Jun 30, 2011
Reaction score

Frank de Boer - High Pressing, Dominate and Win! [4-3-3 & 4-2-3-1]

***** 11/05/2014 - First version of the tactic - Version 2.0 & 2.1 ******
***** 15/05/2014 - New version of the tactic - Version 3.0 ******
***** 16/05/2014 - New version of the tactic - Version 3.2 ******

***** 27/05/2014 - New version of the tactic - Version 3.1 & 3.3 ******



Hi! Welcome to my new tactic. It is a replicate of how Frank de Boer let his team play. With high pressing, dominating, a solid defence and some beautifull attacking footbal. It is a tactic with attacking full backs, creativity at the midfield, roaming wingers and a goalscoring striker. Frank de Boer managed to win his 4th League title in a row with his club AFC Ajax. It's an unbelievable result with a young squad with great potential. Frank de Boer has the power to make players better and suit them in a succesfull way of football.

It is a 4-3-3 formation which gave a lot of succes in Ajax' history. It has four defenders, one defensive midfielder and two central midfielders. In the front we have two attacking wingers and a striker. The tactic has opposition instructions (don't let your assisant do that) to give a lot more pressing to the oppposition team. The tactic doesn't dominate in terms of possessions, but does in (clear cut) chances. The tactic is used in home and away games, without any changes.

Tactical tips
How can you improve your results? Give the tactic some time. Sometimes it takes a half-season to get the best out of a tactic. Don't write a review about the pre-season or the first couple of games, because it doesn't say anything about a tactic. Make sure the team morale is good, because it influence the results a lot. Just like the team and individual speaches does influence the results. Train your players into the roles of the tactic. I use a 'defensive positioning' preparatory training, rest after and before the game and a 'balanced' (normal) training. I also give my players a lot of rest between games, specially in the English Premier League. Than about your friendlys.. Don't play against bigger clubs to see if the tactic is a good one. Because you need to create a good team morale for the league start, so you should plan some matches with a high chance you're going to win. Set the 2.1, 3.0 & 3.2 versions into your tactics slots to make them fast fluid.

Below you can find results, individual matches and other screenshots.

VERSION 2.0 & 2.1
Tested with AS Roma and Liverpool FC.

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VERSION 3.0 & 3.2
I only tested this in a lower league, but I know for sure it will work in other competitions!

Tweaked versions available! Version 3.1 (4-3-3) & version 3.3 (4-2-3-1)

The tactic has opposition instructions and has a control mentality. Version 3.0 is a 4-3-3 formation with a control mentality. The 3.2 version is a controlling 4-2-3-1 formation. It even works with underdog teams, because I am managing a team with prediction 15th in the league. I expect a lot of questions coming: 'When do I use which version?'. There are a lot of squads who can play better in a 4-1-2-2-1 formation and then I use the 2.0 version (or when you're having a really good DM). You have to take a look at your squad and find a good formation for them. It is possible that you don't have the squad for a formation like this and then the tactic won't work or it takes a very long time before it starts to work.

You want possession? Goals? Wins? Cups? Try this !

Yep, I am in 2017 with this game. But I will prove you that this tactic works.. Look at PSV' & Ajax' squad in contrary to mine (last squad picture) and the prediction of my team. It's my first season in the Dutch League..

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Below you can find results, individual matches and other screenshots.

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If I used this tactic from the beginning we were on top of the league, for sure. After the season break I start to use version 3.2. What a beast!

Player recommendations
Below you can find attributes which are important to make this tactic work. All roles for version 3.0 & 3.2 are writed down.

Wing back - Automatic
Crossing, marking, tackling, decisions, positioning, teamwork, work rate, acceleration, stamina.
Extra: passing, off the ball, natural fitness, concentration and pace.
Carvajal, Peruzzi, Azpilicueta, Manquillo, Clyne, de Sciglio, Walker and Rafael.

Central defender - Defend
Heading, marking, tackling, composure, concentration, decisions, determination, positioning, jumping, strength.
Extra: passing and pace.
Jonny Evans, Balanta, Phil Jones, Isimat-Mirin, Diagne and Marquinhos.

Ball playing defender - Defend
Heading, marking, passing, tackling, technique, composure, concentration, creativity, decisions, determination, positioning, jumping, strength.
Extra: pace.
Bonucci, Varane, Hummels, Caulker, Inigo Martinez, Ginter and N'Koulou.

Wing back - Attack
Crossing, dribbling, marking, tackling, decisions, off the ball, positioning, teamwork, work rate, acceleration, stamina.
Extra: pace, passing, concentration and natural fitness.
Alaba, Shaw, Moreno, Alex Sandro, Santon, Digne and Ben Davis.

Half back - Defend
Marking, passing, tackling, anticipation, composure, concentration, decisions, positioning, teamwork, acceleration, stamina, strength.
Extra: natural fitness, heading, jumping, work rate, technique and first touch.
Diego Reyes, Ren? Junior, Guido Pizarro, Niklas Stark, Idrissa Gueye, Luiz Gustavo, Sandro, Alex Song, Lucas Silva and Bender.

Deep lying playmaker - Defend
Marking, passing, tackling, technique, composure, creativity, decisions, positioning, teamwork, strength.
Extra: First touch, heading, off the ball, concentration, balance, work rate, anticipation and jumping.
Lucas Otavio, Hiljemark, Gundogan, Kondogbia, Rabiot, Koke, Ramires, Iturraspe, Vidal and Rodwell.

Deep lying playmaker - Support

First touch, passing, tackling, technique, composure, creativity, decisions, off the ball, positioning, teamwork.
Extra: acceleration, work rate, concentration and anticipation.
Jack Wilshere, Denilson, Vidal, Sergi Roberto, Koke, Cabaye, Gago, Ramires and Joe Allen.

