGA tactic but it's more or less my own it's based around having a target man and a wide target man.

Will post when i am totally satisfied with it but so far it's looking very good. I always wanted to get a tactic with the possibility of two strikers getting more than a goal a game.

The current formation looks like this
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