Its just for give you another formation to try,here always trying to give you more formations to suit your team
I think is not better than others but not worst too.
Ok some screens shots :
The Formation :
View attachment 779021
( you see Odegaard xD ,I just edit the name and data of a wonderkid of my team to have him on the team

Is a 3331 .
More detaliled info about how it works:
View attachment 779029 Here the 4 more defensive players,the normal 3 CD of the Frankensteins tactics ( the central one is less ofensive ) and the anchorman. He stay back and recover the ball quickly. Play good ball to the attack players and sometimes surprise the rival defence.
View attachment 779035 This is the influence area of the two offensive DMs. They also help to recover the ball and scores a lot of goals.
View attachment 779043 I realy like this line...The 3 players with messi roles...They just do what they want,the AML/R cut inside of go to the end line or...just they do what they want! Total freedom creativity total freedom of movements,score and assist,they move the rival defence and the DM can go for the goal coming from back...have to be the most tecnical players of the team. I retrained some AMC like AML/R so I can use them in all the three positions.
Here an example of player:
View attachment 779055
View attachment 779058 The striker,aka the hunter : Can be a mix of tank player with CF . He can score but is more for make space for the 3 Messi roles and assist them.Go for the second chances also. Dont expect a lot of goals from him,not like with the 2nd visit tactic at least. I see him like a "Benzema" in real R.Madrid.
And here more screenshots about games and league position:
View attachment 779071 View attachment 779074 View attachment 779076