From Grassroots...

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Feb 15, 2009
Reaction score
a Streaky25 story.

"Peep, Peep, Peeeeeeeeep" sounded the Referee's whistle to the joy of the Romsey faithful. "Championies, Championies, oh lay, oh lay, oh lay" could be heard echoing around the small enclosed Bypass Ground. Romsey Town had just won the Wessex Counties Southern league. Joint managers Francis Benali and Andy Samuels are the names on everyones lips in this small Hampshire village, and will be looking forward to the challenge of Conference South football next season.

Everyone in the South has heard of Francis Benali, who made his name at Southampton, but it's the unkown Samuels that has got people talking. "He's a brilliant talent" said a local.
"What Samuels has done at this club from the Under 6 academy right upto the Under 18 youth team is phenomenal, we are so lucky to have this popular coach amongst our ranks, and all the success is down to him re-structuring the club from top to bottom, where we have installed a certain playing philosophy and footballing pyramid that will help the youngsters develop and end up playing at a very high semi-pro level." added Romsey Town Chairman Phil Rowland.

Andy Samuels, was born 23/09/80 in Plymouth, Devon. Although not the greatest academically, Andy holds Level 1 and 2 F.A coaching badges and also the new FA Youth Module Level 1 and 2. Samuels' passion for Football has taken him from having a Youth contract at Plymouth Argyle through to playing at AFC Totton, Winchester City and Bashley. He has also setup and managed a local village team and led them to three consecutive promotions which led him to being appointed Football Development Manager for Romsey Town. Although involved every day with the coaching of the various age groups and club's grassroot managers, Samuels stepped up to assist Benali with the 1st team, after Benali had been struck down with a short term illness and the two built a fantastic working relationship which led to the latest triumph.

And so my biography story begins...........


I set off on my end of season holiday and what better place to go and unwind than my place of birth, Plymouth. My fiancee wanted a break that didn't consist of football twenty-four hours a day, and although I reluctantly agreed, my mind was in over drive, replaying last nights celebrations and pondering the offer I had to stay on with Benali or revert back to my original role of Football Develoment Manager within the club.
We finally reached my Nan's house after a two and a half hour journey down through Dorset to the West Country. "Alright my lovelies" Nan said as she embraced us both with one of those warm Nan hugs followed by a peck on the cheek. "Come in and make yourself at home Louise. Andrew, you know where your room is." Of course I knew where the room was, I'd come to Nan's near on everyday whilst I was growing up here and it hadn't changed abit.
I gazed out the bedroom window with a big smile on my face, this is where I felt happiest, there were no worries, no struggles, just laid back, slow paced Devon. I got startled by the ringing tone of Nan's phone "ring, ring........ring, ring." I heard my Nan answer it and I knew straight away it was my Mum, after a brief second or two I was summond down to the phone. "Hi Mumsy" I cheekily replied. "Andrew, where was my text to say you arrived safely" Mum responded in the same tone. Before I could reply she started going off "now make sure you help Nanny, offer to go shopping for her......" Eventually the list of chores had stopped and my Dad took over the phone "Good trip Son?" he said, "Yeah all good Popsy, just arrived and was about to text." I said as I sat back in the sofa with my feet up on the poofe and started to eat some of Nan's world famous Mars Bar cake. "The chairman of Romsey keeps calling wanting to speak to you, he says its important. What shall I tell him?" mentioned Dad. "Oh right, well he hasn't tried my mobile, I'll deal with it later anyway, just want to enjoy my break." On that note Dad and Mum said there goodbyes and wished us a good week.
Midway through our mini adventure I received a text from Mum saying "There's 2 large envelopes at home with private and confidential written on them. What do u want to do?" As soon as I finished reading it my phone rang. "Hello" I answered. "Hi Andy, it's Phil from Romsey. Sorry to interrupt your break, but we need to chat quite urgently. when are you back?" I looked at Louise and saw the look. I knew I couldn't cut short our break, she had been waiting all season to get away and I didn't want an arguement. "Erm...won't be back till Saturday Phil, can it wait until then?" There was a silence as if Phil was speaking to someone else "Yes, that's fine, see you at the club Saturday at 5."
What could it be about? What's happened? What have I done? and many more were running through my head. "Maybe football has been banned forever" Louise joked. Although she says she isn't interested and comes across disliking footy, deep down I know she has a little soft spot for my beloved Tottenham Hotspur, though she'll never admit it mind. And she'll always backs me whatever decisions I make within the game. That said I'm struggling to get a football theme into our Wedding at the end of the year.

