Frankenstein Tactic 3-2-3-2

  • Thread starter Thread starter bwomper
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Its just for give you another formation to try,here always trying to give you more formations to suit your team :D

I think is not better than others but not worst too.

Ok some screens shots :

The Formation :

View attachment 779021
( you see Odegaard xD ,I just edit the name and data of a wonderkid of my team to have him on the team :P)
Is a 3331 .

More detaliled info about how it works:

View attachment 779029 Here the 4 more defensive players,the normal 3 CD of the Frankensteins tactics ( the central one is less ofensive ) and the anchorman. He stay back and recover the ball quickly. Play good ball to the attack players and sometimes surprise the rival defence.

View attachment 779035 This is the influence area of the two offensive DMs. They also help to recover the ball and scores a lot of goals.

View attachment 779043 I realy like this line...The 3 players with messi roles...They just do what they want,the AML/R cut inside of go to the end line or...just they do what they want! Total freedom creativity total freedom of movements,score and assist,they move the rival defence and the DM can go for the goal coming from back...have to be the most tecnical players of the team. I retrained some AMC like AML/R so I can use them in all the three positions.
Here an example of player:
View attachment 779055

View attachment 779058 The striker,aka the hunter : Can be a mix of tank player with CF . He can score but is more for make space for the 3 Messi roles and assist them.Go for the second chances also. Dont expect a lot of goals from him,not like with the 2nd visit tactic at least. I see him like a "Benzema" in real R.Madrid.

And here more screenshots about games and league position:
View attachment 779071 View attachment 779074 View attachment 779076

I started a new carreer with Barca and won almost all first season and is in october 2nd season - have bought alot of players so are having lots of cover for the Frankenstein tactic - I sold out all of my wingbacks - so this is a team that are ready for Frankenstein. My teams team cohesion is not the greatest but gets better and better, so I'm not enjoying the play currently.

I downloaded Arrow and have to say - I love this sort of formation because it smells of balance - So I will give it a shot - unfortunately I sold my best Anchormen, so I don't really have a great anchorman, but I might change this position to a deep laying playmaker - allthough my favourite position in fm13 is the anchorman - easy to develop and works really well in most formations.

My team for Arrow:

Gk Courtois my favourite/Ter Stegen
CDL Zouma/Caulker
CD Dede/Smalling
CDR Kara
DMCL Pogba
DMCR Wilshere/Thiago
AML Neymar/Muniain
AMR Hazard/Shaarawy
CAM Messi/Thiago/Oscar
SC Suarez/Maupay/Lukaku/Messi

As you can see - some alround strong players, but don't show me much at the moment using Frankenstein 2nd visit - but out of Goliath and - 700 I think 2nd visit works best - 3 Messi roles - It can't get much more exiciting than that - looking forward to try it.

Cheers pal
I will be using this - Arrow With DLP

I will say I'm very excited by the use of defensive mentality for the 3 Messi roles - so looking forward to try that.

I'll just add playing with the Arrow tactic using a defensive DLP - watching the matches on comprehensive - its one of the most enjoyable tactics to watch - beautiful play - always a passing option - a feel of outnumbering the opponent - indoor futsal moves - absolutely a great job on this tactic bwomper - Sorry I don't try it before now - I think back when you made it I was doing some projects and couldn't abandon them at that time, but what you created here is real high quality and would have had alot of downloads if in 2013 :)

I'll let you know how I go - need to play some more matches - so far so good its great, and I'm only at good understanding and I'm forced to use teamwork because of that - no attacking movement yet - I think with a great in game team like mine it should create havoc for many seasons.

Cheers - highly recommended!!
Arrow Results Starting From the marked spot against Wien I think they are called

View attachment 181004

I have had two seasons with huge signings so I have not been able to get the team cohesion working for those seasons, so having results like above is a blessing and shows me of a very consistant tactic, I'll be using attacking movement soon. I've noticed players potential ability is different from each game by peaking in the editor fmrte - for instance I have had Maupay being 170 in one game and in this game he is 192 thats really weird. Anyway I only saw it when I doing talent swapping first season, but I was just wondering why this was happening.

