Frankenstein Tactic 3-2-3-2

  • Thread starter Thread starter bwomper
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Hey jes, I am wondering if your bbm 20cf is better than your bbm with three poachers?
Hey jes, I am wondering if your bbm 20cf is better than your bbm with three poachers?
Both are very good tactics,but I think CF20 is more oriented for awesome players teams...I mean (if I remember well) the ofensive players have creative freedom set to 20 so they must be worldclass players or beast regens. I saw very electrical moves with the CF20 version
Hey jes, I am wondering if your bbm 20cf is better than your bbm with three poachers?

It is actually a good question and I can say - I'm pretty sure it is better - The proof is the current save I'm using with Crystal Palace - I have used both tactics one per season since coming back to the game and using my eyes visually looking at the matches playing in England with Attacking movement on for BBM CF=20 I find that to be the winner. My team compared to the team I used with Barca is alot worse, but still a good talented team. I don't get double digits often, but I often win by 7 goals with CF=20 - In Spain that would probably improve a little since their isn't that much difference between England and Spain, except the formations being utilized. It is as Bwomper describe it electrical and I find this to work better than the 442 trippletweaked when visually looking at the matches, but also better in results. Below I will post my current league table and add I won the capital 1 cup and I'm in the CH league quarters and shall play 6th round of yhe FA Cup vs Arsenal - they are in big trouble lol

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This is what I call consistant - my central defenders are not very quick, my best defender has 8 for pace and 9 for acceleration and good mental attributes, he gets 8.6 average rate for the season so far - He's 19. Key is his ability to jump and head. Can't sign any superstar wingbacks - so I have been forced to develop my own - a good tip though is to get a regent that maybe is a winger and good at dribbling and maybe crossing and then retrain him - annoying lol. The two central midfielders I use with Crystal palace - I prefer dribbling beasts - in barca I was actually not looking at that and used the likes of Koke and Pogba, but dribbling beasts can be very good too - ofcause the more allrounded they are the better - The strikers - Should be quick and atleast average strong and the to outer strikers should be more creative - I'm not sure if decisions is such an improtant attribute for a striker, but I look for it when looking at strikers - in the centre striker position I use a tank in this case Lukaku, I think you can get away with a much slower striker in that position. I also train ppm's for all of my offensive players, but less i more as some say - Centre positioned players - run with ball through centre - place shot or shot with power - talented dribbler run with ball often - knock ball past opponent.

Cheers Smiza and good to see you still play the game :)

Both are very good tactics,but I think CF20 is more oriented for awesome players teams...I mean (if I remember well) the ofensive players have creative freedom set to 20 so they must be worldclass players or beast regens. I saw very electrical moves with the CF20 version

Yea both are good - CF=20 logic would be that it would perform better with awesome players - but it can perform well with good players to and I think it can do this a better job than BBM with poachers tactic - So in those terms its a better tactic the CF=20 version. None of these tactics will perform well with Norwich or any underdog team. But maybe a top 10 team can overperform. Nomatter what I have seen them both score 16+ goals against opponents in Spain - But I did have an edited team, but Ossis didn't and managed a 16 or 17-0 win in one of his games and I think it was the CF=20 version. Not entirely sure on this one. My Edited barca team scored 243 goals using the CF=20 - for that to happen - their are extra demands - great corner kick taker and great longthrow taker and ofcause great players/regents - I have 2 of those great regents (anchorman and CM) the rest is good players.

Cheers guys
Great Season is over using Brokeback Mountain CF20 with Crystal Palace

League table

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The Players

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Lukaku a strong season as the middle striker, almost 60 goals - Valenzise SCL a regent talent had a good first season as the first choice in that position and Ongenda as the SCR did as always great - He's fully developed. The midfield and the wingbacks could do better the defence though slow did great - my anchorman my favourite position to develop did a fantastic job - I find it easy to create a star in this position - I have several players who can play here and very young too - just train anchorman from start till end of carreer.

The players in the bottom with no matches are players I promoted for the new season - Forster Fraser the GK haven't played a match yet for several years - poor fella!! :)

I have a wingback with 20 flair and 19 dribbling - brazilian retrained, but his workrate and teamwork isnt the greatest, but would be fun to see someone like that in that position


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My players are much worse than the Barca team that scored 243 goals in another save with this tactic so I find this to be a great achievement - also considering the youth of the team as well. Financially their is alot of problems - thats the biggest challenge yet and then the want to go to a big club lol - but actually Crystal Palace must be counted as a big club by now - winning everything and 4th time in a row English Champion - but this season they won all which is a step up.