I pack the Astra up with my bag and Louise's 5 suitcases and give Nan a hug goodbye "Thanks Nan, see you at the wedding, take care." I say. "Aww bye my little treasures, drive safe, see you soon." Smiles Nan as she waves us off. With TalkSport on the radio, as Louise sleeps, I start to think what the meeting later is about, and get a nervous, anxious feeling inside. I park up outside Mum and Dads house, "Why are we here" whispers sleeping beauty. "I need the letters that arrived during the week" I reply as I grab them from Dads hand as he waits on the drive. "Let me know how it goes...." Dad calls as I get back into the car. After a quick thumbs up to him, I drive us back to our home for a quick shower and change before heading to the club.


As I approached the ground the floodlights were still on, lighting up the normally dark car park. I parked up next to the chairmans car and made my way to clubhouse. On route I noticed another two cars parked close by, and again the guessing games whizzed through my head.
"Evening Andy, good break?" Phil greeted me with and a handshake. "Yes, great thanks, all refreshed and ready for the new season" I replied while scouring the room. "Pleased to hear it, you deserved it with all the hard work you have done for the club. I see you have the letters, what are your thoughts?" Phil spoke as he was arranging a table and chairs and putting a jug of water on it. "I haven't looked yet." I responded with curiosity as the clubhouse turned into a meeting room. "Best do it now, quick." added Phil. I gently tore open the first of the envelopes, inside was a letter saying "Dear Andy Samuels, We have been following your progress very closely and are amazed at the succes you have acheived at Romsey Town in such a short space of time. We feel you have all the attributes to become a great manager and become highly regarded throughout the game over the coming years. We have followed up this letter with an approach to your chairman and have asked permission to talk to you about becoming the new manager of Eastleigh Football Club, to replace the retiring Ian Baird. We look forward to hearing from you. All the best. Dave Malone, Chairman.
"Before you say anything open the other one." a now somber looking Phil said. It was another letter, but written differently "Andy, I would personally like to Thank You for all the hard work you have done over the last year from our academy right through to the first team. You have created something we had only dreamed of starting and you will always be a huge part of Romsey Town Football Club. Unfortunately due to the current financial climate, we are unable to fund and continue your role a Football Development Manager. I hope you understand. Your good friend Phil.
I wiped a tear from my eye, all the hard work I had done had been ended there and then. I gave Phil a hug and whispered"I understand, I'm just gutted that's all." Phil hugged me again before replying "We all feel that way, we thought we were onto something big, but unfortunately the sponsors have pulled out and we are left struggling to run the club as a whole. On the other hand what do you think of the Eastleigh proposal?" I looked at the letter again, taking a seat at the makeshift meeting table. "Yeah, sounds good, but I'm intrigued by the other cars in the car park. What else is going on?" Phil walked slowly over to the back of the room and called through two men, one wearing a Saville Row suit and the other in a tracksuit. "Andy, I'm Dale Vince, Chairman of Forest Green Rovers and this is Dave Hockaday, current manager." said the well dressed man as he approached me for a handshake. After the introductions we sat down around the table Phil had organised. "Mr Samuels.....We at Forest Green are under going some big changes at the club and after being told of the current situation here at Romsey, we feel you are the right man to take our club to the next level. Dave is stepping down as he feels he has taken us a far as he can and that the time is right for a new man. What do you think?" I sat dumb struck, on one hand I lost everything I had worked tirelessly for and on the other I had two job offers. Eastleigh were the closest team to where I lived and played in the Blue Square South. Although they have had a few difficulties on and off the pitch, there team was in place to make an immediate challenge for promotion, and it came with the added bonus that a few of my good mates played for them, so I knew the squad pretty well. Then there was Forest Green who were playing in the Blue Square Prem with ambitions to play higher. But there was alot of work to be done within the club and that was something that deep down was putting me off. After digesting everything that had gone on in a crazy forty-five minutes I eventually answered "I'm flattered that you have come all this way, it really shows me what you think of me and that goes with the fantastic offer thats on the table. But if it's ok I would like to take a few days to weigh up what my next step will be." Mr Vince nodded and smiled "Of course Andy, I look forward to hearing from you." We shook hands and they left into the cold Hampshire night. "Good Luck Andy, if you ever need anything you know where I am" said Phil as we both briskly walked towards our cars.


After brushing my teeth and getting into bed, Louise whispered "I believe in you, and will back you whatever you decide." It was as if she was at the meeting. Upon hearing those words I gave her a kiss on the forehead and settled down in the plump duvet and started the intriguing task of deciding what the next step of my footballing journey would be.........

