Football Manager 2010 Features & Screenshots

A light and dark default skin is good news and proves they listen to fans.I cant wait to get stuck into the new tactics set up and data editor.
Whats Wrong


Have to be honest I very nearly did not buy this game. I looked at the opposition, and only (and only) because they were actually worse did I buy.

Your MOVING AWAY from the most relevant part of FM. I want control over my tactics on match day. More control and discussion with both my board and players.

Silly little things like board will not allow me another coach, I want to be able to discuss this. Player starts saying he want to leave, I want to be bale to say more in answer to this.

3d pitch no one I know is using it, and yet its taking up disc space and development time, both of which could be used to return to Football Management (Remember The Name Of My Once Favourite Game).

This is not attacking anyone (or maybe everyone) depending on how you look at it.

Transfer negotiations get more real, in this area. Try this approach:

Base Unit = Game
Then Bolt On modules = Manager Comms' and any other advanced additions you sell game and people can decide if they want extras, especially a 3d match engine I DON'T...

It's not difficult, dash I could design a list of additions and what each addition should contain, and I'm useless, I only build websites for a living so I must be dumb.

Any way that's my rant over.

Oh, and to stave off the normal questions, the demo will be released a couple of weeks before the game is released

Eh, not much of a fan of the 3d engine. I hope the option to play in the classic view is still there
Eh, not much of a fan of the 3d engine. I hope the option to play in the classic view is still there

Agreed, never use the 3d engine because it looks ridiculous. And I doubt 100 new animations will improve it much.
Grandman brings up some interesting points.

A couple of things he mentioned, definitely would be amazing features on an FM installment:

1. Being able to talk to and try and convince unhappy players that they should remain at the club, obviously with the possibility to fail if they are dead set on leaving, etc.

2. Being able to discuss things with the board room a lot more than you can. Explaining why you should be allowed to sign another coach or two, etc.
I Post this Article In Every Korean FM maneger web page~!!
and They Like IT!!!!!
I'm gonna be like a kid waiting for christmas these next 3 months :D
the skin looks quite dated still but im sure there be some others to d/l on here,hopfully there will be alot more range and better questions in the press pre match aswell8-|
looks good and i will be buying when out anyway:)
really like the look of it, cant wait for release!

This seasons one is still great.

i agree with other posts as in the 3d match engine is a waste of development time, all other areas of the game in my opinion are great, the 3d engine is a let down. and until it can look anything like a fifa or a pro evolution based format, with flowing players no stuttering etc.

im sure you will all agree that it looks worse than actua soccer which the graphics were awful.

i think if they would of wated to develop this just a bit more graphics wise it may of made much more success.

the new areas of tactics seems great, cant wait to get stuck into that.
i also agree with what another post said where there will be hundreds of custom databases to download which may be good or bad, depending on how thought out they are.

im sure 99% of fm base members are now eager with anticipation awaiting the new release as am i.
if a few more suggestions from the fans of the game were put into the game, which im sure they will either this year or next it will be an awesome year of FM10!
Can't wait till its released, screenshots look quality :) Thanks Sean
I might be 1 of the rare people who uses the 3D match view and to hear its going to get better AND with the new looking tactics,,, Thats Me pre-ordering it asap
Think the only feature of FM 2010 I won't be using is the 3D match engine. Classic reigns supreme on 2009, and I'm sure it will on it's sequel too.
looking forward to the tactics creator so i can see where ive been going wrong for so long and also liking the look of the new match engine all of sudden im getting all excited...