Frankenstein Tactic 3-2-3-2

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View attachment 178984 This is my start Anchor man/DLP (At centre spot). As you can see he can fit both tactics,Arrow original and the DLP tweak of jess.

For a real player I think Schneiderlin its great in both roles. Verratti well trained can do it well too.

For the other two DMs spots I use this players : View attachment 178982View attachment 178981 As you can see they are almost AMC but retrained to this position and in a box to box role. Real players like Kroos,Modric,Gundogan,Thiago...something like them.

And with mentallity 4 Arrow do it great too,but I really can see a big diference between the original tactic mentalities and the all with 4. Maybe the reason is the 3 messi roles have this mentality in the original too and their performance is almost the same. But you can see a better pass ratio from the rest of the team.

;) cheers mates. And feel free to share results with all the tactics you prove here.
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View attachment 1021869 This is my start Anchor man/DLP (At centre spot). As you can see he can fit both tactics,Arrow original and the DLP tweak of jess.

For a real player I think Schneiderlin its great in both roles. Verratti well trained can do it well too.

For the other two DMs spots I use this players : View attachment 1021871View attachment 1021872 As you can see they are almost AMC but retrained to this position and in a box to box role. Real players like Kroos,Modric,Gundogan,Thiago...something like them.

And with mentallity 4 Arrow do it great too,but I really can see a big diference between the original tactic mentalities and the all with 4. Maybe the reason is the 3 messi roles have this mentality in the original too and their performance is almost the same. But you can see a better pass ratio from the rest of the team.

;) cheers mates. And feel free to share results with all the tactics you prove here.
Slavisa is a beast :)

Mentality 4 is significantly more cautious and take less chances and that can lead to a pass instead of a shot, but with a team that is good at shooting it might be a bad idea.

Wow did you see Messis's penalty yesterday vs Celta - that was awesome?
Slavisa is a beast :)

Mentality 4 is significantly more cautious and take less chances and that can lead to a pass instead of a shot, but with a team that is good at shooting it might be a bad idea.

Wow did you see Messis's penalty yesterday vs Celta - that was awesome?

My team is not bad at shooting but I started to see (in some matches not in all) more effectivity looking for the goal and in almost all games a +85% of good passes ratio with Arrow original with mentality on 4.
Away games are the weakness point,but still win and win the possesion also. I like the way they play now,I dominate home some games are just wow in possesion and shoots terms. Here some matches. Not very strong understanding because my team is probally the younger of the league ( the oldest player have 24 years old I guess lol )

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Testing a Frankenstein 2nd Visit with the striker looking for goal on corner and global mentallity 20.

First game vs Vilarreal : home win 8-1 not fluid at all . Ill upload some screens when I play more games. Great weekend for all ;)
Miss still the old game, playing FM 16 for countless hours you gotta miss FM 13 the easy game :P
Testing a Frankenstein 2nd Visit with the striker looking for goal on corner and global mentallity 20.

First game vs Vilarreal : home win 8-1 not fluid at all . Ill upload some screens when I play more games. Great weekend for all ;)

Thats a great start!! - is it a new save or regent save?

Anyway I have been on fm13 for countless of hours, just preparing thoroughly for a new save that I hope to use for many ingame years. So one of the funny things I remembered back in the day when discussing talented players was - SHADRACH!!! lol

bwomper you found this gem I remember this clearly and now i bought him

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I reckon this guy is one of the most amazing bargains this game has to offer, according to tassotti my assistant he is a 4 star potential player, I'm training him as a box to box, it will be interesting to see how he developes.

I also for the first time loaded in custom country players - mostly africans here's a few players i have never seen before

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Uhh - he looks really good doesn't he?

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Bruma you should know - I have used this guys as a right winger for portugals national team in another save, I just wanted to show his talent, he was exellent in that other save of mine.