Advanced playmaker - Attack
Dribbling, first touch, passing, technique, anticipation, creativity, decisions, flair, off the ball, teamwork.
Extra: tackling, finishing, work rate, pace, natural fitness, balance and pace.
Vilhena, Denilson, Modric, Moutinho, Verratti, Zelalem, Will Hughes, Ramsey, Cristante, Florenzi, Kovacic, Henderson and Pogba.

Attacking midifielder - Attack

Dribbling, first touch, passing, technique, creativity, decisions, flair, off the ball, work rate, acceleration.
Extra: Pace, tackling, finishing, concentration and team work.

Countinho, Kagawa, Hamsik, Quintero, Lodeiro, Wijnaldum, Moi Gomez, Isco, Denis Suarez, David Silva, Lionel Messi and Mata.

Inside forward - Attack
Crossing, dribbling, finishing, passing, decisions, flair, off the ball, teamwork, acceleration, pace.
Extra: Work rate, tackling, technique, passing, agility, balance and creativity.
Cristiano Ronaldo, El Shaarawy, Bale, A. Ayew, Gait?n, Bakkali, Neymar, Bernard, Vitinho, Insigne, Muniain and Tom Ince.

Winger - Attack
Crossing, dribbling, finishing, technique, decisions, flair, off the ball, acceleration, agility, balance, pace.

Extra: creativity, work rate and tackling.
Ben Arfa, Candreva, Hulk, Walcott, Bale, Mirallas, Salvio, Lamela, Aubameyang, Halilovic, Sanchez and Pedro.

False nine (& Advanced forward - testing this role) - Support (& Attack)
First touch, passing, creativity, off the ball, team work, work rate, heading, finishing, pace.
Extra: concentration and technique.
Ferreyra, Falcao, Cavani, Su?rez, Rooney, Destro, Icardi, Morata, Diego Costa and Carlos Fierro.

Download player filters.


#1 TIP! Use your own standard situations. Specially the defensively!

I am doing some research to let you know which version you have to use in what type of games. It isn't that easy because there are a lot of factors that influence the game. I would use the 3.0 and the 3.2 as the basic versions. Try and see which formation is the most suitable for your squad. When playing against a much more weak team than yours or when you need to score you can use the 2.1 version. The 2.1 version has an attacking mentality and creates more CCC's, but is defensively less solid.

But don't use this tips blindly. You need to anticipate when you see things aren't going like you want them to go. Swith back, use tweaks (no OI, tackle less hard), whatever.. anticipate!

To do list..

#1 -
There are a lot of games I see when my team has a 7+ rating, at the end of the game. But my defensive midfielders (using version 3.0) has at the end of the game most of the time a rating for 7-. I want him to score a rating above the 7, so that's what I have to fix.

Completed tests.. (!!)
19/05/2014 - Did a test without 'tight marking' opposition instructions and with a poacher at front. I advice you to use this tweaks too!

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Download and let me know what you think of the tactic! :wub:

Just plugged 3.2 straight into the game. Very promising.

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First game in this tactic and... wow. ofc i am Atletico.
Good tactic. Took over West Ham last season when they were 22nd in the Championship, straight at the break. Pushed them to end on the 11th place:

View attachment 584609

The pass completion and possession rates are really off the chain, here's my latest match and at the same time most impressing until now

View attachment 584629

Even away against City we had more of the match, and could even have won in a higher margin.

Here are my results so far in my 2nd season with them, using your tactic from the very beginning -

View attachment 584612

Oh and I'm using Version 3.2.

League champs after a season where I was basically just testing and experimenting with the tactic and different roles. FM14 is getting fun again.

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Jesus ******* christ man, he literally posted this thread up about 30 seconds before you replied to it.

How about you give the guy a ******* second to get some screenshots up.

Impatient fuckwit.

or how about the OP includes the screenshots with the post?

like common sense tells you that people will want to see screenshots, he even puts the section there in the post for the screenshots

what happens if waits for the screens before posting the thread? nothing, cause THERE ISN'T A THREAD TO POST IN

what happens if you post a tactic thread without screenies? people will ask for screenies

don't call someone an impatient fuckwit, because you're just as stupid..
or how about the OP includes the screenshots with the post?

like common sense tells you that people will want to see screenshots, he even puts the section there in the post for the screenshots

what happens if waits for the screens before posting the thread? nothing, cause THERE ISN'T A THREAD TO POST IN

what happens if you post a tactic thread without screenies? people will ask for screenies

don't call someone an impatient fuckwit, because you're just as stupid..
Well, If I write in the opening post 'Screens in a minute' and your posting 30 seconds after opening this thread a question for screens I think you're very desperate. In my opinion..

yeah the guy's obviously impatient, but doesn't need to be abused by that guy who posted

anyways back on topic, looks like a great tactic based on a good philosophy, you always put out some interesting stuff = )
you change the mentality if you play home or away ? if you play big or small teams ? thanks.
you change the mentality if you play home or away ? if you play big or small teams ? thanks.
Read the OP. No, I don't. You can change to counter if you like in the last minutes, but normally I don't do that.
Roma and liverpool are teams, that doesnt play in europe...i dont know, if just coincidence or you are struggling in europe.
Roma and liverpool are teams, that doesnt play in europe...i dont know, if just coincidence or you are struggling in europe.

The Liverpool section does show results in Europe in his fixture lists. It shows a draw against Juve and loss against Porto, but all the other results seem good
Roma and liverpool are teams, that doesnt play in europe...i dont know, if just coincidence or you are struggling in europe.

Roma hasn't got EL/CL football in first season. And the LFC screens show my first European games in the CL. What do you want to say?
Again nice tactic, you know i'm not a great fan of this kind of tactics, rather love 2 strikers, ;)
but again really nice job..:D