Hi Guys. This is my new story. As my Laptop crashed and I lost my Plymouth Argyle save and story. I now have a brand new Laptop, so have started a new save. Hope you will follow. Look forward to your comments, good or bad!! Cheers. :D
This is a great start! shall be following all the way! :)
The only criticism I have is some more spacing paragraph wise-it seems a bit too cluttered. Apart from that though, looking good. Be watching
great start mate looking forward to next update im following
Thanks for the comments, next update will be today.

ajt09 - Advice appreciated thanks, will break it up more throughout the story.

Cheers Guys, Happy Easter. :D
After a couple of days of deliberating and an interesting meeting with the chairman of Eastleigh Football Club, I was left with the uneasy task of calling both interested parties and informing them of my decision. Even though I hadn't completely made my mind up, the start of the season was just around the corner and both chairmen deserved an answer one way or another. By going to Eastleigh meant we could stay in our current house and be close to family and friends, then with Forest Green it meant either staying on my own, with Louise here on her own or leaving behind everything and starting from new.Finally after a short discussion with my number one agent(Louise that is), I started to type the number of the first chairman into my mobile, still thinking to myself is this the right choice?. "Hello" answered the man at the end of the line. "Hi, it's Andy Samuels" I spoke with a trembly voice. "Ahh Andy, have you made your mind up?" replied the chairman. "Yes, I think so. It's been a roller coaster of a couple of days and one of the toughest decisions I've had to make in a long time. But I've decided to turn down your contract offer and would like to thank you for all your generosity you have shown over the last few weeks." I mumbled back. "No worries, we'll move on. Bye" snapped the voice as the line went dead. I breathed a huge sigh of relief and thought to myself, with that response from the chairman, I know I've made the right career move.

"Beep, Beeeeeeeeeeep"...... "Hello, who's speaking" the muffled voice said. I looked at my watch 10 o'clock, cripes I thought, must've been a good night. "Sorry, hope I haven't woken you, it's Andy Samuels." I confidently said, though shaking like a leaf, hoping I'm not already in my new chairmans bad books. The voice brightened up "Mr Samuels, Sorry about that I'm in Australia on buisness. I've been looking forward to your call. So what's it to be?" Not wanting to run up a huge mobile bill, I responded frantically "I accept, I would be honoured to join your club." The smile grew bigger on my face as I realised this is it, decision made. "That's great, press conference a day after tomorrow at the ground 10am. See you then" he responded.

The following day I started to make my way to the ground, preparing myself on route for all types of questions that were going to be thrown in my direction. I glanced at the clock, 8:30am, as I waited impatiently in the morning traffic. "Don't be late, please don't be late" I kept muttering to myself. How could I be late I don't live that far from the ground, and as always I set off nice and early.


After making my way through the traffic I finally pulled up into the managers space at the ground, where I was greeted with a handful of local press and the clubs chairman, who greeted me by opening my car door and giving me a strong handshake. "Welcome Andy, we have five minutes before we start, why don't I show you around."I followed like a lost sheep, starring in awe at the stadium that was completed in 2007. "This is the starting point of my dream Andy lad, a stadium that is ready for success not only off the pitch, but on it aswell. The pitch itself is the first organic pitch in world and to go with that we have solar panels across one stand to help generate electricity to run the stadium" beamed the chairman as he made his way into the press room.


"Ladies and Gentleman. I'm delighted to announce the new manager of Forest Green Rovers, Andy Samuels" a happy Dale Vince addressed the room.

As I took my seat I was greeted by a small clap, I took a sip of water and a deep breath, knowing that I will be judged the moment I opened my mouth, so first impressions was big thing for me to get right.
Local Reporter: "Mr Samuels, How do you feel?"
Me: "I'm good, thanks for asking" I joked.

** Big Laughter in the room **

Me: "Seriously though, I'm delighted the chairman has put his faith in me to take the club forward."
Local Reporter: "What are your plans for the club?"
Me: "Well I'm going to look at reshaping the club from top to bottom and bring the same playing philosophy throughtout every team here."
Local Reporter: "Is it true you turned down a better salary to join Forest Green?"
Me: "Yes I did, but I felt welcome here and feel this is my chance to make a name for myself using my own beliefs."
Local Reporter: "What contract do you have?
"Dale Vince(Chairman): "I'll take this one Andy, It's a 2 year deal worth £650 a week."
Me: "Thanks Mr Chairman, money isn't my biggest drive. I want to create a legacy in this country and get us competing consistantly at international level."
Local Reporter: "Finally andy, will you be strengthening the squad?"
Me: "No, not at present. I feel we have a good squad here and they will all be given the chance to show me what they can offer."
Dave Vince: "Thanks everyone, that wraps up our press conference. Photos only now."
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Looks good, i'll be keeping an eye out for this.