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I don't know about these last two, but the first one prince I'm really excited about. SHADRACH will have a year in the youth team then we will see how good he has become :)

Thats a great start!! - is it a new save or regent save?

Anyway I have been on fm13 for countless of hours, just preparing thoroughly for a new save that I hope to use for many ingame years. So one of the funny things I remembered back in the day when discussing talented players was - SHADRACH!!! lol

bwomper you found this gem I remember this clearly and now i bought him

View attachment 1024683 View attachment 1024684

I reckon this guy is one of the most amazing bargains this game has to offer, according to tassotti my assistant he is a 4 star potential player, I'm training him as a box to box, it will be interesting to see how he developes.

I also for the first time loaded in custom country players - mostly africans here's a few players i have never seen before

View attachment 1024685

Uhh - he looks really good doesn't he?

View attachment 1024686

Bruma you should know - I have used this guys as a right winger for portugals national team in another save, I just wanted to show his talent, he was exellent in that other save of mine.

View attachment 1024688

View attachment 1024689

I don't know about these last two, but the first one prince I'm really excited about. SHADRACH will have a year in the youth team then we will see how good he has become :)

take a look to a Colombian player from AC Milan (but I think he start on loan at Parma) Jherson Vergara, a quick central defender

PD: Im on my 2021 save,my team,instead Tielemans,is all regents. The oldest is 24 years old lol
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some matches with Frankie Globlal mentality 20

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The tactic is not fluid and my team is too young,but I see very nice performances. What is new with this mentality? The preasure. The defence anticipates more,the AMC is a killer (in my actual season the AMC is the best scorer)Its better 2nd Visiti original or with mentality 20 ? too soon to say,but its not wrost for sure.

And for the record : I dont know if this game is easier than fm16 or whatever. I just play both and fm13 is my game. End of story.

Have fun people ;)
Quick qstion for jess,Ossis and more people here : AMR left footed AML right footed or is better to players for long passes to the box left on left right on right? Playing with Frankie`s tactics I use both but for one part I see more goals from right footed on left and viceversa but for the other I have good headers strikers,and I see better crosses to the box from right on right left on left....what do you think guys? And sorry for my english lol
some matches with Frankie Globlal mentality 20

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The tactic is not fluid and my team is too young,but I see very nice performances. What is new with this mentality? The preasure. The defence anticipates more,the AMC is a killer (in my actual season the AMC is the best scorer)Its better 2nd Visiti original or with mentality 20 ? too soon to say,but its not wrost for sure.

And for the record : I dont know if this game is easier than fm16 or whatever. I just play both and fm13 is my game. End of story.

Have fun people ;)

Results looks really good - if your formation is not fluid yet - get it to fluid as fast as possible using (tactics), then when fluid change to teamwork untill you have a high team cohesion (atleast strong understanding) - not before then defensive positioning or attacking movement will be worth using.

About mentality: In truth when I changed the trippletweaked to a global mentality of 20 it became better defensively - why? back in the day long ago their were discussions about this, using a global mentality would keep the shape of your formation, its not actually entirely logic if the run from deep slider are suppose to control that - anyway their were people that set the mentality sliders like this striker 20 cam 18 aml/r 18 cm's 16 wb's 14 CD's 12. The point with that was to have a formation that was coherent in its shape and have players stick close together on the field - basically keeping the shape - then as I said their were other people that kept everything global in the mentality - I liked to use that myself it could be global 20 it could be global 1 as long as it was global and it felt like formations like this performed really well. However mentality translates into risk and reward basically in our vision today and according to the guru's its not recommended to use it globally. My personal experience go opposite of what is recommended, so either the coders got the TC concept wrong when coding misunderstanding WWfan for what he wanted or the game engine is simply just not coded well enough which leads to the TC beeing to weak to follow.

