Here you can find the updated versions with tweaks.
Will put it later in the opening post. (After the weekend)

I would use both of them, if I were you. It makes it much harder for your opposition if you switch sometimes!
And 3.1 is a really good tactic as well. Against some opposites a better one!
Become 3rd first season. Won 18 games, 11 gelijk, 5 lost. scored 54, conceded 39.

Going to play 2nd season as well. I'm testing 3 tactics with BMG, so it will take a time to show results of 2nd season
Which version would be best for Man Utd and strongest XI with no buy in first season?
Just started using it again and fit perfects to my arsenal, but have a question when you recomend switching from the 4-3-3 to the 4-2-3-1. Awesome tactic, thanks in advance!
Just downloaded the tactics and went to import them and it said unable to import tactic any ideas why guys?
Just downloaded the tactics and went to import them and it said unable to import tactic any ideas why guys?

are you copying it to the tactics folders? maybe its also because its saved as a normal football manager not at classic mode.
Just started using it again and fit perfects to my arsenal, but have a question when you recomend switching from the 4-3-3 to the 4-2-3-1. Awesome tactic, thanks in advance!
Glad it's working for you, like it does for me either. Well, I look at the opposite formations I lost against and look at what version I was using. Next time I will choose for the other versions to see if it gets better this time. But, overall. I don't have a standard principe when I switch between a version.
will post some screenshots later but the tactic plays with a beautiful football, the only things are corners, i think i havent scored yet but also they havent scored my team.
Jesus ******* christ man, he literally posted this thread up about 30 seconds before you replied to it.

How about you give the guy a ******* second to get some screenshots up.

Impatient fuckwit.

I get the impression that you're upset.

This tacti looks interesting. Seems like the CM (A) combo is OP this year.
what training do you have for the season? also do you use a different tactic for away/underdog games
Balanced (average) and Att movement or defending depends of the opposition, also i have to add that i didnt got it completely fluid untill November so i had Balanced (average) and Tactics only till i got both of them fluid for individual training i let the assistant manager to the team because he will make them according to the players role and what the need to perform better, the only thing i did manually where training players to new positions. Another important thing is team talks, as it said in the opening post. About the away or underdog you have to see the scouts reports, in that message you will see their formation and against which formation they suffer more normally they will post 4-2-3-1 or 4-1(DM)-2-2-1 so then i play with one of the formations. Also you have to see we normally know how does teams play like chelsea plays counter or bayern plays control, if i face a counter team i will choose the 4-3-3 (3.1) because they wont have too much players at middle and i have no need to put more players at there and my half back will stay back for counters. if i face a team with lots of people at the middle i choose the 4-2-3-1 (3.3) because i will have to dispute the control of the middle camp i normally ill have the 2 DPL the attacking mid and the inside and winger. Normally i was underdog when had to face Teams like bayern soy i would say just play 4-2-3-1 when youre underdog. Sorry for my english, hope you could understand.
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What a season you've had, Omaxo. Thanks a lot for sharing your results and some tips. Keep it up!
What about the scheduling bar? At 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 or 0 percent?