As I made my way towards my office, I noticed a small group gathered outside my door. As I approached I noticed they all had club tracksuits on. "Hi Gaffer, I'm Gary Seward, Assistant manager and these are the other lads on the coaching team. We have all spoken at length and feel it best we leave the club by mutual consent, to allow you to bring in your own staff. It's a great little club with loads of potential. We wish you the best." He said putting his hand out to shake mine. "Thanks, and I wish you the best in the future too." I responded shaking each individual before the wandered off and disappeared down the hallway.

Right, that has crossed off one of the tasks I had set out to do this week before the lads come back off their end of season break next week. I felt glad that the old staff had come to me and offered to leave, as I felt already that my new regime I was trying to implement was beginning to take shape.
On my desk was a list of candidates that had applied for specific positions, as if the chairman had been advertising knowing that I wanted to bring in my own backroom team. I examined the sheet with a fine toothcomb, and pondered to myself do I get quick fixes or do I go abit more long term with my appointments? Having made the decision to go for a mix of short and long term options, I got to work calling the individuals I wanted as part of my new look backroom team.


New 'Forest Green Rovers' manager Andy Samuels has wasted no time in stamping his mark on the club. Following the previous staff regime leaving the club by mutual consent. Samuels has brought in Martin O'Connor as his Assistant. O'Connor(pictured left) has signed a one year deal, but brings with him a wealth of experience from his time at Birmingham and Walsall. Steve Jones has been named as Fitness Coach, and Samuels believes Fitness will be a big factor in the clubs success this season. Jones had penned a two year deal. Also, completing a similar deal is Physio Steve Whitehall who will bring a wealth of medical knowledge to the 'New Lawn'. The final pieces to Samuels' staff are Coach Phil Gilchrist, Goalkeeping Specialist Andy Oakes and Scout Mal Liptrott.
Samuels will be hoping these fresh faces can bring a change in fortunes for the Gloucester based side, who kick off their season in just under a month away to Kettering Town in the Blue Square Premier.

I welcomed my new recruits the over the following days and set about contacting the players who I feel will be vital to the club moving forward and offered them new long term contracts. There were six players I targetted to tie them down to extended their current deals with four of them key to what I would be trying to achieve. The four names were James Rowe, Eddie Oshodi, Kieran Forbes and Al Bangura. With Jamie Turley and Jared Hodgkiss being the other two players. After the new terms were faxed to their relevant management companies, I packed up my stuff, grabbed my bag and looked forward to my hour commute back home to see Louise.
Then next week I would be meeting the players for the first time, as the hard work really starts in earnest.




Following on from his latest exploits bring in a new backroom team, Forest Green boss Andy Samuels has now been busy securing the long term futures of the clubs hottest prospects. Eddie Oshodi(pictured above left) has signed a new four year deal, while injured midfield star Al Bangura(pictured above right) has put pen to paper on a new three year contract. Other players signing new deals are midfield duo James Rowe and Kieron Forbes, who have signed new four and three year deals respectively and defenders Jared Hodgkiss and Jamie Turley who have sealed three year extensions.
Forest Green kick off there pre season at home to Aston Villa Reserves next Tuesday night, when the Forest Green supporters can finally see their new look management in action.
After arriving back at my rented accomodation, I received a phone call from Louise, who to my delight has decided to move down here. She has quit her job in PR and has decided to set up her own Cafe/Bistro shop. Hearing that news I felt that I could properly 100% concentrate on whatI plan to do at Forest green and also it will give me alot more time to relax and enjoy some non football time with my future wife.
Anyway back to the job in hand. After hanging up from Louise, I started to contemplate what I was going to focus on at training in the morning. I wanted something fun, but with a high intensity, as this was the tempo I wanted to set in our matches. Also, I wanted the lads to appreciate the philosophy I want to stamp on my systems that we would be using throughout the season according to our opponents. And more importantly I wanted to build a team bond, where everyone trusted each other.