Extemely strong understanding has started and I changed to attacking movement as well

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Play picked up double meaning it looks double as good lol - I am seeing some amazing goals from the players - Muniain goes crazy - I have never seen him like this - Anyway all players are doing really good and so good that I feel I could sell Suarez easily without getting hurt by it.

Extemely strong understanding has started and I changed to attacking movement as well

View attachment 1019790

Play picked up double meaning it looks double as good lol - I am seeing some amazing goals from the players - Muniain goes crazy - I have never seen him like this - Anyway all players are doing really good and so good that I feel I could sell Suarez easily without getting hurt by it.

great results,and yes,the best part of this tactic is the way they play almost all the games,great plays and awesome goals. Glad you enjoy it ;)
Beautiful tactic absolutely loving the passing! Can't believe this one didn't get much love, great job bwomper.
can't write much - think i have broken my left ring finger :(

This tactic is so good defensively and I'm certain that it has something to do with AML/R/CAM mentality settings - these settings make this tactic the most consistant choice. However changing CAM to legendary playmakers CAM gets you a much more dangerous CAM and his average rate will be laying around 8.5-9 often, but it will affect defence - the same goes for the wingers/IF's well not that much - I tried to change them to langvatn tribute IF's and they didnt perform that much better, but I think they are very important on a defensive mentality in order to defend well, So whether CAM does something defensive or not - if it does not then legendary playmakers settings for the central CAM.

can't write much - think i have broken my left ring finger :(

This tactic is so good defensively and I'm certain that it has something to do with AML/R/CAM mentality settings - these settings make this tactic the most consistant choice. However changing CAM to legendary playmakers CAM gets you a much more dangerous CAM and his average rate will be laying around 8.5-9 often, but it will affect defence - the same goes for the wingers/IF's well not that much - I tried to change them to langvatn tribute IF's and they didnt perform that much better, but I think they are very important on a defensive mentality in order to defend well, So whether CAM does something defensive or not - if it does not then legendary playmakers settings for the central CAM.

hey mate get better soon!
Global mentality

442 trippletweaked mentality 20

This beat the test in the comprehensive tactic testing thread under extreme teams. I'm very keen to try this with a team - could score incredible amounts with a regent team - it also did better defensively

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Frankenstein mentality 4

Seen this have passes above 100 per player - works very well defensively

Frankenstein mentality 10

I maybe think this is the sweet spot for global mentality in Frankenstein - attacking defensive

Frankenstein global 20 have not been tried.

mentality 4 players are less selfish and they go for indoor moves instead of shooting from every angle.

Finger hurts damnit!!! - cheers guys
Hi guys, thx for still working on this game !

I am using actually the brokeback cf20 on my MLS team . And wow , this is the best tactic i've tried :O Not that much gals scored but too much win ! And great stats each game . My teams have some good players ( for MLs ) but not really op because i just can"t buy top players .

Using teamwork and timewaste 14 . Sorry my game is in French
Hi guys, thx for still working on this game !

I am using actually the brokeback cf20 on my MLS team . And wow , this is the best tactic i've tried :O Not that much gals scored but too much win ! And great stats each game . My teams have some good players ( for MLs ) but not really op because i just can"t buy top players .

Using teamwork and timewaste 14 . Sorry my game is in French

I wanna write 1000 words - can't!! :)

Thanks mate!!! - this game is one of my all time favourites and I don't like future changes made to this game niche - I want fifa match engine incorporated and 1000's of variables for the players for people to enjoy, then I might be interested in buying.