WWFAN - the indept analyzer of the game and founder of the TC said:

Mentality: A risk and reward setting that needs to be arranged in a strategically coherent manner. The range of mentalities determines your strategic approach to the match. If the rage is too far apart, you do not have a strategic approach and will be incoherent. The incoherence will see players moving too far apart from each other as half think the overall strategy is defensive and half think they have to rush forward whenever the opportunity arrives. That is when you will see the "the gap between your defence and midfield is too big" or "your strikers are too far from your midfield" messages. If you get your mentality and Run from Deep / FWRs structures right, you can't go too far wrong.

In truth I think if your team is great it will either be very good at attacking or defending - in a formation where everything is well balanced I think global mentality of 20 will do very well if you have great players going forward and if the run from deep settings aren't to far apart, no I actually don't think that matters to much in a global mentality.

Quick qstion for jess,Ossis and more people here : AMR left footed AML right footed or is better to players for long passes to the box left on left right on right? Playing with Frankie`s tactics I use both but for one part I see more goals from right footed on left and viceversa but for the other I have good headers strikers,and I see better crosses to the box from right on right left on left....what do you think guys? And sorry for my english lol

I try and get them good with both legs - Neymar Hazard like :)
Frankenstein - RWB ALL - Global Mentality20 - Download Here

I tested this tactic very thoroughly both through the 200CA template and my RMA save over a total of 5 hours.

All players run with ball often
all other individual sliders are rare
All players mentality is set globally to 20
The 3 central defenders closedown set to 10/the middle/own half
The 3 central defenders tackling set to normal

CA-200 Test:

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I looked at every single match and though their was a few hickups here and their it was very dominant in terms of many chances and many goals. I set the training in the first half of the season to teamwork and the 2nd half of the season to attacking movement, but maybe I should have used teamwork all season long due to the very bad team gel.

RMA - Match preparation - Attacking movement:

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This is the match preparation I recommend using to get the best results when you already have a high team gel - strong understanding or higher.

RMA - Match preparation - Teamwork:

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I felt having it on teamwork was pretty pointless as the team gel was already at extremely strong understanding - also conceeding was worse than when set to attacking movement and the same with the amount goals scored. My conclusion is clearly to use teamwork whenever the team gel is below strong understanding.

RMA - Match preparation - Defensive positioning:

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Alright so this tactic is not extremely different from the original Frankenstein - infact its the same formation which in the end is what matters - combined with player quality - its not that very different from the original. So for me having the 3 options in match preparation - doesn't make a huge difference, but I can only recommend attacking movement or defensive setpieces - and if your team is full of quality it should probably be attacking movement to get you a few more goals :) - defensive positioning doesn't mean better conceeding record, but it does hurt you a tiny bit scoring goals - my verdict is its not worth it to use it, unless you are a small team/underdog - I actually don't believe it will help you more than 1% in defence lol, but it will hurt you in offence 20%. I noticed the CAM did really well on defensive positioning - probably a coincidence.

All the testing was done without any sort of micromanagement - no resting of players individually - letting the assistant Demichelis pick the players he preferred on every match. Its all up to you whether you wanna try this or not - its not a requirement to have 10 players that can dribble - its just the way the sliders are set to see what would happen, though those players in attack who dribbles well will certainly be an advantage, but I would still prefer to have pogba koke types in the midfield over Oscar or Iniesta, box to box still rules though worse at dribbling. I think this Frankenstein perform as well as many Frankenstein's created though alot of the sliders are rare - feel free to identify what works for you and see if you can improve it.

This tactic should not replace your favourite tactic - its just another alternative for you to try and I hope my testing also helps you utilize match preparation in the right way and for gods sake get Reus in every save you play lol - oh and I can now also recommend playing with SHADRACH 1st season and Giroud from Arsenal the ingame Tank!!!! - their is no better tank from the beginning of the game :)

Cheers and enjoy
Frankenstein - RWB ALL - Global Mentality20 - Download Here

I tested this tactic very thoroughly both through the 200CA template and my RMA save over a total of 5 hours.