Anyway - I wanted to share this because its achievement done in England with an english team.

As geeky as I am I try to collect good resources still - here's another assumption about TIMEWASTE!!!

Copy/Pasted - Post by Lam
Time Wasting - Its more than just wasting time!!


I thought I would start a thread on this as I was posting a little in SFraser's thread about it (seriously worth a read - his thread, not my comments) and I started observing results that were more positive than initially, so I wanted to both share and get some feedback.

First up, some background; I am playing a 442 with Spurs and I am currently using SFraser’s thread 'Tactics: A less is more perspective' as a foundation for my setup. I set up with a 12 mentality for the core of my team with DC's and MCD on -2 and WB's on +2 and I play around with the strikers depending on the match. Most PI's are mixed (in the spirit of SFraser’s thread). In game I make small adjustments according to my assistant manager and you can read more about those changes in my own thread 'I think I am onto something', whose URL is listed in my signature.

For those that follow my, SFraser’s and Heathxxx posts, you will know I am more of a 'lets throw it out there' person rather than 'let’s test this to death'. So, it’s in this spirit, that I have started this thread, I mean, how better to test something than to get most of the forum helping????

Now, my only disclaimer is that I have only tried this in 2 games, yes..... only 2.... please refer to above paragraph.

So.... with all that blathering behind us.... onto the topic of the thread.

I believe that like many people using these forums; 'Time Wasting' was something that you used if you wanted to chase a game or to close it out, i.e. low time wasting and high time wasting respectively. The flip side of this was to see the games either progressing very quickly and very slowly which in turn resulted in both teams either having energy to spare at any given point or not. Obviously the later being with a low time wasting setting.

My initial thoughts on using 'Time Wasting' (will stop using the speech marks soon) was to conserve energy for my team when I am using a fast tempo and high closing down game, this then moved onto a case of thinking that if it was conserving energy for my team then its likely to be doing the same for my opponent.

This line of thinking then moved me onto a new thought.... I could use this to tire inferior teams out or to conserve my own energies when playing superior teams. 'Ah....but that is what tempo does', I hear many of you say! and to a point, I agree. However, through observations I have started noticing that Tempo dictates the pace at which a ball is passed around during play.

Now, this is worth a new paragraph as it’s this interpretation that makes a difference here. When I say 'during play', I do not simply mean when a ball is on the pitch, I actually mean when the ball is in A play (heavy emphasis on 'A'). I.e. when 'something is on', when there is something that can be played out, an opportunity to be had etc etc.......

Once 'in A play' then this is where I believe that tempo comes into effect. The ball will then be buzzed around the pitch or not, depending on your settings. Now, some of you may disagree with me at this stage and that is fine, however, most of you, judging by your posts and by most of the downloadable tactics/comments on these forums will generally use a 'low time wasting game' and because of this you may not have observed what I have observed and I'll get on to why this is shortly.

I started playing with a relatively high time wasting setting, 14 to 16. Whilst generally playing with a high pressure but normal mentality. I setup like this in the middle of a game as the team I was playing against had decided to ‘park the bus’ so to speak.

I want to put pressure around the box without then taking pot shots being wastefull of opportunities. Therefore I made a number of changes to my tactic. I pushed up the defence line, I played very wide (19), I also decided that I didn’t want my wingers crossing into a packed box, so I turned off crossing (that’s a whole other thread!!!!) on both my wingers and wingbacks. With the high mentality that my wingbacks had, I found that I had 7, if not 8 players if the MCD pushed forward, in and around their box. However, I was taking silly pot shots or trying balls that were seriously ‘not on’. Therefore most of this pressure was lost through minor errors, but at a major cost.

At this stage, I then considered the effects of ‘Time Wasting’. Even if you have the highest possible setting for time wasting, your team will still play. Therefore something tells them to play when ‘something is on’. For the more observant of you, you may now see where I am going with this. So, with this in mind, I made a change.