I woke up with an excited feeling inside me, this is it I thought to myself the first step into management, something I've worked so hard for and dreamed of. It was the players first day back and my first glimpse of the squad I had inherited from the previous manager.
As I approached the training ground I could see the lads had already arrived, looking eager and ready to go. One thing that caught my eye though, was two of the players were standing quite a distance, from the main group. What's thsi all about? I thought to myself as I decided to sort out whatever issue they may have had. "Hi lads, I'm Andy, your new manager, everything ok?" The smaller of the two boys snapped "Not really, were not happy with what you are planning to do, and We both feel the old gaff, is better than you could ever be." Startled by the confidence of the young man, I took a step back and deep breath before responding in a gentle voice "O.k boys, I understand if you feel that way, I will place you both on the transfer list and you can leave now." As I turned and calmly walked towards the bunch of players that looked happy to see me, a different voice called out at me "But, but gaffer, we don't want to leave, we just feel we deserve a first team place and and....." I raised my finger to stop him and started wagging it towards the pair "Boys, you've made it very difficult for me to allow you back into the group, I don't want trouble makers like you at my club. First impressions are the key for me, and you boys have blown it, now leave" I snapped back and finished off my walk to meet and great the first team squad.


During the keep ball session I had set up for the lads, Martin O'Connor came to me with a phone call. "Cheers Martin, keep an eye on the lads will you, I'll take this over there." I said as I took the phone and wandered towards the changing rooms. "Hello..." I replied. "Andy, is Mr Vince. I just want you to know you have my full backing over the incident that soured your arrival this morning. Both Chris Allen and Matt Taylor have been transfer listed and will not play a part at this club in the near future. It's a shame as the young lad Taylor is highly regarded, but does have an attitude problem and unfortunately Chris Allen follows him like his little puppet. Anyway, won't keep you any longer. Speak soon."
On my way back over to training, I thought "Brilliant, a chairman that trusts my every decision and leaves me to do what I want." Just the backing I wanted.

At the end of the two hour session I gathered the squad round and told them the ideas and plans I had for the club and went through our upcoming pre season fixtures. As I was about to dismiss the team, a voice spoke "Gaffer, I speak on behalf of all the lads here, that we will give everything in training and matches to give you the best shot in transforming our club." It was club captain Jared Hodgkiss. " Thanks Jared and the rest of you, here's to a big season. Now see you here tomorrow, same time." I responded in a passionate manner.




It's been an extremely busy start to life as Forest Green's new manager for Andy Samuels. Having spent the last couple of weeks bringing new staff to the club, he is now welcoming a new signing to the playing staff. Joining Rovers is French star Sebastian Carole who has joined on a free transfer. Carole, a left winger, has previously played for Monaco, Leeds and Brighton is hoping to reignite his career with the Blue Square Premier outfit.
Less than happy news for Samuels is the discipline action taken against two of the clubs younger players, most notably rising star Matt Taylor. Both Taylor and Chris Allen have been transfer listed by management and have been told to look for new clubs, after an altercation at training at the start of the week.

Despite the early dramas of the week, the first team squad trained superbly for the rest of it, to set us up nicely for our pre season matches over the coming weeks. It gave me the chance to try out my preffered system of 442, and my back up of 433 and allow me to fully utilise the squad, so I can look to get a strong starting eleven in place in two weeks time and our first league game against Kettering.

The New Lawn. Att: 221


Our first chance to impress the locals tonight and it was a game that didn't disappoint. I was pleased with how we started and deserved to take the lead through Reece Styche(25') who keeps impressing me in training. The lead didn't last long as Callum Robertson(27') got Villa back on level terms. Only for Styche(29') to get our noses in front again, by deflecting a header into the net to wrong foot the keeper. At the break I changed our entire starting line up and it seemed to have worked as Liam Henderson(65') slotted home after good work by Seb Carole. The scoring hadn't finished there unfortunately for us as first Michael Drennan(73') and then Josh Barton(87') got Villa a draw in the closing stages.

Corinium Stadium. Att: 119


Today was the first of two games against affiliated clubs to us. The match started how I wanted it with us taking the game to our opponents and we got our rewards in quick succession when Reece Styche(26', 28') scored a quick fire double. He was then on hand to complete his hattrick as Styche(45') slammed the ball home on the stroke of half time. I again made wholesale changes and it took a while for us to get our rythm going. We had a scare in the last ten minutes of the game with Craig Regis(81') and then a minute later Matthew Main(82') pulling Cirencester to within a goal. The fright was short lived when Jamie Turley(91') rose highest to head home at the death.

Meadow Bank. Att: 167


The last of our games against our feeder clubs and we made the short trip to the Meadow Bank stadium. After his scoring exploits in the last game I decided to rest Reece Styche and give a couple of other fringe players the chance to impress. Sure enough the changes paid of as both Michael Uwezu(19') and Liam Henderson(54') got themselves a goal each to seal the win.

