1. more penalties in the game. can not believe the amount of foul committed in the box and players get free with it.

2. Create divers.
3. Show graphical images on offside, just don't blown offside when on side.
4. i' m tired of seeing the same screen writing when matches are been played, broaden the grammar and intensify commentary words, syllabus and pronunciation.
Make match game play commentary like Andy gray.
5. Make monthly or forthnighty showcase of skills to entertain spectators for charity or otherwise these would bring more fans and more reputation to clubs especially to the ones that win of show off more to create something magical, with grammarticalized words saying what they are actually doing. different players different dribbling skill and types. also make flair players like ronaldinho, ronaldo, messi etc competite for best dribble of the month, of the season, this would raise the players confidence and reputation.(H)
6. Show why players win world player of the year, player of the season, not just by players stats but also by spectacular individual brillances picked out by the football wizards.

7. Make football gods not only pele and other past players because i'm not enjoingin paying crazy amount of cash in wages for a player if he is not pressured by the media or dont win and monthly accords or even become a football god.
8. we could use age declaration to determine who can listens to game sounds; in essence we would like fans chanting and swearing on refrees, annoying and dropped formed players, rivals and managers. this would make players, refrees and managers do better and abstain for failure and taking training serious.
9. it would be great to see players celebrations.
10.Tell us what players have been a bad boy out side the ffotball field, i.e pub brawls, *** scandals and other non sense.
manager and managers media battle over a player or (s) also alex ferguson and rafa benitez rude media clashes and other managers rivalry clashes.
11. Make celebrities come and watch matches i guess that only in big teams i think you see them there. media tell us special guest of honour and others.

12. special match of the day of group of teams, but you dont show the match; only show the players and managers individual analysis, how many times managers changed tactics and how many passes, one on ones misplaced by a player and other nonsense.(H)
13. i dont want to wait until half time to have a team talk, i want to yell at players during games that dont perform what i expect.
i think face gens and logos are available now and would be nice to get them installed in the next fm2010.<)
14. Could also do the richest players and managers by wealth and endorsment. just to improve swagger, arrogance

15. Every new season, automatic new football kit to choose. also brand new seasonal football boots. creating marketing and sales revenue. could send players to sign boots and jersey's in the stadium stores well to raise more money for the club.<)
Well guys what do you think about this idea that would actually make football manager more fun and exciting to play.(H)