I changed the time wasting from low (as I was trying a high pressure game) to high (16). What this resulted in was my players dallying on the ball a little, not a lot, but a little. However, if something was on, they did NOT dally at all. At 16 notches though, they were getting caught in possession a fair amount so I lowered this to 14 (the highest normal). The results of which were great. The pot shots at goal disappeared (as they did when I moved from low to 16), as did the getting caught in possession. With crossing off to, what was happening was that the team were passing the ball around the outside of the box, taking short runs in and if nothing was on, passing the ball back out.

There are obviously many factors impacting on this. My normal (ish) mentality will have an effect on possession vs. attacking play. However, that aside, what I have witnessed now for two games, is that with a fairly high level of time wasting your team seems to wait for opportunities to play the ball. Once an opportunity arises, you can then see the tempo kick in.

An example of this could be to play a short passing game with high tempo but with high time wasting, the team will play around with it for a bit, making slow short passes back and fourth between each other and then something is on and the pace of the passing seriously picks up.

The reverse is also true, which is why some of you may not have witnessed this (I told you I would explain why). If your time wasting is low, then effectively, your team are not waiting for opportunities to happen, they will play the ball regardless. Now, this is not a bad thing, as any team can ‘make’ something happen. However, to low a setting will see your team forcing things and many of these things will not come off.

I know its only been two games, but so far I have found that the extreme settings of little and lots are great for chasing or closing a game, whereas the mixed settings, high or low are great mentalities to use. A high mixed setting will tell you players to 'wait' for an opportunity, whereas a low mixed setting will tell them to 'get on with it'.

I’ll keep posting back with my observations, but it would be great to get both some feedback, even if it’s your first thoughts and then some factual testing.

The only thing I would say is to fit it in with your style of play. It worked for me as the opposition in both games had packed the box out and I bided my time and something presented itself. If you play a highly aggressive game and the team are not too defensive, then I wouldn’t use the settings I did. Try and think of another combination.

Anyhow….. long explanation for a short statement.


Haha!!! - Thank for that Lam or IAM - So I changed the timewaste to 14 in BBM CF=20 I put all attacking players on passing=20 as well - I took the job as Real Madrid coach I got offered earlier which gave lots of problems cause I only had 17 days to get everything sorted out before the transfer window would close - but even worse everytime I tried to buy a player the club wanted 150m pounds for them - so I had to cheat - to create a team before the first match - so I made a binch of swaps and in the end I bought Crystal palace anchorman regent superstar for 180m pounds wow!!!!! - he's worth it :) -

I play on teamwork currently the team gel is only good - so I can expect crazy things happening once at die for each other - yea setting timewaste to 14 made my new RMA team beat sociedad 8-0 35 chances vs theirs 0 chances - possession was in the late 60's with an allround long pass setting - finishing became more prolific than ever - I'm gonna test this some more to see what happens.

If anyone play with Frankenstein I recommend trying to set timewaste to 14 and see what happens - use comprehensive highligts as well to see if its promising. I recommend trying this with other tactics as well - 14 seems very much like a sweet spot.

Cheers guys​
As geeky as I am I try to collect good resources still - here's another assumption about TIMEWASTE!!!

Copy/Pasted - Post by Lam
Time Wasting - Its more than just wasting time!!


I thought I would start a thread on this as I was posting a little in SFraser's thread about it (seriously worth a read - his thread, not my comments) and I started observing results that were more positive than initially, so I wanted to both share and get some feedback.

First up, some background; I am playing a 442 with Spurs and I am currently using SFraser’s thread 'Tactics: A less is more perspective' as a foundation for my setup. I set up with a 12 mentality for the core of my team with DC's and MCD on -2 and WB's on +2 and I play around with the strikers depending on the match. Most PI's are mixed (in the spirit of SFraser’s thread). In game I make small adjustments according to my assistant manager and you can read more about those changes in my own thread 'I think I am onto something', whose URL is listed in my signature.

For those that follow my, SFraser’s and Heathxxx posts, you will know I am more of a 'lets throw it out there' person rather than 'let’s test this to death'. So, it’s in this spirit, that I have started this thread, I mean, how better to test something than to get most of the forum helping????

Now, my only disclaimer is that I have only tried this in 2 games, yes..... only 2.... please refer to above paragraph.