All players run with ball often
all other individual sliders are rare
All players mentality is set globally to 20
The 3 central defenders closedown set to 10/the middle/own half
The 3 central defenders tackling set to normal

CA-200 Test:

View attachment 1025074

I looked at every single match and though their was a few hickups here and their it was very dominant in terms of many chances and many goals. I set the training in the first half of the season to teamwork and the 2nd half of the season to attacking movement, but maybe I should have used teamwork all season long due to the very bad team gel.

RMA - Match preparation - Attacking movement:

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This is the match preparation I recommend using to get the best results when you already have a high team gel - strong understanding or higher.

RMA - Match preparation - Teamwork:

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I felt having it on teamwork was pretty pointless as the team gel was already at extremely strong understanding - also conceeding was worse than when set to attacking movement and the same with the amount goals scored. My conclusion is clearly to use teamwork whenever the team gel is below strong understanding.

RMA - Match preparation - Defensive positioning:

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Alright so this tactic is not extremely different from the original Frankenstein - infact its the same formation which in the end is what matters - combined with player quality - its not that very different from the original. So for me having the 3 options in match preparation - doesn't make a huge difference, but I can only recommend attacking movement or defensive setpieces - and if your team is full of quality it should probably be attacking movement to get you a few more goals :) - defensive positioning doesn't mean better conceeding record, but it does hurt you a tiny bit scoring goals - my verdict is its not worth it to use it, unless you are a small team/underdog - I actually don't believe it will help you more than 1% in defence lol, but it will hurt you in offence 20%. I noticed the CAM did really well on defensive positioning - probably a coincidence.

All the testing was done without any sort of micromanagement - no resting of players individually - letting the assistant Demichelis pick the players he preferred on every match. Its all up to you whether you wanna try this or not - its not a requirement to have 10 players that can dribble - its just the way the sliders are set to see what would happen, though those players in attack who dribbles well will certainly be an advantage, but I would still prefer to have pogba koke types in the midfield over Oscar or Iniesta, box to box still rules though worse at dribbling. I think this Frankenstein perform as well as many Frankenstein's created though alot of the sliders are rare - feel free to identify what works for you and see if you can improve it.

This tactic should not replace your favourite tactic - its just another alternative for you to try and I hope my testing also helps you utilize match preparation in the right way and for gods sake get Reus in every save you play lol - oh and I can now also recommend playing with SHADRACH 1st season and Giroud from Arsenal the ingame Tank!!!! - their is no better tank from the beginning of the game :)

Cheers and enjoy
Great post mate,I just want to end this season with the frankie global 20 and the next I will go with your new vision of the tactic. Have to say I see better performances with def.possitioning than attk.movement,but maybe is just because my strikers are too young yet lol. Great results with in game players. ;)
Great post mate,I just want to end this season with the frankie global 20 and the next I will go with your new vision of the tactic. Have to say I see better performances with def.possitioning than attk.movement,but maybe is just because my strikers are too young yet lol. Great results with in game players. ;)

Seriously, all match preparations will get you good results - attacking movement will overall give you a slight edge over the others - its all about the players quality. This is why I tested this with 3 different match preparations, if the team gel is very good you just need attacking movement if not you need teamwork.

Using defensive positioning or attacking movement when the team gel is low will get you **** performances, but changing that to teamwork and your players will suddenly play very good - any tactic :) - having it on teamwork after buying 22 new players are worth it the 1st season they play together and maybe even the first 2 seasons - then the next 8 seasons on attacking movement will get you more chances.
Great post mate,I just want to end this season with the frankie global 20 and the next I will go with your new vision of the tactic. Have to say I see better performances with def.possitioning than attk.movement,but maybe is just because my strikers are too young yet lol. Great results with in game players. ;)