I highly recommend 442 trippletweaked with global mentality of 20 that I tested and are now showing better results than the original. The defence is more insane than ever and the attack is better for sure - this happens due to formation balance and I bet the 4141 rock classic would do well too doing this, alternatively global mentality of 4 and 10 works really good. if you don't care about scoring much a global mentality of 1 will get you players passing the ball 130-150 passes a game

View attachment 180095 View attachment 180094

Download Here

I think the timewaste post was timewaste - it was people feeling they got something amazing because of a few good results - I recommend 97% of the time to keep time waste to the left and very low like most successful tactics :)

Because of what I see with the 442 I recommend 20 global mentality for most tactics - I have never been wowed enough with the 442 before now - this is big words, but I watch every game and it shows dominance and efficiency, with the version I have now posted twice.

Frankenstein and BBM - I feel these tactics needs some sick superstar regents to blossom, but then they also surpass other tactics in both beauty and results. If you continue to use BBM with cf20 I recommend to go with BBM with enhanced poachers instead - I reckon the players will do better for you. BBM is big on high average rates, but so is Frankenstein alot of langvatn tactics isn't, but they are very efficient. This also why I check other tactics how a specific position perform like the centre CAM in legendary playmakers.

Anyway fantastic that you guys are still on this game - it makes it so much easier for me to keep trying things out and release new stuff from time to time.


Ps Arrow with dlp and global mentality of 4 was wow - only thanks to you bwomper this have kept me up late at night lol - genius settings to explore and I feel I can almost translate mentality to "Patience-No Patience" or "left=many passes - right=less passes" or in short - short versus direct - all that done by mentality. Finger hurts lol
Hi guys, thx for still working on this game !

I am using actually the brokeback cf20 on my MLS team . And wow , this is the best tactic i've tried :O Not that much gals scored but too much win ! And great stats each game . My teams have some good players ( for MLs ) but not really op because i just can"t buy top players .

Using teamwork and timewaste 14 . Sorry my game is in French

also training use

team cohesion - low intensity - 50% match prep. - attacking movement rest day before and after ticked

If your team gel is below extremely strong understanding I recommend the use of teamwork instead of attacking movement

Jes "fingerless" australia lol is possible to make mid team with mentality 4 and the other 20 or 10 at least? Like give the defenders a 4 mentality,and ofensive players 20...Well,in arrow tactic the 3 with Messi settings have mentality I dont know what im saying looool
Jes "fingerless" australia lol is possible to make mid team with mentality 4 and the other 20 or 10 at least? Like give the defenders a 4 mentality,and ofensive players 20...Well,in arrow tactic the 3 with Messi settings have mentality I dont know what im saying looool

Haha!! - I still have my finger, but its getting better all the time and it is the ring finger so my writing speed is picking up and yes I think its just sprained not broken, but very swollen.

Yes its possible and it might even be great - it all depends on the formation - and you can even mix up the mentalities
Defence-Midfield-Attack - say you want very patient defence then mentality 1 and midfield maybe 4 and attack maybe 10 or 4 or 7 :) . What's very important is the formation you wanna use. The 4141 would be a very good place to start or the barca formation. Other settings matters too ofcause as always. If using the TC balanced/controll/attacking are good places to look for strategies. Frankenstein is also a great formation you could rewrite a whole new Frankenstein - with Frankenstein I see big possibilities creating a possession tactic arrow even more so. You might even have a chance now to create a great 442 diamond - which haven't been the case yet in fm13. the normal 442 and the trippeltweaked 442 is not formations for possession in my opinion. If you are managing Swansea I think you should try and create a possession style tactic with mentality 4 and shorter passing - I think its important to start by using the TC as a helper and then tick off longshots from all players and maybe alternatively get the players the ppm pass instead of shoot.

What I see is great from mentality 4 - intelligence - like when a striker shoots from a tight angle with high mentality, but he passes the ball when on mentality 4 from tight angles. So I find it possible to create a whole new range of tactics using the mentality slider. Mentality 4 when you want players to be patient and build up play or mentality 10 if you want someone in between.