So.... with all that blathering behind us.... onto the topic of the thread.

I believe that like many people using these forums; 'Time Wasting' was something that you used if you wanted to chase a game or to close it out, i.e. low time wasting and high time wasting respectively. The flip side of this was to see the games either progressing very quickly and very slowly which in turn resulted in both teams either having energy to spare at any given point or not. Obviously the later being with a low time wasting setting.

My initial thoughts on using 'Time Wasting' (will stop using the speech marks soon) was to conserve energy for my team when I am using a fast tempo and high closing down game, this then moved onto a case of thinking that if it was conserving energy for my team then its likely to be doing the same for my opponent.

This line of thinking then moved me onto a new thought.... I could use this to tire inferior teams out or to conserve my own energies when playing superior teams. 'Ah....but that is what tempo does', I hear many of you say! and to a point, I agree. However, through observations I have started noticing that Tempo dictates the pace at which a ball is passed around during play.

Now, this is worth a new paragraph as it’s this interpretation that makes a difference here. When I say 'during play', I do not simply mean when a ball is on the pitch, I actually mean when the ball is in A play (heavy emphasis on 'A'). I.e. when 'something is on', when there is something that can be played out, an opportunity to be had etc etc.......

Once 'in A play' then this is where I believe that tempo comes into effect. The ball will then be buzzed around the pitch or not, depending on your settings. Now, some of you may disagree with me at this stage and that is fine, however, most of you, judging by your posts and by most of the downloadable tactics/comments on these forums will generally use a 'low time wasting game' and because of this you may not have observed what I have observed and I'll get on to why this is shortly.

I started playing with a relatively high time wasting setting, 14 to 16. Whilst generally playing with a high pressure but normal mentality. I setup like this in the middle of a game as the team I was playing against had decided to ‘park the bus’ so to speak.

I want to put pressure around the box without then taking pot shots being wastefull of opportunities. Therefore I made a number of changes to my tactic. I pushed up the defence line, I played very wide (19), I also decided that I didn’t want my wingers crossing into a packed box, so I turned off crossing (that’s a whole other thread!!!!) on both my wingers and wingbacks. With the high mentality that my wingbacks had, I found that I had 7, if not 8 players if the MCD pushed forward, in and around their box. However, I was taking silly pot shots or trying balls that were seriously ‘not on’. Therefore most of this pressure was lost through minor errors, but at a major cost.

At this stage, I then considered the effects of ‘Time Wasting’. Even if you have the highest possible setting for time wasting, your team will still play. Therefore something tells them to play when ‘something is on’. For the more observant of you, you may now see where I am going with this. So, with this in mind, I made a change.

I changed the time wasting from low (as I was trying a high pressure game) to high (16). What this resulted in was my players dallying on the ball a little, not a lot, but a little. However, if something was on, they did NOT dally at all. At 16 notches though, they were getting caught in possession a fair amount so I lowered this to 14 (the highest normal). The results of which were great. The pot shots at goal disappeared (as they did when I moved from low to 16), as did the getting caught in possession. With crossing off to, what was happening was that the team were passing the ball around the outside of the box, taking short runs in and if nothing was on, passing the ball back out.

There are obviously many factors impacting on this. My normal (ish) mentality will have an effect on possession vs. attacking play. However, that aside, what I have witnessed now for two games, is that with a fairly high level of time wasting your team seems to wait for opportunities to play the ball. Once an opportunity arises, you can then see the tempo kick in.

An example of this could be to play a short passing game with high tempo but with high time wasting, the team will play around with it for a bit, making slow short passes back and fourth between each other and then something is on and the pace of the passing seriously picks up.

The reverse is also true, which is why some of you may not have witnessed this (I told you I would explain why). If your time wasting is low, then effectively, your team are not waiting for opportunities to happen, they will play the ball regardless. Now, this is not a bad thing, as any team can ‘make’ something happen. However, to low a setting will see your team forcing things and many of these things will not come off.

I know its only been two games, but so far I have found that the extreme settings of little and lots are great for chasing or closing a game, whereas the mixed settings, high or low are great mentalities to use. A high mixed setting will tell you players to 'wait' for an opportunity, whereas a low mixed setting will tell them to 'get on with it'.