Kayte Lane. Att: 78


Our last pre season game this evening saw a very entertaining game and also reminded me that our defending needs to be worked on alot if we are to aim for our top half finish. Going forward we enjoy creating chances and that was shown when Eddie Oshodi(32') slid home from a corner. There was some bad news to follow for Oshodi, as he was stretchered off just before half time. The loss of a key player seemed to shock us as two quick Kevin Wilson(63', 66') goals put the home side in front and again showed our defensive frailties. It looked like we were facing our first defeat of pre season but striker Tommy Wright(75', 85', 91'pen) had other plans as he bagged himself a fifteen minute hat trick to complete a great come back.




Andy Samuels is facing a mini injury crisis in the lead up to his first competitive game in charge of Forest Green. Young defender Eddie Oshodi has picked up a groin injury and faces upto three weeks on the sideline and new signing Sebatian Carole is also struggling to be fit for the Kettering game on Saturday as he battles with a strained wrist. Manager Samuels has ruled Oshodi out completely, but remains upbeat that his French winger could play some part at the weekend.

On reflection of our pre season games I'm pretty happy with the displays I saw. The attacking mentality in the side is unreal, and we look a real threat each time we go forward, especially young Reece Styche who I believe could be up among the top scorers at the end of the season. It's defensively that I have a couple of concerns especially now I'm without Oshodi, who like Styche, will be a key player at the other end of the pitch for us throughout the season. The defence is what we will be working hard on over the coming days before the season finally kicks off.


The last few days went really quickly, as myself and Louise spent a couple of days after training looking at houses to buy. And before I knew it our first league game had arrived.
We left our stadium car park where I got the squad to meet and made our way to the team bus to embark on our journey to Kettering. On the the journey to the stadium, myself and Martin O'Connor went over th starting line up and relevant set piece instructions.
I was last off the bus, as a superstition that has always stayed with me, though this gave me a few minutes to prepare myself for what is arguebly the start of my biggest career challenge to date and boy was I confident I could create something special.


Nene Park. Att: 1.986


An absolute thriller for the neutrals today, and after stressing to the boys the importance of defending well away from home it flew out the window in this game. Danny Mills(3') got the home side off to a great start when he slid home after confusion in our defence. We did keep passing the ball and keeping posession in good areas despite the early set back. We were rewarded with our play when Tommy Wright(22') equalised with a neat volley. I was hoping to go in level at half time but Kyle Asante(44') dashed those hopes, when again he capitalised on poor defending to slot home. After trying to get the belief back into the players, the second half was very end to end. A Sol Davis(74') own goal looked to have swung the momentum back in our favour, but then came a crazy last fifteen minutes. Kettering were awarded a dubvious penalty on 78 minutes, but to my relief Aman Verma blazed over. Thinking maybe we could get a winner, Kyle Asante(80') sent the home fans wild when he scored his second of the game. Then it was our turn to equalise with a Yan Klukowski(83') header to send our splattering of fans wild. It looked like we would be heading for a draw until Liam Henderson, who came on as a late sub, wriggled through their defence and slipped the ball to Reece Styche(91') who passed the ball into the open net to start crazy scenes on our bench.


The New Lawn. Att: 1.089


Having spent the whole week in training work on defending scenarios, we went into our first home game of the season bouyed by the incredible comeback at the weekend.
We set our stall out right from the off, passing the ball with some slick one two passes and quick attacks, but it wasn't through one of these plays that opened the scoring. Kieron Forbes(22) picked the ball up out wide on the right and swung a hopeful cross into the box, that flew over the keeper and into the far corner of the net. I had Sebatian Carole back for the game today, but he had to settle for a place on the bench, as I kept faith with young James Norwood. And it was Norwood who got our second when he headed home from inside the six yard box after his first header hit the bar.
More updates later including current league table. Am off to Spurs game now, so will write up other games tonight. Cheers.

Stonebridge Road. Att: 1,334


We controlled the game straight from kick off as we went into the game full of confidence following our two successive wins and Kieron Forbes(27') put us in front with a well taken finish. Despite creating more chances, we were punished for not taking them as Nathaniel Pinney(74') got Ebbsfleet back into the game and thats the way it ended.


The New Lawn. Att: 1,407


This was our best performance so far, as everything we had been working on so hard during training came off and also possibly a new strike partnership. I brought Michael Uwezu in for the tired Tommy Wright in the only change to my starting line up. Jamie Turley(5') guided a header into the net from a good corner by Seb Carole. Turley has been fantastic so far and I feel he can form a great understanding with Oshodi. My front pair linked superbly with a great one two, leading to Reece Styche threading the ball into the path of Michael Uwezu(27') who was through on goal and he made no mistake slotting past the oncoming keeper. With the boys leading comfortably at the break, I stressed to them calmly to keep going and don't let their performances drop. Those words were taken on board as Reece Styche(46') extended the lead and put the game out of reach.


