FMFormation Summer Update 2010 beta 3.5 Public

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Nov 21, 2008
Reaction score
took from here

FMFormation Summer Update beta 3.5 (24 Hour Public Release)

What to expect:

Transfers/loans/contracts updated
Promotions and relegations updated
Kits updated
Transfer market now more competative
11 team Australian A-League
Japanese World Cup Squad
Wider range of injuries
And much much much much much much more!

Much thanks to our scouts, who's constant pestering of me helps make this db great!

Tapani-J, boro_fan17, evertonfan, VeggiSmurf, Lubo, i_diavolorosso, John10, emmsy3, Goal, Olaf1964, kolazontha, Jelly, jarleirik, Fofo, squaletti, Ashley, rimza, Bongo Joe, Viney, RyanTheGunner, mirjalovic and Chris, also thanks to everone else (you know who you are), who has contributed.

How to install:

Because we are sooooooooooo nice, we've even put it in a nice little installer for you, just double click and install!
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how is the transfer market more competative mate?

Maybe reasonable prices?

Just downloaded, thanks guys.

EDIT: Generally good, small mistakes (Rooney didn't sign new contract yet, Ben Amos at Molde loan - WTF?). I understand it's beta ;P
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Do you have permission to redistribute this database ??

if not, which i dont think you have, this should be taken down

no need to steal other peoples work
have you asked the creator of this database for permission to post it here? Because I am pretty sure he doesn't want people posting it here. I think you should delete this thread
Excuse me, I dont think you have rights to publish this database on other forums. Paul put lots of time into this database and if you do not have proof that you were able to publish this. You should take it down immediately because people, including myself and lots of people on FMF put their time and effort into this and it is wrong to just take a public beta from another site and claim it as yours.

Do you have permission to redistribute this database ??

if not, which i dont think you have, this should be taken down

no need to steal other peoples work

The update is mearly being linked to, not redistributed, get off your high horse.
the link is not too fmformation so it clearly has been stolen, it is to media fire
what a poor site, having to steal other peoples work, pathetic
The update is mearly being linked to, not redistributed, get off your high horse.

Well, couldn't he have posted a link to the exact place where the Databse is from instead of posting a link for the download only
the link is not too fmformation so it clearly has been stolen, it is to media fire
what a poor site, having to steal other peoples work, pathetic
can you not see the link at the top? That is clearly to i suggest you pay more attention before accusing people of things
the link is not too fmformation so it clearly has been stolen, it is to media fire
what a poor site, having to steal other peoples work, pathetic

are you ******* blind? he link is at the top
Are you lot fucktards or something? That update was for 24 hours and on FMF is for donators only. If you open that link there is absolutely no link to the actual db because you cant get hold of it for **** sake! So before you go off telling us not to be dicks or whatever then why dont you think and look you bunch of wankers :S
can you not see the link at the top? That is clearly to i suggest you pay more attention before accusing people of things

He could have posted to where the download is from, because if you took the time to look, the database is for people who donate to the site only
are yous stupid ? where does the link at the top take you ?? to fmf's website, not to a download link for the database
the database is only available to donators of fmf
typical fm base, stealing work
FFS all this argument over a database, if your that fussed about it just dont download it, its not difficult
if anything the op should have done a better job with the link i,t should have gone to the exact page, and not just to the homepage of the
took from here < 'took' sounds like he has taken it without permission :)

I know im not the brightest person in the world but shouldnt he at least ask Paul to use it or say at the bottom, thanks to Hicapaul to show that it is his. Anyway, its for donators only so you have to pay for it. Also, may I point out his poor grammar; 'took from here' makes no sense, should be 'taken from here' :p Sorry.

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are yous stupid ? where does the link at the top take you ?? to fmf's website, not to a download link for the database
the database is only available to donators of fmf
typical fm base, stealing work

If you don't like FMBASE don't come on simples
He could have posted to where the download is from, because if you took the time to look, the database is for people who donate to the site only
i have never used it, so wouldnt know, if that is how it is, i will ask to have it taken down. of course this could have been handled in more civil way, if you had just PM'd a mod
are yous stupid ? where does the link at the top take you ?? to fmf's website, not to a download link for the database
the database is only available to donators of fmf
typical fm base, stealing work

is that why i just downloaded it of their website and am using it now?
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