I’ll keep posting back with my observations, but it would be great to get both some feedback, even if it’s your first thoughts and then some factual testing.

The only thing I would say is to fit it in with your style of play. It worked for me as the opposition in both games had packed the box out and I bided my time and something presented itself. If you play a highly aggressive game and the team are not too defensive, then I wouldn’t use the settings I did. Try and think of another combination.

Anyhow….. long explanation for a short statement.


Haha!!! - Thank for that Lam or IAM - So I changed the timewaste to 14 in BBM CF=20 I put all attacking players on passing=20 as well - I took the job as Real Madrid coach I got offered earlier which gave lots of problems cause I only had 17 days to get everything sorted out before the transfer window would close - but even worse everytime I tried to buy a player the club wanted 150m pounds for them - so I had to cheat - to create a team before the first match - so I made a binch of swaps and in the end I bought Crystal palace anchorman regent superstar for 180m pounds wow!!!!! - he's worth it :) -

I play on teamwork currently the team gel is only good - so I can expect crazy things happening once at die for each other - yea setting timewaste to 14 made my new RMA team beat sociedad 8-0 35 chances vs theirs 0 chances - possession was in the late 60's with an allround long pass setting - finishing became more prolific than ever - I'm gonna test this some more to see what happens.

If anyone play with Frankenstein I recommend trying to set timewaste to 14 and see what happens - use comprehensive highligts as well to see if its promising. I recommend trying this with other tactics as well - 14 seems very much like a sweet spot.

Cheers guys​
I will try this on my R.Madrid save (year 2020 I think) with a "all short pass" version of Frankenstein 2nd Visit. Thanks for the investigation jess lol ;)
Well I truely think you will enjoy your matches more - Timewaste=14 gives better longshots though set to rare - Better one on ones, more efficient strikers waiting the extra mili second and buring it behind the keeper - more thought behind passes long and shorter for all players - their is less blocked shots - I think they will pl ay it around more with a shorter passing style and could be very effective when using an overloading formation like Frankenstein -

I switch to attacking movement from teamwork - but I feel they did better when on teamwork so might switch back.

Looking forward to hear how you go

I just play to similar games,one with my short pass frankie version and other with the same version but with waste time to 14. I have screenshots,I will upload them later,but I can say with waste time to 14 I see more safe passes,not a big difference in possesion but less lost balls and similar (in that one game) long shots.


View attachment 183120 View attachment 183119 With waste time in 4 (normal settings)

View attachment 183116 View attachment 183114 With waste time in 14
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I just play to similar games,one with my short pass frankie version and other with the same version but with waste time to 14. I have screenshots,I will upload them later,but I can say with waste time to 14 I see more safe passes,not a big difference in possesion but less lost balls and similar (in that one game) long shots.


View attachment 1017243 View attachment 1017244 With waste time in 4 (normal settings)

View attachment 1017247 View attachment 1017249 With waste time in 14

Try on teamwork or on attacking movement if already using teamwork - I might try Frankenstein in another save as well - I'm certain their is something good in this setting.

Cheers pal
another game:

Without "waste time 14"

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with "waste time 14"

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Now I see more lost balls with waste time 14 than the normal setting lol And more possesion without waste time 14 dont know what to think haha.

Anyway,waste time 14 is a good option for make real oportunities to score ( CCC ) . I only play two games with and without and is the only thing I see similar on both games,more clear cuts with WT14 .But at finish,in my own personal opinion and knowing I just play two games, I dont see a big big diference in my save.

EDIT: Well another thing I see is more key passes from more players with waste time 14 than 4. Just for the more safes passes the players do with more WT
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another game:

Without "waste time 14"

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with "waste time 14"

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Now I see more lost balls with waste time 14 than the normal setting lol And more possesion without waste time 14 dont know what to think haha.

Anyway,waste time 14 is a good option for make real oportunities to score ( CCC ) . I only play two games with and without and is the only thing I see similar on both games,more clear cuts with WT14 .But at finish,in my own personal opinion and knowing I just play two games, I dont see a big big diference in my save.

EDIT: Well another thing I see is more key passes from more players with waste time 14 than 4. Just for the more safes passes the players do with more WT

I tried timewaste 14 for a few matches with both Brondby and Barcelona - I also tried to edit the tempo as well and I have to say I dislike timewaste at 14 and I don't think those guys found anything at all sadly - so when that is said - I vouch very much for the Frankenstein settings as they are - I'm always trying to find new golden tickets to great tactics to see if these can be pushed even further.