Bootham Crescent. Att: 2.936


On paper and previous encounters this looked to be our toughest challenge, but unbeaten in four games I had confidence the team could cause an upset. Sticking to the same eleven as the previous game we again took control and created numerous chances but failed to make any count.

Eddie Oshodi(35') made the break through as he powered home a header from a corner. For the remaining part of the half York wasted two great chances to get on level terms, giving us a warning that the game wasn't over. Again my team talk was simple, just encouraging the boys to keep doing what they have been. And it worked again, as that man Reece Styche(48') doubled our lead from close range. The game petered out shortly after and it gave me the chance to make a few changes, which saw the game out in our favour.


The New Lawn. Att: 1,090


Going into the final game of the month and we remained unbeaten and still I felt there was no need to change our recent starting eleven. Like in recent games we started off in control and took a deserved lead when Seb Carole(7') grabbed his first of the season. Our attacking was relentless and soon reaped the benefits when five minutes later Reece Styche(12') continued his good form infront of goal. We went in at half time two up, thanks to some great play and performances. With the confidence sky high I wanted us to get a few more goals and even though I didn't make any changes we had to wait until Michael Uwezu(82') to finally put the game to rest.
To be unbeaten in my first month in charge is a fantastic feeling. Yes, there is a long way to go but the boys have shown complete faith in the changes I've made and have fitted in superbly with the style of football I'm wanting us to play. The most pleasing aspect so far is the improvement of our defending and it shows that the lads have knuckled down and want to better themselves aswell as helping the team as a whole.


Also, on another positive note, Myself and Louise have bought are house and we hope to finalise the paperwork over the next few days, ready to move in next week inbetween some key matches for the club.


Edgeley Park. Att: 3,173


With our recent performances we had started to make other teams take notice of us more and realise we definately weren't in the league to make the numbers up. For the first time since taking over a team got the better of us in the first half and despite us creating the odd chance here and there, we couldn't get into our rythm. Tom Elliott(37') scored from close range to give Stockport the lead and he doubled their advantage soon after when Elliott(43') stabbed home again from close out. This made me face my first difficult talk at the break, and I felt that the boys needed to get back their confidence and keep playing the way we had in the previous weeks and the chances would arrive. Sure enough we didn't have to wait long to get back on level terms, Eddie Oshodi(49') headed home to make the deficeit only one goal and two minutes later Seb Carole(51') scored a right foot volley to level the scores. From then on we pressed and pressed looking for a winner, but in the end had to settle for a point.


Racecourse Stadium. Att: 3,068


Our second away game in three days and we made our first visit to the Glyndwr University Racecourse Stadium to play Wrexham, a team that many believe will be challenging at the top come the end of the season. It looked like maybe we could upset the bookies as Kieron Forbes(40') gave us the lead against the run of play, when he swept home from a Chris Stokes cross. Our lead didn't last long, as Wrexham's key players took control of the game. Firstly Glen Little(42') headed the home side level to send both teams in at the break drawing one all. A few of my players looked to be struggling, whether through tiredness or nerves I couldn't pinpoint the problem, and as we were second best throught the first half, I made three changes at half time to hopefully reignite the team. But it didn't work unfortunately and Dean Keates(56') finished a flowing counter attack to put the hosts in the lead. Player-Manager Andy Morrell(68') got on the scoresheet to confict us to our first defeat.


The New Lawn. Att: 1,314


We now had three home games in a row, and it was my chance to see how the team would fair following our defeat at the weekend. The lads showed no hangover as we bounced back to record our biggest win of the season so far. Kieron Forbes(14'), Reece Styche(18') and Michael Uwezu(22') showed their were no nerves as we raced into a three nil lead in the first third of the game. Sub James Norwood(52') sealed the win with his first goal of the season.


The New Lawn. Att: 900


The longer this game went on, the longer I thought it could be two points lost, even though its eary in the season. Braintree were down to nine men after 56 minutes and despite us creating chances when they had eleven on the pitch, with nine we found it more difficult. Until up stepped midfielder Jamie Collins(75') who latched onto sub Al Bangura's, who was making his first appearance, theough pass, rounded the keeper and rolled the ball home.
Three vital points, and as long as we win games, I'm always happy.