For strikers If you have really good players mentality 20 will make them very direct and they will be very good at it CR7 will love it. If you are an underdog team it might be wise to incorporate him more in inter passing play 7-10 mentality maybe even 4, but then don't expect 50 goals from this lad, but indoor soccer moves will be made :)

The 3 in arrow set me off to this experiment and I really appreciate that.

Cheers pal
Its late here but its friday so no worries :)

I'm playing with one of my Custom ingame players using Real Madrid and I decided to take it very serious - its 2nd season - I'm using the 442 trippletweaked global mentality 20 - can be downloaded above - lets just say its amazing!!!!!

View attachment 179768

The league table absolutely stunning - the play on the pitch is nice too - I just upset Diego Costa a few matches back and I transfer listed him as a consequence - he hated me when I fined him a weeks wages - ****!! - I have Damiao and Jese to fill the position and actually Maupay as well, but he's not ready yet - Damiao and Jese I don't have alot of experience with, but Damiao in other saves are a goal machine for the teams he plays for and Jese always seems to me like a spoilt kid that complaints, but his attributes are very noticeable and currently he has 20 flair and are a pretty pacey dribbler as well so I decided its time to give the kid a chance and see what it can lead to.

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2 goals conceeded in 20 matches - I'm blown away by this, but look below

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Jeez this makes my sprained finger sing - I don't think I can recall a result like this ever away from home against Barca and better yet - their were no Barca highlights at all - they had a pathetic 2 chances playing at home that has to be a great indicator of something amazing and if you combine the defensive record thats an unbelievable tendency. 6-0 away at nou camp wow!!!!

Anyway Falcao was on the transferlist 27 years old - I'm getting him in the January transfer window for just 13.5m pounds very cheap, Diego Costa will be a big miss though, but the worst happened, when I see a player get red carded and can cost my team the match I fine them even if the game is won later on - he got 2 yellow cards both from unsportsmanlike behaviour - unacceptable.

Cheers guys

The tactic is in that post. Its a 3331 with 3 Messi`s role.

Have a great sunday people

Hey bwomper,

I used your tactic for a short testing with ManCity and I really like the play. It seems to be more solid than 2visit even if you don't have a monster regenteam.

I simulated till 2020 and took over Borussia Dortmund (as I did a few times before). I like them, they have a huge stadium and are not the best team in the league (that's of course Bayern) and the league is a good one but not as hard as the Premier League.

I am going to use your arrow tactic and therefore I have a quick question. What kind of DMs does this tactic support the most? Classic box-to-box? More creative ones?

Have a nice weekend guys!
Hey bwomper,

I used your tactic for a short testing with ManCity and I really like the play. It seems to be more solid than 2visit even if you don't have a monster regenteam.

I simulated till 2020 and took over Borussia Dortmund (as I did a few times before). I like them, they have a huge stadium and are not the best team in the league (that's of course Bayern) and the league is a good one but not as hard as the Premier League.

I am going to use your arrow tactic and therefore I have a quick question. What kind of DMs does this tactic support the most? Classic box-to-box? More creative ones?

Have a nice weekend guys!

Its an anchorman in arrow - but I had to change that to a defensive DLP because I didn't have a good enough anchorman - so a Lars or Svend Bender type - Stambouli would be great as well. Their are not huge differences between the anchor and the DLP except their individual skills are either defender attributes - the anchorman or a little more creative and technical - the DLP.

I would suggest to go with either one and a mentality of 4 in arrow - you should see very intelligent and simple passing from him, so basically its all about individual attributes, they both recycle possession.

The orginal Frankenstein had a width of 5 and was changed to 10. It would be natural if width 5 improved the defensive parts, but would also make the play more congested offensively - so in short terms you open up more the wider it gets and it seemed like 2nd visit was capable of scoring more, maybe a width of 5 works better in England because teams use different formations than the likes of the spanish league for instance.

Cheers and sorry to **** in :)