Conclusion timewaste is a timewaste lol - not that impormant slider either, but keep timewaste atleast very low if you wanna see something happening.

another game:

Without "waste time 14"

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with "waste time 14"

View attachment 1017252 View attachment 1017253

Now I see more lost balls with waste time 14 than the normal setting lol And more possesion without waste time 14 dont know what to think haha.

Anyway,waste time 14 is a good option for make real oportunities to score ( CCC ) . I only play two games with and without and is the only thing I see similar on both games,more clear cuts with WT14 .But at finish,in my own personal opinion and knowing I just play two games, I dont see a big big diference in my save.

EDIT: Well another thing I see is more key passes from more players with waste time 14 than 4. Just for the more safes passes the players do with more WT

Oh mate I just noticed you got Mastour - are you playing him as a striker? I retrained him, but I'm not sure if I actually like him I can't get above 11 decisions annoying - he plays with a 7.8 average for me and does score goals in that way I like him.

Oh mate I just noticed you got Mastour - are you playing him as a striker? I retrained him, but I'm not sure if I actually like him I can't get above 11 decisions annoying - he plays with a 7.8 average for me and does score goals in that way I like him.

He is a monster AMC in my save,I think he is 8.50 average this season in that position
New tactic New carreer!!!!

TREQUARTISTAR (433)- by Jesaustralia

View attachment 182582

So I created this using the TC - and fitted it with the roles of the original squad of Barcelona - but below I show you whats possible to get if you use praise of transfer targets. Every role train the role they play in - for instance Messi train Trequartista the same goes for Maupay as he is currently the backup for Messi 16y old lol. Neymar Hazard Muniain and also Luis Suarez train inside forward - I wanna see what happens when these players get specialized in the role they have been given - should be good right? :)

The idea actually was brought to life when I researched - how to get the most out of Messi in google and their were some interesting opinions from people having Messi scoring around 60 goals in a season as a Trequartista - so I wanted to create a tactic like that. The trequartistas only edit is the closedown as I want him to chase and win the ball back in this very balanced formation. The tactic is not about possession but about scoring goals - so a direct approach towards the 3 up front with Messi leading the lines and it creates a nice overload on the opponents field. Its lovely to follow how Messi is always onside when he receive a pass in the channels - its also lovely to see when he charge from deep with his perfect dribbling skill and more often than not he scores!!. The 2 inside forwards I want to be either both footed or reverse foot - I got dream inside forwards in the first season in Hazard and Muniain the latter more a back up on the left for Neymar and Hazard probably first choice and Suarez will become a backup - the inside forwards are all about flair and I love that. Iniesta one of the best playmakers of this world I normally sell him but wanted to keep him for this - Koke the deep laying playmaker I was lucky to get him - initially I would have used Wilshere in this position as first choice. Busquets I'm not completely satisfied with his performances yet, but the team gel is only blending well. The only cheat I did was because I accidently adjusted wage budget all the way to the left, but that made the Stambouli transfer go to *****, so I swapped with a youth player. The youth team was set up by swaps too, so thats all cheatin for this save lol, but most of it isn't and I actually could afford Stambouli except I did a mistake with the wage budget.

The results

View attachment 182577

The transfers

View attachment 182581


team cohesion - low intensity - 50% match prep - teamwork till extremely strong understanding/attacking movement when the gel is high - rest day before and after in the 1st team - the youth team don't rest

End words:

I really like this formation - I'm not saying its the best out their, and it has probably been created before without my knowledge, but sometimes tactics is all about the little things, like the corner kick strategy. I find it exciting creating a tactic from the TC that fits the players and can fit many players. Oh I hate you Daniel Alves - 3 red cards or something like that he's a Vidal in disguise - I will sell!!!! :)

Cheers and enjoy if you try this
Im with my Madrid save year 2020 and im starting using an old frankie tweak,called Arrow. I played some games and hey,I didnt remember how good in defensive and possesion terms is this tactic. Not fluid at all and I see very nice play also. I will repost the tactic ,maybe someone want to give it a try. And maybe tweak it for make it better.