The New Lawn. Att: 1,312


Our last game of the month saw us entertain a Kidderminster side going well in fifth place, so I knew we had to be on our game to get a positive result this afternoon.
After the usual pep talk to the boys we started the game on fire carving out numerous chances, when eventually Jamie Turley(25') headed home a corner. "Keep Believing" I said to the lads at half time, and we carried on the second how we ended the first half and got our rewards with James Rowe(74') running through unchallenged to smash home our second. Nick Wright(80') pulled a goal back after a mix up in our defence, just after I made a couple of subs. One of those subs, James Norwood(84', 91') grabbed two well taken goals to put the game out of reach.

Another amazing run this month and we sit four points clear at the top with the team playing superb at present. I'm still pleased with our defence, only conceeding ten in eleven matches which is largely down to the form of Jamie Turley and Eddie Oshodi.
On a quite worrying aspect, I received a fax from our financial director who informed me that we are currently £185,538 in the red. Although not great, the chairman knows this is mainly down to the new backroom staff I have brought in and the signing of Seb Carole. He also realises that without them, we wouldn't be where we are currently. I'm confident it won't spiral too much out of control and we will reap the benefits come the end of the season.
This month was going to be a difficult one I thought after looking at our fixtures. I have been playing virtually the same eleven each week, so I decided to give the squad a mini 3 day break to help recharge the batteries to help go towards hopefully continuing our great start.



Newport Stadium. Att: 1,880


A trip to Wales this weekend to face Newport and their Manager Justin Edinburgh who decide to put myself and the team down in the papers this week. All I did was put up the paper cutting on the board in the changing rooms and that was enough to motivate the lads. Michael Uwezu(24') fired us into the lead and silenced the home crowd. Newport got back into the game in the second half, when Darryl Knights(65') was allowed to run clean through and slotted the ball into the corner past the outstretched James Bittner. It looked like we had to settle for a draw until Reece Styche(82') clinched the winner with a fine right footed effort from eighteen yards.


The New Lawn. Att: 1,507


We suffered our first home defeat of the season against troubled Darlington who were sitting second from bottom. It didn't help going a goal down inside three minutes as Jamie Turley(Own Goal 3') unfortunately deflected a long range effort past James Bittner to give the away side a confidence they had been missing. Darlington doubled their lead when Matthew Fletcher(20') was unmarked at the back post and he made no mistake stabbing the ball into the net. We responded immediately Jamie Collins(21') headed home a great cross from Michael Uwezu. Something that has happened quite regular lately continued as we failed to find a more killer instinct in front of goal to get us a point or more.


Blundell Park. Att: 2,059


This was the first of three difficult games to end the month of October and although our opponents were outside the playoff places I knew it would be a struggle. On a dry, clear evening the first half ended level without any chances at either end. The second half start off more exciting and Grimsby's leading scorer, Liam Hearn(56'), gave them the lead after calmly placing the ball under our keeper and into the net. I was worried that we weren't creating any chances and thought we were facing a second loss in the face. But Jamie Turley(61') rose highest at the back post to head home a Seb Carole free kick. Our only effort on goal and we got back on level terms. The remaining thirty minutes were one way traffic as Grimsby couldn't find the winner, much to my relief.


The New Lawn. Att: 1,477


We went into this on the back of a poor run of games, but so did our moneybags opponents, so it was no surprise that this match ended all square although I was the manager who was less than happy. Jamie Turley(3') got us off to a flyer with another trademark header. Turley's defensive partner Eddie Oshodi(28') got himself on the scoresheet and doubled our lead and we looked good to extend it further, but as before chances came and went and we couldn't add to our tally. Our reliable defender Oshodi then undid his hard work as he dallied on the ball and let in Jamie Vardy(43') who with his eye for goal doesn't give up chances laid on a plate. It was Vardy(48') again who scored the equaliser just after half time. Then it was just a case of end to end football, with both teams squandering chances to get three points.


Field Mill. Att: 2,247


Another difficult game against another side who are the bookies favourites to be involved in the promotion race at the end of the season. We looked like we lacked confidence today and it showed throughout the game. Our defence deserve alot of credit today as we defended brilliantly to hold onto a point. This game is definately a point gained, not two lost.


4th Qualifying Round
The New Lawn. Att: 1,171


A nice break from league action today and a tie that we were huge favourites to win. Even though we were, I had to make sure we stayed grounded and didn't think we just had to turn up and that would put us in the next round. With Luton away next in the league I made seven changes and it took awhile for us to get going. Paul Terry(17') put the underdogs ahead with a bullet header. That set back finally kicked us into shape and we came back and took the lead in the space of ten minutes. James Norwood(40') equalised with a floated header and Yan Klukowski(49') put us ahead with a fine left foot shot. We extended our lead, and booked our place in the FA Cup first round, when inform defender Jamie Turley(75') scored our third.