Gta Iv

Wow, really does look good. Deffo gonna buy it.
is it just me or did it all look very "sim-city" with all the buildings etc?

still looks immense though - the attention to detail in this series is really good with the sets and characters. i kinda hope they make it so the story is based on what you do and choices you make so the story has a few different routes it can take so if u ever start a new game its not exactly the same and you feel like you have some influence over your character

but yeah looks class and im sure it will be
ooooh thats luks rather gud......definate purchase one thinks....
Pfft nowhere near enough explosions in that trailer...I'll still be buying it though. Saints Row (Xbox 360) was a good game and I recommend it for anyone who has a GTA craving that can't wait 6 months.
GTA IV Game Informer Preview Pages --> Here

Some nice info for you GTA lovers.
Looks class i will def be getting it and Sean what is Saints Row about?
stole it back from the gf so i shall try and get it.
Looks class i will def be getting it and Sean what is Saints Row about?

It's basically all the good things to do with GTA with a few 'why didn't they think of thats' thrown in :D

It's being released next month on the classics platform so you will be able to get it for under £20 and probably a lot cheaper if you buy a preowned copy.

I do recommend it, it's easily my most played game after Pro Evo mainly because it's just awesome blowing stuff up hehe :bomb:
I really have not played my xbox that much but im going to start now im sick of fm.
Some new screenshots...





Think I might get this GTA, if I have a PS3.
Yup it really does look amazing. It uses the same engine as the Table Tennis game and I thought the visuals in that were pretty outstanding so I really cannot wait for this.
Gameplay movie

Looks alright, nothing special though. No wonder there havn't been any official gameplay videos out.
ive just purchased a 360 for this game! got it preordered cant wait, got some work out the way early so i have a spare week to nail it!
Good plan Sam.

My first 2 exams are a week after the release so might not get much gaming done :(
its leaked.

im seriously considering getting a loan/overdraft to buy the xbox