I don't know how it looks - this new Frankie version - but I reckon it will be simular to other frankenstein tactics - I can tell you Arsenal was beat 6-0 and both chelsea and was beat - the goal scoring was at the same level as the 442 trippletweaked, but I think Frankenstein is like that in general. So this new version will only be richer by having someone looking at it physically, so whenever you feel like to try it - feel free - its all very important fm13 information :)

I'm doubting the player sliders importance so much - the run from deep - try through balls - cross ball - rwb etc etc - thats why I tried creating a tactic like this.
I will go with att.movement next season. My roster worked together at least 3 season with no big changes. Next season I will have 2 new players only . I will make a big presentation for the next season with all my roster :)
The Shadrach Prophecy - Download Here

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About Shadrach:
This tactic is build from the bottom - so its not a direct copy of another 433, but will have behavial simularities to BBM and Gooaall262. I wanted to create something that would fit with - Neymar - Messi and Giroud, so in the beginning Neymar had the role of Advanced forward - Messi Complete forwards - Giroud Poacher, but I realized the role poacher is way to formidable for all striker types, so I gave them all the poacher. The midfield is advanced playmakers that rwb often and try through balls often - perfect for the likes of Eden Hazard and Pogba to charge the centre by running with the ball - this makes the centre mids really dangerous, then their is the wingbacks who's basically instructed to fill in the wide play and go to the byline and cross it in - great for Giroud the centre striker (Tank).

Giroud the centre striker - the tank:
I wanted to make a tall man function and this position really does - especially when the man is Giroud - he is formidable in the air - noone like him - he's also the main outlet from corners that is set to near post flick on with Giroud. He scores for fun and I mean practically 2 goals or more per match. His backup is a young talented dane - Cornelius - he is 4 1/2 star potential and look very simular to Giroud, I got him very cheap too around 4m pounds. He have played 3 and scored 4.

January Transfer window:
Sold Suarez - Bought Fred who look simular to Neymar - Bought Pogba - Bought Cornelius as backup to Giroud - I loaned out Shadrach for half a season to Werder Bremen, he will go straight in to the team in the next season - I reckon. Bought Stambouli my favourite Anchorman. In general I'm using my big talents - Grimaldi left wingback was promoted recently cause Alba broke his leg. Halilovic I'm using in the centre midfield in more easy la liga matches - Maupay is the last striker in the squad currently and are often the backup for Messi. Scuffet is the backup keeper and get a few matches here and their. I get around 20 free players in the next season - all signed to sell or loan - I missed out on Reus - I offered him 8.5m pounds signing on fee and the same for his agent and he still rejected the offer and instead he signed a new contract with Dortmund :(

Team Gel:
Just arrived at strong understanding, but I will continue to go with teamwork in this first season

Fixtures from where its marked:
Tactic is very new and very untested, but it looks good on the pitch - we beat Real Madrid 4-1 away and 3-2 at home, but the team gel is still fairly low, so I expect better performances going forward.

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This is the end:
Again the passion for creating tactics are at a high, but to compare them with other tactics and other tactics achievements wouldn't be fair. I'm enjoying playing with running with ball midfielders and the tank in the middle up front - Giroud are very special and will probably hit 50 goals by the end of the season. I understand you guys are probably playing with other tactics just enjoying the game and such, but this is yet just another alternative to try - so feel free to use it whenever you feel motivated or wanna try something new, but most importantly enjoy fm13 with your favourite tactic.

Cheers and enjoy!!
End of the 2021/2022 season with Real Madrid using Frankenstein 2nd Visit with global mentallity 20 and striker on corners.

View attachment 175020 Almost 200 goals for,not bad at all.

View attachment 175019 I think with I will have the same amount of "scorer players" with the next tactic I will try : Frankenstein GM 20 RWB all by jessaustralia

I played all games in comprensive and is so funny and nice to see. My squad is the youngest of the league and they will be grow up together (well almost all the players) and next season will be funny to see.
All the season with "team work" frame on trainnings.
I will post all my squad for the next season in few minutes,cheers mates ;)